Journal Articles & Proceedings (* Equally contributed)
18. S. Seo, S. Yi, and Sungho Kim, “FFT Acceleration in a NAND Flash Memory,” 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2025, London, UK.
17. S. Seo, F. Danso, C. Kim, and Sungho Kim, “A Compact Frequency Comb Generator for Large-Format Superconducting Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors,” 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2025, London, UK.
16. L. T. Clark, C. S. YoungSciortino, M. Siath, L. Martinez, W. E. Brown, S. Khandker, A. Derbedrosian, Sungho Kim, R. Melendez, S. M. Guertin, J. Yang-Scharlotta, “A transistor array for extracting total ionizing dose threshold voltage shifts,” 2022 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), DOI: 10.1109/IIRW56459.2022.10032746
15. S. Seo*, Sungho Kim*, S.-H. Cho*, and et al., “Artificial optic-neural synapse for colored and color-mixed pattern recognition,” Nature Communications, (2018)9:5106, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07572-5
14. J.-S. Kim, Y. H. Kim, Sungho Kim, and J.-J. Kim, “Compact Convolution Mapping on Neuromorphic Hardware Using Axonal Delay,” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED 2018), July 2018, Seattle, WA, USA.
13. D.-H. Kang, W.-Y. Choi, H. Woo, S. Jang, H.-Y. Park, J. Shim, J.-W. Choi, Sungho Kim, S. Jeon, S. Lee, and J.-H. Park, “Poly-4-vinylphenol(PVP) and poly(melamine-co-formaldehyde) (PMF)-based atomic switching device and its application to logic gate circuits,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9(32), pp. 27073-27082
12. B. Son, Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, H. Jung, J. Kim, and et al., “A 640X480 Dynamic Vision Sensor With a 9um Pixel and 300Meps Address-Event Represenations,” IEEE 2017 International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC 2017), Feb 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA.
11. X. Yuan, Sungho Kim, M. D’Urbino, J. Juyon, M. E. Obien, T. Bullmann, Y. Chen, A. Stettler, A. Hierlemann, and U. Frey, “A Microelectrode Array with 8,640 Electrode Enabling Simultaneous Full-frame Readout at 6.5kfps and 112-Channel Switch-Matrix Readout at 20kS/S,” 2016 Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI 2016), Jun 2016, Hawaii, USA.
10. X. Yuan, Sungho Kim, M. D’Urbino, J. Juyon, M. E. Obien, T. Bullmann, Y. Chen, A. Stettler, A. Hierlemann, and U. Frey, “Dual-mode-operation Microelectrode Array for Extracellular Action Potential Recording,” Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstracts of the 10th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Electrode Arrays, 2016, Reutlingen, Germany.
9. P. K. J. Park, K. Lee, J. H. Lee, B. Kang, C.-W. Shin, J. Woo, J.-S. Kim, Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, S. Moradi, O. Gurel, and H. Ryu, “Computationally efficient, real-time motion recognition based on bioinspired visual and cognitive processing,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Quebec City, QC, Canada, Sep 2015.
8. F. Seichepine, A. Dudina, Sungho Kim, Andreas Hierlemann, U. Frey, “Semi-sacrificial Electrode Dielectrophoresis for Large-Scale Integration of Carbon Nanotubes onto a CMOS-integrated Switch-Matrix System,” International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE2013), London, UK, Sep 2013.
7. K. Delikaris, Sungho Kim, D. J. Bakkum, A. Hierlermann, U. Frey, “Dynamics of Multiple, Interconnected Neuronal Populations Cultured on a High-Density Microelectrode Array System,” Neuro 2013, Kyoto, Japan, June 2013.
6. Sungho Kim, W. Lepkowski, T. J. Thornton, and B. Bakkaloglu, “Analog image recognition arrays design by using co-fabricated MOSFET and MESFETs on a 0.25μm SOS CMOS process,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 72, 485-494, Aug 2012.
5. Sungho Kim, W. Lepkowski, S. Wilk, T. J. Thornton, and B. Bakkaloglu, “A low-power BFSK MICS transceiver for health monitoring systems,” IEEE Biomedical circuits and systems conference (BioCAS), San Diego, CA, Nov 2011.
4. Sungho Kim, W. Lepkowski, T. J. Thornton, and B. Bakkaloglu, “Analog image processing circuit on 0.25μm SOS MESFET” IEEE SOI Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct 2010.
