Greenhouse Rental Information

Rental requests:

For rental requests submit form below.

Questions, information: Ben Robbins at

URI faculty and researchers may rent available greenhouse space. Available rental space may also be offered to individuals or groups outside of CELS and URI. 

The greenhouse operates as a self-serve facility: Renters are responsible for watering and weeding their plants, monitoring for pests, and informing greenhouse staff of pest, environmental, or any other issues. Pest control is implemented by greenhouse staff using various Integrated Pest Management methods, including biological control using beneficial insects. If needed, a general N-P-K fertilizer is provided through a fertilizer injector. Space on greenhouse benches is rented by square foot blocks.

2024 Rental Rates: Private renters (anyone not considered faculty or researchers at URI) are charged per number of blocks they use each week at a rate of $1.34/sq. ft. block. URI faculty and researchers are charged $0.85/sq. ft. block (Note: This rate only applies to faculty and researchers with plants used for research and/or courses).

Greenhouse Space Rental Form


Rental space is surveyed weekly and renters are billed monthly for space used. Users are asked to notify staff of changes. Not all users enter the space at the same time and every attempt will be made to prorate space for the actual days used in a billing period. Billable spaces include bench tops and directly under benches; all other floor space is to be kept clear.

Reserved and Special Space

As a University facility, researchers and faculty receive priority for space. Their projects may have unique needs such as supplemental lighting, shade cloth, whitewash, special protocols, etc. and greenhouse space will be assigned to priority users based on those needs. Although greenhouse staff will do their best to avoid space conflicts, users occupying space needed by priority users will be required to move their plants temporarily or permanently.


Greenhouse space is intended for the production and maintenance of plants.  While it is understood that setting up and taking down experiments often requires additional bench space, such space should be used on a temporary basis (less than a week). Bench space should not be used as permanent storage for media, pots or other equipment.  If bench space is being used for long-term storage, it will be billed to the user as though it were occupied by plants. Storage in the potting room (Rm. 132), basement, and any other room is only for university staff and faculty. Renters not affiliated with the university are prohibited from using this space for storage.

Watering and Weeding

All watering and weeding of greenhouse plants is the responsibility of individual users.  Because the greenhouse is self-service, users must ensure the care of their own plants. In addition, users should make every effort to keep weeds under their benches to a minimum. To keep costs down, greenhouse staffing is minimal and weeding is critical to prevent the spread of disease and insects. Pots and flats should be filled in the potting room (Rm. 132), not in the greenhouses, to avoid getting soil in the gravel under the benches. Compost bins are in every greenhouse, as well as the potting room, to get rid of plant debris/used soil.

Disease and Pest Management

Greenhouse staff will manage disease and insect populations through Integrated Pest Management practices. Plants that come into the greenhouse from outside sources may be infested with insects or diseases. It is strongly recommended that users thoroughly inspect their plants prior to movement into the greenhouse to ensure they do not spread insects or pathogens throughout the greenhouses.

Users are responsible for pest monitoring and initiating requests for control measures by contacting Assistant Greenhouse Manager Ben Robbins at  If a user’s plants are heavily infested, they may be removed from the greenhouse, treated with pesticides within the greenhouses, or treated with pesticides outside the greenhouse. If infected plants are deemed detrimental to the plants of other greenhouse users, those plants will be disposed of following a warning.

If greenhouse users plan to treat their own plants for pests/pathogens rather than having greenhouse staff treat them, please contact Ben Robbins.