Hertog Constitutional Studies Program

The Supreme Court unites us. That was the point. In a nation governed by the rule of law under a federal constitution, judicial administration of that constitution could not be left scattershot to 13 state supreme courts, let alone 50. So we established one court, supreme to all the others, singularly capable of unifying our rule of law.

And the Supreme Court divides us. That is unavoidable. A case involves two sides—one wins, one loses. And precisely because the Court was made to decide cases of national consequence, its decisions stir outrage, and have from the start.

This program examines American constitutional law and the controversies it has occasioned in light of America’s constitutional history, institutions, principles, and statesmanship. Led by legal expert Adam J. White, the program will also feature guest lectures from Supreme Court advocates, leading legal scholars, and judges who will bring their practical experience to bear on key constitutional questions.

All fellows receive residential accommodations and a $500 stipend to offset travel and living expenses.

Deadline: The early application deadline is Monday, January 15, 2024. The final application deadline is Monday, March 4, 2024.

Program Website