Simple At-Home Workouts Without Any Equipment

personal photo of blog writerLooking to start working out but don’t want to go to the gym? That’s perfectly fine. Let’s bring the gym to you! Before the coronavirus, I was in the gym 3 days a week. So when the pandemic hit and gyms closed down, I found myself working out from home trying to get the best out of what I had. Now, I have yet to return back to a gym since the pandemic. If you don’t feel comfortable going back to the gym yet, why not just work out in your own home! Here are my 3 simple workouts that you can do with NO WEIGHTS NEEDED. It is super easy to make progress with only your bodyweight. Working out to my level of fitness shouldn’t take much time but if you are starting off, please START SLOW. It is important to know that everyone has their own limits no matter who you are. It is key to stop at any time if you start to feel overwhelmed in any way. This can be physically and/or mentally. Everyone wants to work harder and get the most out of their workout but just remember to always listen to your body and how you feel before continuing. Take those rest breaks!

Whether you are just starting out or are already an athlete, here’s one thing you must always do:


Stretch those muscles! This is something that all the great athletes do, players such as Kobe Bryant and Tom Brady always make sure to get moving before practice and games. It is very critical to your muscles that you stretch because it warms up blood temperature and increases blood flow, allowing oxygen to reach muscles faster. It will also help you to avoid injuries. When you stretch, you increase the range of motion to reach maximum movement potential which is key to succeeding in whatever you may be doing. Without stretching, your body won’t be ready. 

Here’s how I warm up. 

Start by doing some leg swings

  • While standing with your left side next to a wall, hold onto the wall with your left hand.
  • Now raise your right leg up as high as you can while keeping your left leg locked..
  • Next, raise your right leg back as far as your can while keeping your left leg locked.
  • Do this for about 30 seconds then switch legs.
  • It is important to keep your back straight and your chest out!

Now do some arm circles.

  • Stand straight with arms extended parallel to the ground.
  • Move arms in little circles while gradually getting bigger until you are swinging your arms.
  • Do this 5 times.

Next, march in place while moving your arms around. 

  • Start off slow.
  • Make sure to not overdo it and just make sure you are simply moving to warm the body up.
  • Do this for about 1 minute.

Time to get a little faster and begin to jog in place.

  • It is key to keep your arms moving!
  • Do this for about 30 seconds.

This warm-up is only meant to prepare your body. So don’t get too crazy!

Now we start the fun.

Core Workout

Not only does a core workout tone those amazing abs, but it can also help keep internal organs healthy as well as eliminating back pain. Here is what to do.

student practicing a plank with 2 hands and 1 hand, with descriptions Planks

  • Go into a pushup position and instead of your hands on the ground, rest your forearms on the ground.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds
  • If you’re feeling zesty, try pushing your knee to your left elbow then your right knee to your right elbow. This is called a spiderman plank. This is how I do my planks.
  • Be careful to keep your core engaged and back flat (no hips in the air, no sway backs)
  • As you go on, it is always important to challenge yourself. Add on additional plank time to each set that you do!

15 Sit-Ups

  • Add an extra 5 sit-ups to each set that you do.

student on the floor showing bicycle kicks with descriptions1-minute bicycle kicks

  • Lay on your back fully extended with your hands behind your head.
  • While bringing your right knee closer to your chest, raise your shoulders and turn to touch your knee with your left elbow.
  • After touching your right knee with your left elbow, bring your left knee to your right elbow and continue to switch.
  • You should begin to feel the motion of your legs pedaling a bicycle.
  • Make sure to keep the small of your back against the ground to maintain proper back alignment and to feel the workout more in your core!
  • Add 30 seconds to each set that you do!

Now repeat 3-5 times in the following order.

Make sure to REST and drink fluids in between sets.

Leg Workout

Leg days aren’t that bad, right? Keeping your legs toned not only looks great but they feel great too! Working on your legs is proven to boost your metabolism while reducing injury. It’s all about flexibility and stability with these simple leg routines!

30 Squats

  • Make sure to hold your squats 1-3 seconds

student demonstrating lunges with front view and side view20 lunges

  • It is important to keep your back straight and not let your knee touch the ground either!




student standing on one leg30 single leg calf raises

  • Stand straight and wrap one foot behind the other so that you are standing on one foot.
  • Now push forward with your toes to lift yourself up.
  • Then repeat with the other leg.

If you are not comfortable with completing this movement, that’s okay! Here’s a great alternative that works like a charm.

30 double leg calf raises

  • Stand straight with both feet at the edge of a step.
  • Now use both feet and push forward with your toes to lift yourself up.
  • It is important that the balls of your feet and toes should be the only part of your feet on the platform!

20 mountain climbers

  • Get into a plank position
  • Pull one knee up towards your midsection while lifting off the opposite foot.

Hold a squat for 1 minute

Now repeats 3-5 times in the following order
Make sure to REST and drink fluids in between sets

Arm Workout

Working on your arms is just as important as any other body workout. Investing in arm workouts helps develop a solid posture and form. Here’s my simple arm workout so that you can keep those arms fit!

30 Pushups

  • You can start on knees (modified plank”)and move to the toes for more of a challenge.

15 Burpees

  • Start in a squat position.
  • Lower hands to floor in front so they are just below your feet.
  • With the weight on your hands, kick your feet back (pushup position).
  • Do 1 pushup.
  • Do a frog kick so that your feet are back in the starting position.
  • Stand while reaching your arms over your head and jump.
  • Repeat.

30 Tricep dips

  • Start by sitting on a chair or table. with hands on edge of chair, fingers pointing forward.
  • Scoot your buttocks off the chair supporting yourself with just your hands.
  • Lower yourself by bending your elbows 90 degrees back until you are low enough.
  • Then straighten your elbows to fully lift yourself back up and pause.
  • Repeat.

30 Plank shoulder taps

  • Get into a push-up position
  • While keeping your hips square to the floor, lift your right hand and tap your left shoulder
  • Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.
  • Make sure to bring the belly button to the core and keep your spine aligned so you do not feel the move in your lower back!

Now repeats 3-5 times in the following order

Make sure to REST and drink fluids in between sets

It’s okay to stay at home! We are still in a pandemic so going back to a gym may sound nerve-racking. Even without any gear, my at-home workouts are designed to not only be simple but be very beneficial to one’s fitness. It’s super easy to get results just using your bodyweight. Who doesn’t want to work out in the safety and privacy of their own home? Remember to always work at your own pace! Remember to always work at your own pace! 


Works Cited

Arm Workouts: Appreciating Its Benefits, Its Anatomy, and More.” Health and Fitness Vitality, 19 July 2017.

Banar, Maura. “Importance of Leg Workouts.” Healthy Living, 21 Nov. 2017.

Why Your Core Muscles Matter.Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 29 Aug. 2020.


Headshot of EddyHey everyone! I’m Eddy, a senior majoring in Communications and minoring in Sports Media. I am so happy to be a part of the URI Campus Recreation team! Writing has been a passion of mine since I was little, and I look forward to not only growing as a writer but as a person too.  My favorite activities include following the world of sports and playing sports. Whether it’s just reading articles on Bleacher Report or going out to the field, I am always doing something related to sports every second of the day! I played football and tennis in high school while running indoor track and field as well. Sports have always been a key role in my life as they made me who I am today. My favorite teams are the Philadelphia Eagles, Minnesota Timberwolves, and FC Porto. I am a very competitive person and will never back down from any challenge. Always ready to bring out the best of the team and myself!


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