Organized by the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium, URI Department of Physics and Center for Computational Research at
The University of Rhode Island (Kingston, RI)
This annual regional meeting is open to researchers of all levels, from undergraduate students to faculty, in all areas of gravitational physics, including classical, quantum, theory, observation, and computation. The purpose of the conference is to encourage the interaction of researchers in the Northeastern region, although participants from all regions are welcomed.
The format of the meeting will follow the format of previous regional meetings where all participants may present a talk of a 15 minutes (12+3 format). Abstracts will be selected according to the order in which they are submitted. Therefore, to maximize chances of acceptance, it would be best to submit an abstract early. There is no registration fee but, for an accurate head count, registration is mandatory. A prize for the best talk by a student will be given and so please indicate in your registration if you are a student.
Spacetime coordinates
When | June 9, 2023 (Friday) & June 10, 2023 (Saturday); See schedule below for times |
Where | University of Rhode Island campus; See below |
Full Schedule (CLICK HERE)
List of Participants (CLICK HERE)
Registration & Abstract Submission (CLICK HERE)
(Registration closes June 1st, 2023.)
While participants are welcomed to stay at any nearby hotel, we recommend the following options
- Holiday Inn Express Coventry special discounted rate is $149 plus tax. This offer expires June 2nd. The hotel is a 30 minute ride from campus. Contact the hotel.
- There are several hotels in South Kingston that are just a few minutes from URI. But they can be expensive and there are no special rates.
Venue and Parking
The conference will take place in the Fascitelli Engineering Building Room ENGR 010C on the URI campus. To get to campus, set your GPS to 39 Bills Road, Kingston, RI. Please park in South Lot 6.
(Signs will be posted on campus directing you to the conference location.)
Nearby airports and train stations
- Providence airport is 25 miles to the north of the conference venue.
- Kingston Amtrak station is one mile away.
- Boston airport is 80 miles to the north-east of the conference venue.
How to get to campus from nearby airports and train stations
- Click here for the RIPTA bus 66 schedule between Providence and URI.
- Click here for the Amtrak schedule between Boston and Kingston Station. Note: To get from Kingston Station to URI you can take the RIPTA bus 66 linked above.
- Support through generous contributions from the CCR, the Physics Department, and the College of Arts and Sciences
Organizing Committee
URI: Ritesh Bachhar (riteshbachhar – at – uri.edu), Aubrey Laity (aubrey_laity – at – uri.edu), Rob Coyne (robcoyne – at – uri.edu), Michael Puerrer (mpuerrer – at – uri.edu) and Gaurav Khanna (gkhanna – at – uri.edu); UMassD: Sarah Caudill (scaudill – at – umassd.edu), Collin Capano (ccapano -at – umassd.edu), Scott Field (sfield – at – umassd.edu), Tousif Islam (tislam – at – umassd.edu) and Manas Vishal (mvishal – at – uri.edu) as part of the UMass-URI Gravity Research Consortium.