Three Helpful Tips to Overcome Procrastination

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With finals season just around the corner it can be hard to jump back into school work, especially after coming back from Thanksgiving break. As someone who has always struggled with procrastination, this time of year has always been hard for me. With turkey and stuffing still on my mind, and the excitement for the holiday season increasing, I want nothing more than to just sit back, relax, and watch Christmas movies. You would think that this would make me want to get my work done as fast as possible, but every year it has the opposite effect. I self-sabotage by putting my work off, resulting in a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. The habit of waiting until the last minute to do my homework or prepare for an exam started in high school and has followed me into college. My friends and parents would ask me “Why is it hard to just get it done now?” and I would make excuses for myself every time. 

Once I got into my sophomore year of college and my work load started to increase, my procrastination started to affect my mental health even more. That is when I knew that I needed to do something to kick this bad habit. I asked my friends for tips and looked into different resources that URI offered that would help me get my work done in a timely manner. 

Here are three tips that have actually helped me with overcoming procrastination. 

1. Taking a walk. 

Although this seems counterproductive and another way to procrastinate, taking walks when I am overwhelmed has helped me clear my head, and has contributed to increasing my productivity. When I am stressed out with an assignment or exam, I tend to get into my head which seriously affects my ability to focus. Taking a walk when I am feeling this way allows me to clear my mind and can trigger ideas for whatever I am working on. The key to doing this is to make sure you set a fixed period of time for your walk to make sure you still have time to do your assignment. There are many places around campus that you can do this, my favorite is the URI bike path. If you don’t like going on walks, going to the gym could be just as beneficial. You can stop in at Mackal Field House or Anna Fascitelli Fitness and Wellness Center for a quick workout to help you get into a better headspace to get work done.

2. Don’t do homework in bed.  

One of my biggest mistakes when trying to get work done is by doing it in bed. This leads to so many distractions and more often than not, I fall asleep. It has helped me tremendously by doing my work at a desk, or better yet, in a designated study space like the library. The third floor of the library has been a game changer when it comes to doing homework or studying. It is a designated quiet space for people who need a calm and relaxing atmosphere to get work done. Another thing that you can do is book a study room. Study rooms are available on all three floors of the library and they are great for people who are working on group projects or having group study sessions. You can request a study room at the circulation desk located right at the entrance of the library. Just make sure you don’t forget your student ID! For students that live in the Narragansett area that might not want to drive all the way back to campus, local coffee shops are also great places to go to get work done. The white noise, caffeine, and cozy atmosphere can encourage more motivation. My personal favorites are Audrey’s Coffee House and Lounge and Cool Beans Cafe. Other options closer to campus that I also really like are TLC Coffee Roasters and Bru RI

3. Make a to-do list. 

Making a to-do list is something so small, but it has contributed to a lot to helping me stay organized. I used to think that I did not need to write anything down because I could remember everything that I needed to do. However, writing everything down has allowed me to create accountability, improves my motivation, and gives me a visual of what needs to be done and when. Not only that, but crossing things out is extremely satisfying and gives me a sense of accomplishment! It is such a small thing and takes five minutes to do. If you don’t want to use a planner, a helpful tip is to use the desktop sticky note feature available on Macs.

At the end of the day, procrastination is something that so many people deal with. It is a bad habit that is extremely hard to kick. Making the effort to change your work habits won’t just help you avoid unnecessary stressors, but will also improve the work that you are handing in. 

Although I still find myself procrastinating at times, the small changes that I have made in my life has helped my mental health tremendously. I can hang out with my friends and enjoy the holiday season without constantly worrying about what needs to get done and when.

blog writer liv

Hi everyone! My name is Liv Mott and I am from Cheshire, Connecticut. I’m a senior communications and public relations major with a minor in writing and rhetoric. On campus, I am also involved in Greek Life. When I am not writing or watching the sunset with my sisters, I am probably going on long car rides and exploring Rhode Island with a Starbucks pumpkin spice cold brew in hand. I love the beach and even in the winter, I can be found eating a Cool Beans acai bowl in the Narragansett Town Beach parking lot. This is my first semester as a blog writer for Campus Rec and I am super excited to share my voice with the Rhody community!

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