
Camphill is an international movement of intentional communities designed to meet the needs of children, youth and adults with developmental disabilities through a combination of community life, the arts and work on the land. There are over 100 Camphill communities worldwide, and 12 communities throughout the U.S. (California, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont) and Canada (British Columbia and Ontario). In each Camphill community Ð whether a children’s village, a community for young people finding their way into adult life, or communities that provide opportunities for adults Ð people live together in house communities. Members of the house community share in the daily life and tasks of the house, and engage in work at school, on the land, in one of the craft workshops or providing some other service.

Program and volunteer benefits vary. Select programs offer college loan assistance, as well.

Eligibility: First-year Undergraduate (Freshman), Second-year Undergraduate (Sophomore), Third-year Undergraduate (Junior), Fourth-year Undergraduate (Senior), Alum (undergraduate), Alum (Graduate), Graduate Student
Minimum GPA: N/A
Deadline month: Check Website
Program Website