Joon Kyoung Kim


Joon Kim is an Assistant Professor of Public Relations at the University of Rhode Island. His research focuses on how organizations present their corporate social responsibility and controversial social issues on social media and how the public responds to such prosocial activities. He is particularly interested in how sports organizations, including professional sports teams and sports apparel brands, communicate with the public on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. His research also focuses on examining psychological factors that shape individuals’ health-related behaviors such as use of emerging tobacco products and artificial intelligence-based health-monitoring systems. His work has appeared in journals including Public Relations Review, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Health Communication, and Tobacco Control.

Before joining URI, he previously taught Crisis Communications and Mass Communications Research at the University of South Carolina.


Public relations, corporate social responsibility, sports communication, health communication.


  • Ph.D., Mass Communications, University of South Carolina
  • Master of Arts, Media Studies, Syracuse University
  • Bachelor of Arts, Journalism and Mass Communications, Hanyang University

Selected Publications

Kim, J. K., Overton, H., Bhalla, N., & Li, J. Y. (2020). Nike, Colin Kaepernick, and the politicization of sports: Examining perceived organizational motives and public responses. Public Relations Review, 46(2).

Jun, J. & Kim, J. K. (2020). Do state regulations on e-cigarettes have impacts on e-cigarette prevalence? Tobacco Control, 30(2).

Jun, J., & Kim, J. K. (2020). How do colleges communicate about E-cigarettes? The presentation of risk, policy, and cessation resources on college websites. Journal of American College Health, 69(8), 881–888.

Jun, J., Kim, J. K., Choi, M., & Heo, Y. (2020). Cancer Control Continuum in Korean American Community Newspapers: What Is the Association with Source Nationality-US vs. Korea? Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 7, 1059–1070.

Kim, J. K., Pardun, C. J., & Overton, H. (2019). Electronic Cigarette Companies’ Twitter Messages: Public Interest (Mis) communication. The Journal of Public Interest Communications, 3(1), 66-90.

Jang, S. M., Mckeever, B. W., Mckeever, R., & Kim, J. K. (2019). From social media to mainstream news: The information flow of the vaccine-autism controversy in the US, Canada, and the UK. Health communication, 34(1), 110-117.

Hull, K., Kim, J. K., & Stilwell, M. (2019). Fotos de Béisbol: An Examination of the Spanish-language Instagram Accounts of Major League Baseball Teams. Howard Journal of Communications, 30(3), 249-264.