Course Descriptions

GWS 150

Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies

(3 crs.) Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change. (Lec. 3/Online) Service learning in some sections. (A2) (C3)

GWS 150H

Honors Section of GWS 150: Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies

(3 crs.) Images of women, the theories and processes of socialization, historical perspectives, and implications for social change. (Lec. 3/Online) Service learning in some sections. Pre: 3.40 overall GPA. (A2) (C3)

GWS 210G

Queer and Transgender Studies

(3 crs.) Explores the fields of queer and transgender studies, emphasis on contemporary and historical experiences of LGBTQ individuals and groups. (Lec. 3) (C3) (A2) (GC)

GWS 220

Women and the Natural Sciences

(3 crs.) An interdisciplinary perspective on women as practitioners and subjects of the natural sciences; history of women in science; science as a gendered discourse. (Lec. 3) (A1) (B4)

GWS 300

Field Experience In Women's Studies

(2-6 crs.) Supervised field work allowing students to learn through direct personal experience about the background, problems, and concerns of particular populations of women. (Practicum) Service Learning. Pre: GWS 150 or 315 or permission of instructor. May be taken or repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

GWS 301

Women's Professional Development and Leadership

(3 crs.) Theory, data and skill development for career building and leadership. Gender issues in organizational settings, developing professional skills and responses to challenges in the workplace, and strategies for positive change. (Lec. 3/Online)

GWS 305

Current Issues in Women's Studies

(1 cr.) Research and analysis of one issue such as job discrimination or sex trafficking. Class plans a project addressing the issue. (Lec. 1) Pre: GWS 150. May be repeated once if topic changes.

GWS 306

Practicum in Women's Studies

(1 cr.) Practicum. Students work alone or in groups to conduct a project developed in GWS 305. May be repeated once if topic changes. (Lec. 1) Pre: GWS 305.

GWS 308

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Cultures

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (APG), SOC, GWS 308. Comparative study of sustainable food systems and cultures focusing on the sociocultural dynamics of production, distribution, and consumption. Areas include comparative food systems, indigenous food cultures, gender and food, food equity, and food movements. (Lec. 3) Pre: sophomore standing.

GWS 308H

Honors Section of APG/SOC/GWS 308: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Cultures

(3 crs.) Honors Section of APG/SOC/GWS 308: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Cultures. (Lec. 3) Pre: 3.40 overall gpa and sophomore standing.

GWS 310

Race, Class, and Sexuality

(3 crs.) Interconnections among race, ethnicity, class, and sexuality and the impact of sexism, racism, classism, and heterosexism are investigated. Alliance building is explored. (Online) Pre: GWS 150 or HPR 110 or GWS 315 or permission of instructor.

GWS 315

Introduction to Feminist Theories and Methodologies

(3 crs.) Development of feminist thought, exploration of contemporary feminist theories and research methods, including African-American, lesbian, Western and non-Western perspectives, and the future role of feminist theories and methodologies. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: GWS 150 or permission of instructor.

GWS 320

Feminisms Into Action

(3 crs.) Analyses and discussions of how global feminists' strategies work to impact social change. Civil and human rights. Political thought, analyses and activism in campaigns for gender and women's rights. (Lec. 3) Pre: GWS 150 or permission of instructor. (D1) (C1)

GWS 325G

International Women's Issues

(3 crs.) Focuses on women's rights in a global context, ideologies and practices that deny women equal status in society, including violence against women, freedom and democracy movements and women's rights. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: GWS 150 or permission of instructor. (A2) (C2) (GC)

GWS 330

Gender and the Holocaust

(3 crs.) This course will examine the Holocaust, Nazi ideology, and antisemitism from the perspective of gender. It will include consideration of Jewish and non-Jewish victims, perpetrators, rescuers, and bystanders. (Online)

GWS 332

Gender and Revolutions

(3 crs.) This course will examine the role played by gender in revolutions by looking at the way gender has inspired revolutions and the impact of revolutions on gender identity, and stereotypes. (Online)

GWS 340

Black Feminisms

(3 crs.) This course explores the paradigm-shifting contributions of women of African descent to discourses of feminism. (Online)

GWS 346

(BUS) Gender in Organizations

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MGT), GSW 346. This course examines intersection of work dynamics and gender that has become critical due to the rapidly changing landscape of business. Addresses the macro and micro effects of gender in the workplace, including the complex reasons for the lack of representation of women in senior leadership positions-within the United States and in the larger global context - 'gendered' communication at work, and career and work-life effectiveness for both women and men. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MGT (BUS) 341 recommended.

