National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP)

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP) is seeking highly motivated graduate-level students to grow as the next generation of nuclear security leaders.

Our year-long, salaried fellowships offer:

Hands-on experience in nuclear security and nonproliferation
Career development, professional networking, and specialized training events
Extensive interaction and collaboration with leading national security technology and policy experts.
NGFP is administered by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and sponsored by the NNSA, a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S. Department of Energy, to provide students with training and practical experience that contribute to a safer world.

NGFP Fellows receive competitive salaries, benefits, and other incentives including: annual salary: $66,200 ($77,800 for post-doctoral Fellows), hiring incentive: $4,000 (taxed), medical benefits, vacation and holidays, tuition reimbursement (criteria apply), training, professional development, and networking opportunities, $10,000 travel/training allotment.

Eligibility: Graduate Student, Alum (undergraduate), Alum (Graduate)
Minimum GPA: 3.2
Deadline month: October
Program Website