This academic year Harrington School had a great year of virtual and in-person events.
FALL ’22

September 29 – Clint Smith, author of How the Word is Passed
The School hosted a virtual event with the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Clint Smith. During his talk, Smith shared details about the journalistic process of researching and writing his book. You can read highlights from the event in the story published by The 5 Cent Cigar student newspaper.
November 10 – Christiane Amanpour Lecture featuring Abby Phillip
At this virtual event, Abby Phillip, CNN’s Anchor and Senior Political Correspondent, discussed “how we move beyond ‘objectivity’ to understand the responsibility political journalists have to our audience and our communities.” Students had the opportunity to meet and chat with Abby Phillip after the event.
March 22 – How to Be Media Literate Citizens
This day-long conference included a misinformation panel discussion with local journalists, a graduate student and faculty research showcase on misinformation, and a media literacy workshop. Craig Silverman of ProPublica gave the virtual keynote on The Global Disinformation Trade: from the Pandemic to the War in Ukraine.
March 30 – Solve Climate by 2030: A worldwide TeachIn
Harrington School participated with 350 institutions in over 50 countries around the globe. URI’s panel featured policymaker John Goncalves, Providence Councilman, Eco RI journalists, and Transportation Researcher Lutz of Brown University.
The school welcomed Alums Tim Grey (Filmmaker, President & Founder of The World War II Foundation) and Dion Cocoros, NBA Senior VP of Content Production as well as Executive Advisory Board Members Kevin Lopes and Adam Wiener for an afternoon of networking, resume review and discussion. This was a great opportunity for current students to attend an intimate screening of professional work and get insights into the creators’ career paths.
April 5 – Taricani Lecture Series featuring Neil Bedi and Kathleen McGory
Long-time reporting partners Neil Bedi and Kathleen McGrory of ProPublica discussed their approach to in-depth investigative reporting. Their system combines traditional shoe-leather techniques with data-driven analyses and digital storytelling and relies on the freedom of the press as protected by the First Amendment. In their talk, they discussed how that approach allowed them to uncover a predictive policing program that harassed families, an alarming death rate at a revered children’s heart surgery center, and more. Our students had an opportunity to ask follow-up questions after the lecture in a special virtual event. You can also read the highlights from the talk in the story by the student paper.

We can’t wait to continue our event programming next fall!