Signature Authority


Only Authorized Signatories designated by the URI Board of Trustees may sign Contracts and Other Binding Documents on behalf of the Board and/or the University, and they may only sign a Contract or Other Binding Document after all reviews and approvals have been obtained. For additional information, refer to the Board of Trustees Policy on the Approval and Execution of Contracts and Other Binding Documents.

Authorized Signatories

The following individuals have been designated as Authorized Signatories for the Board and the University and may delegate authority to others (see Delegation Table below):

Chair of the Board of Trustees (authority to execute all contracts and documents approved by the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustees)

President (authority to execute any Contract or Other Binding Document that promotes the objectives of the University and/or the Board of Trustees and is consistent with established policies, rules, and regulations)

Vice Presidents (authority to execute any Contract or Other Binding Document within their respective administrative and business units that promotes the objectives of the University and/or the Board of Trustees and is consistent with established policies, rules, and regulations)

Director of Athletics (authority to execute any Contract or Other Binding Document within the Department of Athletics that promotes the objectives of the University and/or the Board of Trustees and is consistent with established policies, rules, and regulations)

General Counsel (authority to execute any Contract or Other Binding Document relating to the provision of legal services or an attorney/client relationship, including attorney/law firm engagement letters, joint representation agreements, common interest agreements, and conflict of interest waivers)

Each Authorized Signatory may delegate their authority using the Delegation of Signature Authority form available from the OGC, subject to the following:

  • Delegations relate solely to the authority provided by the Board to sign certain Contracts and Other Binding Documents and remain subject to all review and approval requirements established in the Board’s Policy.
  • Any purported delegations not on the Delegation of Signature Authority form are invalid.
  • Sub-delegations are not allowed.
  • Delegations are tied to specified positions. If an individual ceases their employment with the University or ceases to hold the specified position title, the delegation will terminate.

Delegation Table and Forms

All current delegations of signature authority are listed here:

Archived Delegation Forms