GWS 350

Special Topics in Women's Studies

(3 crs.) Selected areas of study pertinent to gender and women's studies. Instruction may be offered in class seminar or tutorial environments according to specific needs and purposes. (Lec.3/Online) Topics include 'Women and War,' 'Media Images of Women,' 'Narrative of the Witch,' 'Women and Aging,' 'Women and Health,' 'Women and the Law,' 'Women and Music,' 'Women and Religion,' 'Women and Business Culture,' and 'Women in Islam,' and 'Women in Film.' Some topics may be offered online. May be repeated with different topic.

GWS 350H

Honors Section of GWS 350: Special Topics in Women's Studies

(3 crs.) Honors Section of GWS 350: Special Topics in Women's Studies. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: 3.40 overall gpa.

GWS 351

Special Topics in Women's Studies

(3 crs.) Selected areas of study pertinent to gender and women's studies. Instruction may be offered in class seminar or tutorial environments according to specific needs and purposes. (Lec.3/Online) Topics include 'Ecofeminism,' 'Latin American Women,' 'Native American Women,' 'Women and Film,' 'Women, Violence and Non-violence,' 'Women and Mental Health,' and 'Violence Prevention Training.' Some topics may be offered online. May be repeated with different topic.

GWS 360

Men and Masculinities

(3 crs.) Examines from a feminist perspective, the values, beliefs, myths, realities, research and writings about men and masculinites in contemporary United State life. (Seminar/Online) Pre: GWS 150.

GWS 365

Sexual Violence

(3 crs.) Analysis of sexual violence, abuse, and exploitation. The history and politics of society's recognition of trauma and development of approaches to recovery. The psychological, social, and political harm of sexual violence to victims and society. (Lec. 3) Pre: GWS 150 or permission of the instructor.

GWS 370

Sex Trafficking

(3 crs.) Focuses on the commercial sexual exploitation and slavery of women and girls and the impact on their health, rights, and status in society. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: GWS 150 or permission of instructor.

GWS 373

(370) Environmental Injustice

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MAF), HIS, GWS 373. Examines environmental issues through a social justice lens. Looking at historical and global contexts, topics may include public health issues, environmental social movements, and 'natural' disasters. (Lec. 3) (C3)

GWS 383

Gender and Sexuality in Latin America

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (GWS) HIS, LAX 383. Examines social movements and state formation in modern Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries through the lens of gender and sexuality. Through an analysis of Latin American regional case studies, students will consider how gender and sexuality shaped discussions of indigenous rights, race, class, reproduction, revolution, and resistance movements. Using a combination of primary and secondary source materials, including film and popular music, this course challenges students to analyze current debates in Latin America through the perspective of gender and sexuality. Special emphasis will be given to gender and revolution in Latin America. (Lec. 3) Pre: GWS 150 or permission by instructor. (A2) (C2)

GWS 385

Women Writers

(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (ENG), GWS 385. Analysis of the poetry, drama, or fiction of women writers. Emphasis on 18th-century, 19th-century, 20th-century, or contemporary authors. May be repeated for credit when taken with different emphasis. (Lec. 3, Project 3) (A3) (B4)

GWS 386

The Economics of Race, Gender, and Class

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ECN), GWS 386. An economic examination of the historical interrelations of race, class, and gender issues. (Lec. 3) Pre: ECN 100 or 201 or permission of instructor.

GWS 387

Latin American History at the Movies

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (HIS), GWS 387. Latin Americans see themselves very differently than how they are perceived by North Americans. Their self-portrayal, in literature and film, is the key to understanding their history and conflicts. (Lec. 3) Pre: HIS 180 is suggested but not required.