3. Sungho Kim, W. Lepkowski, T. J. Thornton, and B. Bakkaloglu, “CMOS compatible high voltage compliant MESFET based analogue IC building blocks” IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Cancun, Mexico, Aug 2009.
2. W. Lepkowski, W. Seth, Sungho Kim, B. Bakkaloglu, and T. J. Thornton, “A capacitor free LDO using a FD Si-MESFET pass transistor” IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Cancun, Mexico, Aug 2009.
1. Sungho Kim, W. Lepkowski, T. J. Thornton, and B. Bakkaloglu, “CMOS compatible high voltage compliant MESFET based analogue IC building blocks,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 45, No. 12, June 2009.
Patent (Granted, US)
15. Sungho Kim, C, Kim, and J. Lee “Neuromorphic method and apparatus with multi-bit neuromorphic operation” Patent #: US11868870B2
14. Sungho Kim, C, Kim, and J. Lee “Neural network apparatus and method of processing variable-resolution operation by the same” Patent #: US11853869B2
13. Sungho Kim, Y. Kim, J. Kim, H, Kim, J. Kim, and J. Kim “Diving neural networks” Patent #: US11681899B2
12. Sungho Kim, C, Kim, and J. Lee “Two-dimensional array-based neuromorphic processor and implementing method” Patent #: US11663451B2
11. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Kim, and D. Park “Neural network device and method” Patent #: US11521046B2
10. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, and J. Kim, “Data output device,” Patent #: US11125615B2
9. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based sensor, user device including the same, and operation method of the same,” Patent #: US11122224B2
8. Y. Suh, K. Park, Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and H. Ryu, “Data output device,” Patent #: US10649544B2
7. Y. Suh, S. Moradi, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Data communication device,” Patent #: US10444787B2
6. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and Y. Suh, “Current control circuit and bias generator including the same,” Patent #: US10423187B2
5. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, and J. Kim, “Data output device,” Patent #: US10401217B2
4. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Suh, and H. Ryu, “Sensor for motion information, illumination information and proximity information, and operating method of central processing unit (CPU) using the sensor,” Patent #: US10337914B2
3. Y. Suh, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based sensor and pixel of event-based sensor,” Patent #: US10161789B2
2. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based vision sensor and difference amplifier with reduced noise and removed offset,” Patent #: US9739660B2
1. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Suh, and H. Ryu, “Method and apparatus for controlling threshold voltage,” Patent #: US9660622B2
Patent (Granted, South Korea)
8. Sungho Kim, C, Kim, and J. Lee “Two-dimensional Array-based Neuromorphic Processor and Implementing Method” Patent application #: KR102618546B1
7. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, and J. Kim, “Data output device,” Patent #: KR102538172B1
6. Y. Suh, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based sensor and pixel of event-based sensor,” Patent #: KR102523136B1
5. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and Y. Suh, “Current control circuit and bias generator including the same,” Patent #: KR102500806B1
4. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based vision sensor and difference amplifier with reduced noise and removed offset,” Patent #: KR102426677B1
3. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Suh, and H. Ryu, “Method and apparatus for controlling threshold voltage,” Patent #: KR102407274B1
2. Y. Suh, S. Moradi, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Data communication device,” Patent #: KR102381862B1
1. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Suh, and H. Ryu, “Sensor for motion information, illumination information and proximity information, and operating method of central processing unit (CPU) using the sensor,” Patent #: KR102331920B1
Patent (Granted, EU)
3. Y. Suh, Sungho Kim, J. Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based sensor, user device including the same, and operation method of the same,” Patent #: EP3324611B1
2. Sungho Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Suh, and H. Ryu, “Sensor for motion information, illumination information and proximity information, and operating method of central processing unit (CPU) using the sensor,” Patent #: EP3037921B1
1. Y. Suh, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based Sensor and Pixel of Event-based Sensor,” Patent#: EP3139595B1
Patent (Granted, Japan)
1. Y. Suh, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based sensor and pixel of event-based sensor,” Patent #: JP6962670B2
Patent (Granted, China)
1. Y. Suh, J. Kim, Sungho Kim, and H. Ryu, “Event-based sensor and pixel of event-based sensor,” Patent #: CN106488151B