Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: January 1989



To provide systematic feedback and direction to employees during the first year of employment to assess their ability and competence in meeting the requirements of their position vis-à-vis organizational goals.


 All non-classified employees


1. Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration for process compliance.

2. Supervisor/Manager for planning and preparing evaluation and conducting the actual meeting with the employee.

3. Probationary employee for full participation in the evaluation session and requesting assistance to improve performance.


 All non-classified employees are on probation for the first 12 months of employment in their new position. This applies to new hires as well as promotions. Formal evaluation sessions will be held for 6 months to review and provide feedback on performance and target resources and activities to improve performance where needed and at 12 months to determine if the employee will be retained. At any point during the 12 month probational period, an employee’s service may be terminated for inadequate job performance.


 1. The employee’s supervisor (evaluator) should discuss the probationary performance evaluation process when the employee is hired, including advising the employee of those performance factors to be formally reviewed at the 6 and 12 month sessions. This process will also be addressed in the New Employee Orientation Program.

2. The Director, Personnel Services (HRA) will send the evaluation reports to the evaluator 3 to 4 weeks prior to the 6 and 12 month marks and serve as liaison to the supervisor in planning the evaluation session. The evaluator will advise the employee of the meeting date. The employee had the opportunity to comment in writing on the evaluator’s report and is given a copy of the document when finalized. The supervisor will forward the completed report to the Director, Personnel Services by the due date.


Non-Classified Six Month Probational Performance Evaluation Report

Non-Classified Final Probationary Performance Evaluation Report



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