Behind the Scenes With Campus Rec: Volume 2

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Being active, taking care of yourself, and finding a space to belong are just some of the values of Campus Recreation. On campus, Campus Recreation is a tool for students to ensure they are feeling their best while making the most out of their time at the University of Rhode Island. 

Have you been wondering how to get more involved on campus? Are you looking for an on-campus job? Are you curious to know what being a photographer for Campus Recreation would be like? Welcome to Behind the Scenes with Campus Recreation: Volume 2! This week, Michael LaValva joined InsideRec in sharing his experience of what it is like working for Campus Recreation. 

Follow along to learn more about Michael and his role here at URI. 


Introduce yourself! Tell InsideRec who you are and what you do for Campus Recreation.

Michael: I am Michael LaValva, a rising senior and communication, sports media, and digital media student, and this year’s Photography Supervisor for Campus Recreation. 

Why did you choose to come to URI?

Michael: I chose URI because of a few key factors. The atmosphere, the location, the connections, and the plentiful opportunities led the way in my decision.

What made you decide to join the Campus Recreation team? 

Michael: A bit bored and in need of some cash, I was searching through roles on Handshake (URI’s job search tool). I figured I would find somewhere to make a quick buck; maybe a dining hall or an on-campus restaurant. When I stumbled upon the photography position that Campus Rec was offering, I knew something a bit larger scale was on the table. It seemed like somewhere I could advance my skills in fields that would be relevant for the duration of my career. I quickly applied, and was fortunate enough to add to the growing team the following semester.

What is your favorite part of working for Campus Recreation?

Michael: Campus Rec is a great reminder that there are so many ways to feel rewarded. Whether it’s staying active, working on yourself, taking a mental break, connecting with future friends, or — in my case — helping share these joys with the larger community; Campus Rec has a way of effortlessly bringing fulfillment… Even if you have to work for it.

Do you have a project you are most proud of and want to share with InsideRec? 

Michael: As a few of my mentors graduated in 2022, they left behind the seed of a project. A few small-scale media days had been held for club sports teams that sought the same kind of exciting media benefits that so many high-profile college teams are offered. It was far from complete at the beginning of the 2022-23 academic year, but with a bit of problem-solving, I was able to salvage this project. Multiple comprehensive media days were delivered to club sports teams during this past school year — and hopefully, the results can speak for themselves.

How has being a part of Campus Recreation impacted your experience at URI?

Michael: Campus Rec has offered me a new perspective on the URI community. It provided me with grounds to meet new people and share positive experiences with the ones I already knew.

Do you have a piece of advice for students who are thinking about joining our team? 

Michael: My advice is simple — get uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable to step into a team of people you may not know, but the product of doing so is well worth it. Once you’re already on board; continue to push yourself to be creative, test out new methods of sharing important messages, and marvel at how far those actions will take you.


Thank you for following along Behind the Scenes with Campus Recreation: Volume 2. There’s lots to enjoy, don’t forget to, Be active, Be well, and Belong. Here at URI, Campus Recreation has numerous opportunities for you to get involved around campus. This coming fall, we are hiring and offering internships for students! 

For more information or questions, email


Stay tuned for Tara’s next blog where she will share some ways to make sure you are prepared to head back to campus this fall semester!