Solve Climate by 2030 is a global dialogue at all levels to bring in local and global insights, research, and experiences to solve major climate challenges by 2030. The Harrington School of Communication and Media at URI leads this initiative for 2022 for the State of Rhode Island.
URI’s Harrington School of Communication and Media is working with a global network of institutions—universities, nonprofits and K–12 schools—around the world to raise awareness about solving climate by 2030. The global dialogue has led to the creative development of new educational tools and fresh discourse to identify resources and build awareness around what’s possible to achieve by 2030.
Solve Climate by 2030 coordinate multiple webinars and panels across the country and around the world–all taking place on the same day each year. The Rhode Island panel, hosted by the URI Harrington School of Communication and Media, features Rhode Island experts on topics vital to climate action in the state.
Past Events
Solve Climate by 2030: A worldwide TeachIn - Our virtual event features Rhode Island experts on environmental communication, sustainable transportation, and environmental justice
Thursday, March 30, 2022, 1pm [watch the video]Solve Climate by 2030: an international virtual event - Our virtual event features three speakers working in our Rhode Island to make a difference in addressing climate change
Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 12pm [watch event video]
On Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. Harrington School of Communication and Media.