Early Intervention Certificate

What is Early Intervention?

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services in Rhode Island defines Early Intervention as the following: Rhode Island’s Early Intervention Program promotes the growth and development of infants and toddlers who have a developmental disability or delay in one or more areas. Developmental disabilities or delays can affect a child’s speech, physical ability, or social skills. Children referred to the Early Intervention Program receive a comprehensive developmental evaluation to determine if they are eligible. One of the goals of Early Intervention is to provide support to families so their children can develop to their fullest potential. Services are provided in places where children usually play or take part in daily activities.

Certificate Description

The Certificate in Early Intervention (EI) prepares undergraduate students across the University to work with families of children ages birth to three who have or are at risk for developmental disabilities. Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to successfully work with families and other health professionals to promote optimal child development and functioning in the child’s natural environment (e.g., home). Successful completion of the certificate will allow students to be deemed “qualified personnel” by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and allow EI programs to hire certificate holders as an Early Interventionist II on a provisional basis in Rhode Island. After successfully completing 1000 work hours and the initial probationary review the status of Early Interventionist II would become permanent.

Required Courses

The Certificate in Early Intervention consists of four courses for a total of 12 credits. It is also recommended that students in the certificate obtain an internship in EI. The optional internship provides the opportunity for students to apply and reflect on their skills and knowledge in an actual EI setting. Any EI internship hours will count as part of the 1000-hour requirement for permanent status.

  • HDF 306 – Infant and Toddler Development
    As the infant and young child are embedded within individual, social, and cultural systems which can include family, childcare, community, and societal systems, students in this class will examine how each of these systems is acted upon and how they act upon the other(s). Concepts from theory and research will be integrated with practice through lectures, discussions, videos, out-of-class and in-class assignments, and child observations. Contexts of development including the family and community will be explored through a cultural lens. 
    Students should be aware that a prerequisite of HDF 306 is HDF 200 (Lifespan Development I) or permission of the instructor.
  • HDF 340 – Introduction to Early Intervention.
    This course provides an orientation to Early Intervention (EI), a program that provides services to children ages birth to three who have developmental delays. Best practices utilizing a family-centered approach are emphasized. A range of disabilities and vulnerabilities from birth to three are examined. Emphasis is placed upon methods and criteria for early identification and the provision of services from referral to discharge in Early Intervention.
  • HDF 341 – Early Intervention Services Planning
    A systematic, family-centered, team approach to service delivery is emphasized. Cases are used as focal points for learning how to plan and evaluate individualized family service plans (IFSPs). Emphasis is on developing and embedding learning opportunities in everyday routines, relationships, activities, and places of the families in early intervention. Teamwork and leadership in early intervention are covered with respect to service coordination.
  • HDF 343 – Screening and Assessment in Early Intervention
    Interdisciplinary child and family assessment procedures and development of Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) are covered. Collaborating with families on goals and services, and developing responsive and meaningful outcomes for children birth to three and families in Early Intervention are emphasized.

How do you get the certification?

Easy! Anyone, regardless of your major at URI, can take the HDF courses that make up the certification. However, to receive the EI Certificate, students are required to apply prior to completing two out of the four mandatory courses. Failure to submit the application before reaching 40% completion of the required courses will result in the rejection of the certificate application by the Registrar’s office. Although students can still enroll in and complete all necessary courses for the certificate, they will not receive the formal certificate at graduation, nor will it be acknowledged on their transcripts if the application is not completed before the student has completed two of the required courses.

To prevent this, students are strongly advised to submit the application before finishing two of the four required courses, even if they are uncertain about completing the entire certificate program.

Upon completion of the application, students must obtain the signature of Dr. Casey McGregor, the certificate director. Then, students are required to either take the form to the College of Health Sciences Dean’s Office (101 Quinn) or email it to chs-group@uri.edu.

The application to the EI Certificate can be found here: Download Application


What is Early Intervention (EI)?

  • Early Intervention is a program designed to promote the growth and development of young children (birth – age 3) who are delayed in their development, or who have a condition that puts them at risk for a developmental delay.

What are some conditions that may qualify a child for EI services?

  • There are a number of conditions that would make a child eligible for EI services. For instance, a delay in one or more areas of development, diagnosis with a disability such as down syndrome, cerebral palsy, vision or hearing impairments, and medical conditions like a premature birth are all circumstances that would qualify a child for Early Intervention services.

Why is EI important?

  • Early Intervention is important because it can significantly impact a child’s development, helping them reach their full potential. The early years are a critical period for brain development, and intervening early on developmental deficits is important to help children function at their greatest ability.

What kinds of services are provided through EI?

  • A major goal of Early Intervention is to provide comprehensive services to children and families. There are a variety of service providers that collaborate on the EI team to provide a well-rounded experience for clients, including Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs), Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physical Therapists (PTs), educators, and other service providers and coordinators. Children enrolled in EI may receive services from only a few of these professionals, or all of the above depending on their individual needs. 

How can children be referred to EI services?

  • Anyone can refer a child to EI services! In fact, many children who receive EI services were referred by a parent or grandparent.

Where do EI services take place?

  • EI services can take place anywhere that the child is most comfortable and spends a majority of their time. For example, if a child spends a lot of time at their grandparents’ home, EI services can take place there. It is also not uncommon for EI services to take place in a childcare or daycare setting as well.

 How is a child assessed for Early Intervention services?

  • Assessment typically involves a combination of developmental screenings, observations, and input from parents or caregivers. Professionals will evaluate the child’s abilities in areas such as motor skills, communication, and social interaction.

What is an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)?

  • An IFSP is a written plan developed for each child receiving Early Intervention services. It outlines the child’s needs, the services to be provided, and specific goals for the child’s development. It also includes a plan for involving the family in the intervention process.

What is the URI Early Intervention Certificate Program?

  • The Certificate in Early Intervention (EI) prepares undergraduate students across the University of Rhode Island to work with families of children ages birth to three who have or are at risk for developmental disabilities. Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to successfully work with families and other health professionals to promote optimal child development and functioning in the child’s natural environment (e.g., home).

What classes do I have to take for the URI EI Certificate?

  • In order to obtain the EI certificate, students must take a total of 5 courses: HDF 306, HDF 340, HDF 341, HDF 342, and HDF 343. For more information about course descriptions, see the URI webpage about the EI Certificate!

Do I have to be an Human Development and Family Science major to get the URI EI Certificate?

  • No! Though the EI certificate is a part of the URI HDF department, any URI student from any major is able to take the classes through the HDF department that would get you the EI certificate.

Is the EI Certificate a type of degree?

  • No, the EI Certificate is not another bachelor’s degree. The EI certificate is simply an additional certification that you would obtain along the way of getting your 4-year degree. Only degree-seeking URI students are eligible for the certificate.

What can I do with the EI certificate?

  • Successful completion of the certificate will allow students to be deemed “qualified personnel” by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and allow EI programs to hire certificate holders as an Early Interventionist II on a provisional basis in Rhode Island. After successfully completing 1000 work hours and the initial probationary review the status of Early Interventionist II would become permanent.

For questions, please consult your advisor or reach out to Dr. Casey McGregor.