Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: May 1, 2006 (revised)



 To set forth a policy and procedure for maternity leave.


All non-classified staff and faculty employees.


 Employee makes a written request for leave in advance and providing physician certification as required.



An employee who is unable to perform her duties due to medical reasons associated with pregnancy and childbirth is entitled to discharge accumulated sick leave for the length of time certified by her physician. An employee with at least six months service may request an unpaid leave of absence for six months with possible extension up to one year. An employee on unpaid maternity leave shall receive health benefits paid by the University, with applicable employee co-share, in accordance with the existing payroll manual regulations that are in effect when the employee is granted leave

Faculty members are not required to fulfill any work assignments while on leave, including any work in the areas of teaching, scholarship, research and/or publication for promotion and/or tenure decision evaluation. The year in which maternity leave is taken will not be deducted for accruals for sabbatical leave determination, but will extend the date by which a mandatory tenure and promotional decision must be made.



 1. Employee with at least six months service may request an unpaid maternity leave of absence. Such requests must be made in    writing at least two weeks in advance of the effective date of the leave to the department and the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration. Leaves may be granted for up to six consecutive months duration with possible extension up to one year.

2. An official doctor’s note is required with predicted delivery date.

3. The employee’s department prepares and submits a USP-12.

4. Sick leave may be discharged only when a physician’s disability statement is provided.

5. The employee has the choice of whether to discharge any or all vacation time and personal time.

6. There is a maximum of 1-year leave without pay with paid benefits.

7. An early return requires a 30 day written notice to the department and the Office of Human Resource Administration.

8. Employees will return to their same positions (rank/salary) at the end of the leave.

9. Employees that are covered by a collective bargaining agreement should refer to appropriate contracts.

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