
Now entering its 12th year, the award-winning California JusticeCorps program recruits, trains and places over 270 undergraduates and recent graduates in court-based self centers. The ability of individuals facing family, housing, financial and personal safety crises to access the legal system and understand and safeguard their rights is vital to achieving economic self-sufficiency and promoting community stability. To help improve access to justice and ensure fair outcomes for all, California has committed to doing more to help people who need to resolve important civil legal issues but don’t have professional representation. Minimum-time members commit to 300 hours during an academic year in self-help centers. In return, they receive approximately 30 hours of training as well as a education award when they complete the program. The program also offers full-time service opportunities in Los Angeles, the Bay Area, and San Diego.

Full-time members serve 1,700 hours and receive a $20,000 living allowance throughout their one-year term of service.

Eligibility: Fourth-year Undergraduate (Senior), Alum (undergraduate), Graduate Student, Alum (Graduate)
Minimum GPA: N/A
Deadline month: Varies
Program Website