Finals Week: The Final Stretch

woman sitting at counter on laptop, smilingWe are finally at the final stretch of this seemingly never-ending semester. After Thanksgiving break it can be hard to get back into the school mindset. The holiday season can be such an exciting time, and getting through these last few weeks of the semester can seem near impossible. Once you finish up your final exams and projects, you’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. Here are a 5 tips to stay focused during these next few weeks, and visit the Self-Care Kit for Exams and Beyond to choose your mood button and find helpful tips, treats, and fun!

  1. Don’t study in bed: It can be tempting studying in bed, when you’re stuck at home and the weather is getting chilly. I always try to convince myself that I am able to be productive from my bed, and the truth is, 9 times out of 10 you will be more productive at a designated study area. If you don’t have a desk in your room, maybe try studying at your kitchen table or in the living room! It’s good to have a designated relaxation area and a designated study area, if possible.
  2. Get dressed for the day – even if you are spending it in your house:woman smiling holding notes and a laptop It can be so easy to stay in pajamas all day, I get it. The cold weather makes me want to bundle up in the fuzziest clothes I can find. I find that I am more productive when I get ready as I would if I were going to leave the house. Wash your face, brush your teeth, and put on a nice outfit. By doing that, it will get you into a productive mindset. 
  3. Focus on one class at a time: If you are someone who has multiple finals, it can be overwhelming. Look online to see exactly what date each final is on. Schedule out what you need to do to prepare for each final, and how prepared you feel. Some classes may be more of a priority, so you want to put more effort into that. Focus on one class at a time, because otherwise, things can be hectic.
  4. Take a study break: During a normal semester, the library is filled with students in the 24-hour room pulling all-nighters. Don’t get me wrong, I have been in this position, but it’s not always the best option. My point is, make sure not to burn yourself out. It’s okay to take study breaks! Campus Rec has study breaks to keep you moving! follow @uricampusrec for details) 
  5. Plan a reward for yourself for after finals: Sometimes we need an incentive to get through hard times. Once you finish your last final maybe order takeout from your favorite place or buy a new pair of shoes for yourself! I truly believe that the little things, like ordering takeout, are so important in life. Think of something that you can be excited about that will get you through these final weeks of the semester. Having something to look forward to is important in times like these. 

laptop, notes, and penFinals can be described as one word: stress
That’s true, but remember to breathe!
Prepare in advance what you need to study and have confidence in yourself.
You’re so close to the end of the semester
just this one final stretch!


author: Lisa M.

headshot of lisaHi! I’m Lisa, a senior at URI getting my degree in public relations. I have lived in Rhode Island my whole life and decided to continue my education here. I am excited to be working with URI Campus Recreation this semester. With everything going on in 2020, it has sparked my passion for health and wellbeing. During these hard times, I find it’s easy to get into a rut, but I have tried my best to stay positive and focus on what makes me happy. I try to be outdoors as often as I can. I love going to the beach, biking, and just and enjoying the warm weather while I can.”

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