‘Tis the Self-Care Season

mood board of art, nature, and booksAs many of us have been adjusting to this new lifestyle as a remote college student, some of us have lost motivation and optimism. It is important to remember that change can be good, and it provides the opportunity to challenge yourself. Though 2020 has not been our favorite year, it has shown us that we can find joy in the things that already exist within our own lives. Don’t get too comfy on that couch – I’ve got 3 ways you can use remote learning, working, and living to your advantage!

If one thing has been proved through going remote, it’s that almost anything is possible from home if you have WiFi. Many of us are now realizing that our jobs, schools, and shopping can be done without ever getting out of bed. However, staying in bed all day is draining and can deteriorate not only your physical health but your mental health as well. When you lose the responsibility of having places to go and people to see, you may likely lose the motivation to learn new things or get excited about your future. Rather than scrolling through Instagram for the tenth time today and getting discouraged by things like comments, likes, views, and comparisons, here are 3 ways you can utilize your experience on the Internet while letting it fuel your real-life goals.

The adjustment to college online has created new challenges for many students, such as getting to virtual class meetings on time, remembering to do an assignment without a professor reminding you and having to organize documents and projects on your computer. 

1. One of my most efficient ways of staying prepared for homework and projects is by keeping a digital “binder” on my laptop.

organized folders on Apple laptopRegardless of whether you use a Mac, Windows, or any other computer operating system, you can store your document files in a way that makes them easily accessible and simple.


  • Start off by creating a new folder for each semester, such as “URI Fall2020”
  • Then, create sub-folders for each class you are taking, such as “COM100”
  • Each time you create a new document, make sure to save it to the correct folder so that you can easily find your essays, group projects, or whatever other assignments you need to keep securely in your computer.
  • If you use Google Docs for most of your documents, you can do the same thing and create specific, organized places for your important work.

This may seem simple, but many students do not take the time to organize their virtual documents the same way they normally would in a file folder or binder. Following this organization system can save you time and energy when searching for something in a pinch. Having this routine of organizing anything you save to your computer can better prepare you for remote work at home. As many businesses have learned that their employees can do their “desk jobs” at home, there may be a good possibility that your dream job can be done from the comfort of your own home!

2. Having a creative “side-hustle” is a great way to take your mind off things like school and other stressors. Getting crafty can become a means of side income, especially if you are comfortable using your internet platforms as a means of promotion. 

notebook, laptop, and "DREAM"Unfortunately, many of our families, friends, and even ourselves have undergone financial struggles due to loss of work or financial stability this year.

In 2020, life at home has taught many young people that their hobbies can be profitable! For example, if you take photos on your iPhone and enjoy editing them, you can start a side-hustle of making peoples’ Instagram posts look professional. Another way to make money can be by selling specialized drawings.

"Etsy" logoDuring the holiday season, many people love to gift personalized pictures, and what better way to create your art portfolio than creating studio portraits of existing photos! There are many ways to execute this such as making cartoon drawings of people or using digital illustration apps to create animations of photos that people send to you. Selling your artwork can be a great way to gain confidence in your craft and can lead to a bigger social media presence through promotion and customized art! There are many apps that allow secure selling, such as Etsy and Depop, which can be used for selling crafts, clothes, or anything handmade.

If art is not your thing, there are still many ways you can find your perfect side-hustle. You can set up Zoom sessions for tutoring if you excel at a particular subject, or even take on a personal-training role if you are into fitness or your favorite sport.

Whatever it is you are passionate about, creating a side-hustle can help you create a small business out of your hobbies while connecting you to people on the internet who support your work. And there is no shame in making a little cash on the side! 

3. One of the most important things for a college student is their study space. Where you do your work can determine your productivity, so it is important to find a quiet, clean, and comfortable space to get work done.

organized desk with computer and office areaTo start creating your optimal study space, you first want to have a comfortable place to sit. Your first thought might be to sit on your bed against a comfy pillow, but this can actually create more of a distraction. Your bed is a place for relaxation, sleeping, and watching Netflix, but is definitely not a great space to concentrate on school work. Sitting upright and having your laptop on a desk in front of you makes it easier to focus and have your screen at eye-level, which will improve your posture and eye health.

Once you have found a desk space that is comfortable, you will want to ensure that you have an outlet close by for charging your laptop, phone, or headphones. I have found that it’s helpful to sit at a desk that is higher off the ground, to avoid tangled cords as well. 

For even more organization, you will want to keep pens, pencils, and paper nearby for jotting down quick notes and reminders while doing your work.

The fun part is making the perfect scenery and lighting for your aesthetic taste! You can search online for different kinds of lamps, wall art, and other decorations that will make you feel at home and inspire you to produce your best work. My favorite item on my study desk is my Himalayan salt lamp, which gives off a pink light and cultivates a warm feeling in my room. I also love to put pictures of the things that inspire me most, like pictures of my favorite city or cut-outs of inspiring people and quotes. These can all be combined to create a mood-board or laid out according to your preference!

After a long day of straining your eyes and typing on a keypad, having a designated “concentration station” is guaranteed to make your reunion with your cozy bed even more rewarding!

While you are stuck at home, try to remember that you have the opportunity to spend time with your thoughts and loved ones. It is up to you to make the best of the situation you are in, so rather than thinking about how much you wish things were different, stay optimistic that the future holds so much opportunity! Use every day to plan ahead, study hard, and learn more about yourself.

I hope that these 3 tips can help you feel productive and evoke some inspiration in your life from home!

Share your “concentration stations” on Instagram and tag the URI Campus Rec account!

author: Jess T.

Jess blog writer sitting at a table with beach in the backgroundHi everyone! I’m Jessica T., a senior here at URI majoring in Communications. After moving to Rhode Island from Southern Connecticut, I’ve now lived in Warwick for almost three years. Becoming a part of the Campus Recreation team has given me the opportunity to write blogs that enable myself and other students to relate and connect despite having limited time on campus. I have always loved writing and hope to have my work positively impact the lives of others! I also enjoy activities such as barre, sewing, and hiking. Rhode Island has become home for me and has brought me so many special experiences, especially during my time in college. The URI community is so welcoming and is always changing, so I am excited to represent our school through this blog!

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