Behind the Scenes with Campus Rec: Volume III

Welcome back to another Behind the Scenes with Campus Rec Blog! In this volume, I will be sharing all of the ways I like to Be Active, Be Well, and Belong here at URI. Follow along as I bring you a day in my life, highlight my favorite parts of Campus Recreation, and provide tips on feeling your best! 

A Day in My Life

As a busy college student, I am constantly writing a schedule for myself, something I often write about. I am currently a Program Assistant and a Blog Writer for Campus Recreation. Therefore, my Monday mornings start in the office. The first thing I like to do is make a detailed “To Do List” of activities, events, working hours, meetings, and anything extra I may need to add to my weekly schedule. This helps me stay organized and keep my tasks in line. 

As my day continues, I like to plan the blogs I am writing for InsideRec in advance in case I need to adjust the schedule. Then, when my responsibilities as a Program Assistant are completed for the week, like they are now, I start writing my blog! 

For me, writing makes me feel at peace. I love to find a cozy place, quiet or loud, to complete my blogs and write content for students like you! Writing blogs like the ones in this series, allows our team to share their roles with members of the community to help you better understand the ins and outs of Campus Recreation. My job is to communicate those facts correctly, effectively, and efficiently.

Campus Recreation Highlights 

As you may see on our Instagram, TikTok, or even our Facebook page, our amazing social media team creates highlights of our different program areas, campus events, and so much more. But, what you don’t see is the behind the scenes highlights, a.k.a., the purpose of this blog. 

Over the past three years, I have loved being a part of the Campus Recreation team and learning about not only URI, but the surrounding community as a whole. Being a part of a working team while simultaneously being a student can be exhausting. However, with Campus Recreation, I feel like I am hanging out with my friends every time I step into the office. 

Having the ability to practice and participate in different ways that better your well-being is so important. Each and every day, there is an opportunity to exercise, talk to friends, work outside, find inspiration through others, or simply take a few breaths in the Campus Recreation office. I love being able to come to work every day knowing that I will leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and excited for the next week. 

Working for Campus Recreations encourages me to be myself and embrace my true character every day. Writing these blogs and creating content pushes me to express myself creatively and share my thoughts with students and faculty. 

Tara’s Tips on Being Your Best Self 

Now, it wouldn’t be one of my blog posts without sharing some tips! Let’s start with Be Active. One of my favorite ways to balance myself and start the day right is to wake up early and get my body moving. Whether this looks like a long run, a walk around the block, or an at-home workout, it is so important to put yourself first and be active. 

Be Well. In one of my previous blogs, Note to my Ambivert Self, I talk about ways that I like to take care of myself when I begin to feel overwhelmed or out of place. In my life, I am often found reading or writing when I need to take care of my well-being. For me, this slows my heart rate down, allows me to focus on my own thoughts, and forces me to do something for myself. 

Finally, Belong. Being your best self means finding what makes you happy. It means finding a place where you belong and where you feel at peace. For me, this location changes almost weekly. Some days I find myself breathing in the salty air of the beach and others I find myself cozy within the walls of my own home. Sometimes I can be found in a coffee shop for hours at a time while other times I find a cubby in Ranger Hall to complete work. Each of these places makes me feel a sense of belonging and reminds me that I have a purpose. So, find a place that makes you feel relaxed and content and you too will be reminded that you belong. 

Thank you for reading this week’s Behind the Scenes of Campus Recreation Volume 3 blog! I hope you are enjoying the September weather and making the most out of the fresh air. Stay tuned for future blogs about fall activities, more notes to self, and campus highlights!