Rhode Island Department of Health Public Health Scholars

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) welcomes students looking for experiential learning opportunities with practicing public health professionals in Rhode Island. RIDOH Public Health Scholars (previously referred to as interns) are challenged to apply what they have learned at school to help create innovative solutions to public health problems. Students gain insight about the multiple disciplines contributing to public health, and work within teams to develop policies, programs, and interventions that impact many Rhode Islanders. RIDOH Public Health Scholars are an important part of the RIDOH workforce – each year, up to 100 scholars gain valuable public health experience that influences their future careers.

Projects may include:
Development of public health messages
Planning, development, implementation, or evaluation of public health efforts
Performance of work-flow analysis
Design and administration of surveys and collection and analysis of datasets
Preparation of reports or assistance in writing program plans, measures, and strategies.

RIDOH Public Health Scholars can be compensated through a variety of methods depending upon the resources of the sponsoring RIDOH program. These methods include scholar experiences for academic credit, volunteer experience, or payment. RIDOH hosts a limited number of paid Scholars; however, we encourage Scholars to volunteer or request academic credit at your college or university.

Eligibility: First-year Undergraduate (Freshman), Second-year Undergraduate (Sophomore), Third-year Undergraduate (Junior), Fourth-year Undergraduate (Senior), Alum (undergraduate), Alum (Graduate), Graduate Student
Minimum GPA: N/A
Deadline month: Multiple Deadlines
Program Website