Wellstone Fellowship

The Wellstone Fellowship is a year-long, full-time, salaried position. The Fellow will be engaged in health care advocacy work in Families USA’s office in Washington, DC, where he or she will learn about Medicare, Medicaid, efforts to achieve universal coverage, and other important health policy issues. Specifically, the fellow will be engaged in Families USA’s outreach to and mobilization of communities of color. At the same time, the Wellstone Fellow will learn about conducting health care campaigns through communication and collaboration with our network of state grassroots advocates and organizations. The ideal candidate will express an interest in social justice work and in working with communities of color. Additionally, we are looking for an individual who displays the potential to continue to contribute to social justice work after their year of hands-on experience. There is no bias in favor of any academic discipline, although we prefer that the fellow have a college degree.

The fellowship will last one year, and Fellows will receive a compensation package that includes an annual stipend of $38,000 and excellent health care benefits.

Eligibility: Graduate Student
Minimum GPA: N/A
Deadline month: January
Program Website