Dean’s Fellowship for New Students

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Important Notice

*Submission must be done by the department/program.  Students cannot self-nominate. Self-nominated applications will not be considered. 

The Dean’s  Fellowship for New Students provides a mechanism to support an inclusive graduate community in master’s and doctoral graduate programs at URI. These fellowships are competitive awards given to incoming graduate students in recognition of achievement and promise as scholars, enabling students to pursue graduate studies and research without rendering service to the University.

The Dean’s Fellowship for New Students program will support incoming graduate students for one or two years; it is assumed that the student’s program will continue to support them via an assistantship in subsequent years.

For master’s students, fellowships will provide one academic year full tuition scholarship for the fall and spring semesters (J-term and summer courses not included), remission of standard student fees (Registration Fee, Health Services Fee, Technology, & Student Services Fees), health and dental insurance, a parking permit reimbursement, and an academic year stipend of $28,000.

For Ph.D. students, fellowships will provide two consecutive years of full tuition scholarships for the fall and spring semesters (J-term and summer courses not included), remission of standard student fees (Registration Fee, Health Services Fee, Technology, & Student Services Fees), health and dental insurance, a parking permit reimbursement, an academic year stipend of $28,000, and an additional $14,000 to support their research over the summer months.

Potential fellows must be new applicants to master’s or doctoral graduate programs for admission in the fall semester. Only citizens of the United States or permanent residents may be nominated. Fellows cannot hold any additional URI fellowship, assistantship, or scholarships during the award period. Fellows are eligible to work on campus for only five (5) hours/week on Graduate Student Hourly Payroll during the same award year. Ph.D. fellows must show adequate progress toward their degree and satisfactory progress in developing their research skills to qualify for a second year of funding

Fellowship Timeline

  • March 5: Application opens
  • March 17: Nominations deadline
  • Late March: Winners announced


Eligibility and Terms

Nominees must be new applicants to Master’s or Doctoral programs for admission in the fall semester and be enrolled full-time in a graduate program by September 2025. Only US citizens and permanent residents may be nominated. Ph.D. fellows must show adequate progress toward their degree and satisfactory progress in developing their research skills to qualify for a second year of funding.

Criteria for nomination:

    • Demonstrated ability and promise of academic achievement
    • Recommendations
    • Cumulative grade point average and/or other examples of academic achievement
    • Personal statements of professional objectives and contributions to the University’s Mission
    • Other evidence of promise (e.g., publications, professional participation, etc.)

Eligible nominees for the Dean’s Fellowship for New Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.  The opportunity is open to new master’s or Ph.D. students who plan to begin their program in Fall 2025.   In keeping with the University’s strategic plan and foundational values, applications are particularly encouraged from students who have an interest in advocacy for inclusive scholarly communities and/or have overcome adversity along their educational or professional journey.

All applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the committee in making its decision.

Nomination Submission Instructions

Applications must be submitted by the department/program or faculty. Programs are encouraged to submit no more than two applications. The nominations will be submitted via InfoReady and will include the following elements:

  • Graduate Program Director Recommendation Support Form:  The Dean’s Fellowship for New Students Support Form is written by the graduate program director to include (1) the specific reasons why the nominee is considered a top applicant (2) how the fellowship offer would make URI a competitive option.
  • Nominee’s Admission Application: Upload the Nominee’s Full Application PDF from Slate.
  • Statement from the department chair detailing the type and extent of support the department will provide to the nominee should they receive the award but not complete all degree requirements within the one- or two-year time frame of the fellowship.
  • Mentoring Plan: Statement from the potential advisor or program director articulating a mentoring plan to ensure the student’s success. 

Submit 2025 Nomination

Selection Criteria

Nominees are evaluated based on their academic promise and their merits. The criteria used by the committee to make their selections are as follows:

  • Nominee’s prior academic achievement (from admission application)
  • Program Director’s recommendation
  • Statement of professional objectives (from admission application)
  • Individualized mentoring plan
  • Other evidence of achievement

Announcement of Fellowship Awardees

Awards will be announced in late March via email to program directors, so the fellowship can be awarded with the admission offer. Copies will be sent to department chairs and deans. The initial notice of intention to award a fellowship for the Fall 2025 semester will specify that it is contingent upon the availability of budgetary resources.

The Graduate School will manage the disbursement of the fellowship award working directly with Enrollment Services.

For questions, please contact Kimberly Jimenez, Executive Assistant, at with the subject line “Dean’s Fellowship for New Students Inquiry”.