Graduate Professional Development

Teaching Resources

Drafting a Teaching Philosophy Statement
As a graduate teaching assistant, you may be asked to state your teaching philosophy when submitting a portfolio in seeking academic positions. A teaching philosophy statement is a one-to-two-page (single-spaced) document describing your core approach to teaching in your field. It should include a concise, first-person description of your teaching approach and examples of specific course topics, assignments, assessments, and strategies drawn from courses you have taught or are prepared to teach or from past mentoring experiences.

The examples should demonstrate your range of teaching expertise, illustrate your objectives, methods, and approaches, and allow readers to envision your teaching approach in action. A Teaching Philosophy Statement is not a summary of your CV or an article on pedagogy. It is a practical, specific discussion of the objectives and approaches you currently use, have used, and plan to use in the future. Learn more about writing a teaching philosophy statement.

Additional resources:

Teaching  Effectively

Consider the following resources for developing confidence in the classroom: