Student Profiles
Meredith Shubel - Meredith always hoped to spend a semester studying abroad to hone her language skills. At first she assumed it would be out of her reach, but she was able to go abroad without having to pay additional tuition through an exchange program in the city of Rennes, France.
Sandra Deeb - Sandra Deeb would like to help discover new forms of renewable energy that uses the power of the oceans. Knowing how to study and work in another language is something she feels will help her work because the field of ocean engineering is very international.
Richard Lisi - Making time for language study was a priority for Richard, a kinesiology student and aspiring physician, because the Italian language and culture is an important part of his heritage.
Cynthia Malambi - Growing up in West Africa, Cynthia learned French in school, and is comfortable with the idea of mastering new languages. Swahili and Lingala were spoken at home and she heard Kikongo, Fon, and Mina during her years spent at a refugee camp in Benin.
Maxwell DeMaio - When two businesses become one in a merger or acquisition, it is a highly complex accounting process under normal circumstances. But what if the companies are in different countries, with different currencies, different time zones, and corporate cultures at play? This is the type of work Maxwell DeMaio hopes to do after graduation.
Africa Smith - Africa Smith drew from her study abroad experience in Cuba when it came time to work on her honors project; an exploration of her identity using a genetic test as a point of departure for research on identity and heritage.
Alison Otto - One of the highlights of Ali Otto's capstone year studying and working in Germany was the moment when two women there expressed amazement at her level of German "I had started in German 101 my first year and my fluency improved so much,” she says.
Emily Hadfield - The first thing that most people say when Emily tells them she is studying Chinese is that it must be hard. “It’s not hard,” she usually responds. “It’s different.”