GWS 388

Queer Literatures, Queer Cultures

(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (ENG), GWS 388. Study of queer cultural productions, literature, and related theory, with a focus on historical, aesthetic, and political developments in ongoing contestations around the representations of gender, sexuality, and identity. (Lec. 3, Project 3) (A3) (C3)

GWS 400

Critical Issues And Feminist Scholarship

(3 crs.) Theoretical and value questions in gender and women's studies; impact of feminist scholarship on traditional disciplines; feminist theory and research methods in selected fields; the future of feminism. (Seminar) Pre: GWS 310 or 315 or 320 and senior standing or permission of instructor.

GWS 401

Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery

(3 crs.) Focuses on contemporary human trafficking and slavery, including sex trafficking, bonded labor, forced labor, child soldiers, and domestic servant slavery. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing or permission of the instructor. Not for graduate credit.

GWS 402

Campaigns and Services for Victims of Trafficking and Slavery

(3 crs.) Focuses on historical and contemporary campaigns for ending human trafficking and slavery and on providing services to contemporary victims of human trafficking and slavery. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

GWS 410

Portfolio in Women's Studies

(1 cr.) Portfolio of student papers and projects as culmination of Gender and Women's Studies course work. (Lec. 1) Pre: GWS majors and minors in senior year. Not for graduate credit.

GWS 430

Women and Human Rights Policy

(3 crs.) Focus on women and human rights around the world and human rights policy in the U.S. The human rights movement from the 1970s to the present will be discussed. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior standing.

GWS 441

Women and Politics

(4 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSC), GWS 441. Explores the role of women in the American political system, as voters, campaign activists, and office holders, and as members of organized groups in the policy making process. (Seminar 3, Project 1) Pre: PSC 113 or PSC 210 or PSC 310 or permission of instructor. (C3) (D1)

GWS 450

Independent Study

(3 crs.) Advanced work in gender and women's studies under the direction of a faculty member affiliated with the gender and women's studies program. (Independent Study) Pre: junior or senior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

GWS 475G

Global Perspectives on Reproduction

(3 crs.) Cross-list with (SOC), APG, GWS 475G. Explores the impact of inequalities of race, class, age, gender and sexuality on global variations in contraception, fertility, childbirth, and parenthood, and the ethical issues and social forces affecting reproduction. (Seminar) Pre: 300-level coursework in sociology, anthropology, gender and women's studies, or health studies; or permission of the instructor. (A2) (C2)

GWS 490

Advanced Topics In Women's Studies

(1-3 crs.) Advanced study in topics of special interest in Gender and Women's Studies. This course will be conducted as a seminar for juniors, seniors and graduate students. Pre: GWS 310 or 315 or 320 and senior standing or permission of instructor. (Seminar/Online) Some topics may be offered online. May be repeated with different topic.

GWS 490H

Honors Section of GWS 490: Advanced Topics in Women's Studies

(1-3 crs.) Honors Section of GWS 490: Advanced Topics in Women's Studies. (Seminar) Pre: GWS 315 or 310 or 320, and senior standing, and 3.40 or better overall GPA, or permission of instructor.

GWS 492

Crossing Borders: Writers Writing Their Lives

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (GWS), ENG, WRT 492. This advanced creative nonfiction seminar combines a rigorous commitment to the craft of writing with an investigation of how 'crossing borders' functions as a thematic, structural, and feminist framework for helping writers access and create personal essays. (Seminar) Pre: Junior or senior standing or permission of the instructor. (D1) (B1)

GWS 500

Colloquium in Women's Studies

(2-3 crs.) Discussion of research methods in gender and women's studies; presentations on current research and issues relevant to women's and gender studies. (Seminar)

GWS 501

Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery

(3 crs.) Focuses on contemporary human trafficking and slavery, including sex trafficking, bonded labor, forced labor, child soldiers, and domestic servant slavery. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

GWS 502

Campaigns and Services for Victims of Trafficking and Slavery

(3 crs.) Focuses on historical and contemporary campaigns for ending human trafficking and slavery and on providing services to contemporary victims of human trafficking and slavery. (Lec. 3) Pre: GWS 501 or permission of instructor.

GWS 550

Independent Study

(3-6 crs.) Directed readings and research under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the student. (Maybe repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of faculty member.