Don Lavoie Fellowship

If selected, participants receive a total award of $1,250 that includes a stipend, all of the materials for the program, and mentor advice from scholars who are engaged in contemporary research in the field.

As all programming is being conducted virtually, which means that students from around the world can participate as long as they are able to attend all of the virtual sessions and fit the eligibility criteria. These sessions are facilitated by scholars from the prestigious Hayek Program at George Mason University, giving participants an incredible networking opportunity and access to field experts while participating in a flexible program that allows for students to work an additional job or take classes throughout the program.

Eligibility: First-year Undergraduate (Freshman), Second-year Undergraduate (Sophomore), Third-year Undergraduate (Junior), Fourth-year Undergraduate (Senior), Alum (undergraduate), Graduate Student, Alum (graduate)
Minimum GPA:
Deadline month: March
Program Website