Humanities Graduate Conference Travel Grants

Graduate students in the humanities may apply for funding of up to $500 to attend a conference at which they are presenting their research, or an academic workshop related to their research.

The primary criteria upon which the grants will be awarded include

Not sure if your project is a humanities project? Please see our homepage for a definition of the humanities.

To Apply

Applications for Spring 2025 grants may be submitted to InfoReady starting February 11 and are due by March 17.

Please submit your application to the Center’s Director using the electronic grant application.

Your application must include:

  • Your presentation title (or title of the workshop you will attend), name, phone number, address, e-mail, department, and name of your faculty advisor;
  • If you are applying to present at a conference, please provide an overview of your presentation including a statement about how your research will durther knowledge of the humanities in general as well as in your specific field. Please also explain briefly how the conference will support your research and professional development. (Three pages maximum); If you are applying to attend a workshop, please provide a statement about your research agenda and how the workshop will support your research and professional development. (Three pages maximum);
  • A link to the conference website or PDF of the conference program that lists your presentation –  or a link to the workshop website and confirmation that you have been accepted.
  • A brief curriculum vitae (three pages maximum);
  • A clear project budget, including an explanation of how the Center funds will be used. If research expenses exceed the amount the Center will provide, please explain where else you are seeking or have secured funding;
  • A letter of support from the faculty adviser assessing the significance and quality of the presentation or workshop and its value to your professional development. This letter should be addressed to the board.  (one- page maximum)

Proposals that do not include all requested information will not be funded.

Please keep in mind that applications are read by faculty across several disciplines who may not be familiar with jargon specific to your particular field research. We recommend that graduate students have their faculty adviser and/or graduate director review their proposal before submission. For more guidance, please see a checklist review compiled by board members of the Center for Humanities, as well as an example criteria rubric.

For additional information, you may email the Director at