Wayne F. Placek Grants

The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research to increase the general public’s understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that lesbian women, gay men, bisexual women, bisexual men and transgender individuals experience in this and future civilizations.

Deadline Month: March
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USINDO Summer Studies

In addition to the language course, field trips, cultural programs, and volunteer work opportunities with local organizations in Yogyakarta, the program also includes a post-program event in Jakarta that is designed to broaden the students’ perspective, knowledge, and exposure to contemporary issues facing Indonesia, while also giving them the opportunity to network with government officials, experts, academics, NGOs and private sector.

Deadline Month: February
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Villers Fellowship for Health Care Justice

Students will receive housing accommodations in downtown DC, Stipend to cover other living expenses in DC ($1,000), Airfare or other transportation to and from Washington, DC, at the beginning and end of the program, Academic credit (depending on each participant’s college or university), and Airfare, hotel and conference fees for the Victory Institute’s International LGBTQ Leaders Conference in December.

Deadline Month: Program Deadline Varies
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