Housing Cancellation Policy 2025-2026

New/incoming first-year and transfer students must submit a $200 housing deposit to be given access to a housing application. The $200 housing deposit is refundable upon request only through May 1. New/incoming first-year and transfer students who submit a $200 housing deposit will be assessed a $200 housing deposit forfeit charge if they do not submit a housing application OR if they cancel a submitted housing application OR if they cancel their housing assignment prior to taking occupancy.

Returning URI students do not submit a housing deposit to be given access to a housing application. Returning students who cancel their housing assignment prior to taking occupancy will be assessed a $400 housing cancellation charge.

Students who take occupancy during either Academic Year Housing or Spring Semester (only) Housing, then later cancel their housing assignment, will be assessed a cancellation charge for their assigned room and telecommunications fee as follows.

Cancellation schedule:

 Fall SemesterCancellation assessment
 Week 1 ends Friday, Sept. 510% of the Fall fees
 Week 2 ends Friday, Sept. 1220% of the Fall fees
 Week 3 ends Friday, Sept. 1930% of the Fall fees
 Week 4 ends Friday, Sept. 2640% of the Fall fees
 Week 5 ends Friday, Oct. 350% of the Fall fees
 Week 6 ends Friday, Oct. 1060% of the Fall fees
 Week 7 ends Friday, Oct. 1770% of the Fall fees
 Week 8 ends Friday, Oct. 2480% of the Fall fees
 After Week 8100% of the Fall fees (No refund)
 Winter Break / J TermCancellation assessment
 Week 1 ends Friday, Dec. 26$119
 Week 2 ends Friday, Jan. 2$238
 Week 3 ends Friday, Jan. 9$357
 Week 4 ends Friday, Jan. 16$476
 Spring SemesterCancellation assessment
 Week 1 ends Friday, Jan. 2310% of the Spring fees
 Week 2 ends Friday, Jan. 3020% of the Spring fees
 Week 3 ends Friday, Feb. 630% of the Spring fees
 Week 4 ends Friday, Feb. 1340% of the Spring fees
 Week 5 ends Friday, Feb. 2050% of the Spring fees
 Week 6 ends Friday, Feb. 2760% of the Spring fees
 Week 7 ends Friday, Mar. 670% of the Spring fees
 Week 8 ends Friday, Mar. 1380% of the Spring fees
 After Week 8100% of the Spring fees (No refund)

The official housing cancellation date, not the submission date of the online Housing Cancellation Request form, will dictate the cancellation assessment by HRL. Final completion of ALL checkout procedures including, but not limited to, submitting a Housing Cancellation Request form, removing all belongings from the room/living space, cleaning the room/living space, and completing checkout instructions in conjunction with final access will determine the official housing cancellation date.