The National Bureau of Asian Research’s Chinese Language Fellowship Program, funded by the Carnegie Corporation, offers generous fellowships of up to $45,000 to American Ph.D. students in political science so that they can devote one year to intensive Chinese language in China or Taiwan.
Tag: Social Sciences & Public Policy
Fulbright-Anne Wexler Master’s Award in Public Policy
The Fulbright-Anne Wexler Scholarships enables Australian and U.S. postgraduate students with strong academic credentials and leadership potential to undertake a two year Master’s degree in Australia or the U.S. focusing in public policy.
Wayne F. Placek Grants
The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research to increase the general public’s understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that lesbian women, gay men, bisexual women, bisexual men and transgender individuals experience in this and future civilizations.
Wellstone Fellowship
The Wellstone Fellowship is a year-long, full-time, salaried position.
Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Fellowship
The Thomas R. Pickering Fellowship Program provides graduate students with financial support, mentoring and professional development to prepare them academically and professionally for a career with the U.S. Department of State.
TIAA Nonprofit Leadership Fellows Program
Live your passion to transform the world and gain new skills and networks to embark on an exciting nonprofit leadership career through the TIAA Nonprofit Leadership Fellows Program at the Do Good Institute (DGI), School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland.
Tisdale Fellowship and The Dell Thurmond Woodard Fellowship
Through IBGA, Tisdale Fellows will be placed with a high-tech company, firm or trade association, take two classes worth six credits from George Mason University, and live in furnished apartments on George Washington University’s downtown campus.
Tufts University The Fletcher School- Map Your Future (MYF) Pathway
MYF guarantees admitted applicants a place in the MALD or MIB degree program after completing two to three years of professional work experience in a Fletcher-approved position.
UAS7: Study and Internship Program (SIP) In Germany
Since 2006, the Study & Internship Program (SIP) has enabled highly qualified undergraduates from U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities to experience the German approach to hands-on education at a member of UAS7, a consortium of Germany’s top universities of applied sciences. SIP students spend a semester studying at a UAS7 campus and a semester interning.
Undergraduate Internship Program – Directorate of Operations
As a Directorate of Operations Undergraduate Intern for the CIA, you will support the Directorate of Operations (DO) mission of collecting human intelligence on critical international developments.