Care USA Interns & Fellows

CARE USA welcomes and encourages students who are interested in making a difference in the world to consider pursuing an internship. The internship program seeks to provide closely monitored, project-driven professional and practical experience for undergraduate and graduate students interested in contributing to substantive CARE projects and initiatives. Important networking opportunities are also provided through participation in orientations and trainings that will include information on CARE’s history, vision, and where individuals from within the organization will share more in-depth information on certain programs. Interns are placed domestically either at CARE USA Headquarters in Atlanta or in US field offices.

Program benefits vary.

Eligibility: First-year Undergraduate (Freshman), Second-year Undergraduate (Sophomore), Third-year Undergraduate (Junior), Fourth-year Undergraduate (Senior), Alum (undergraduate), Alum (Graduate), Graduate Student
Minimum GPA: N/A
Deadline month: Varies
Program Website