Managing Senior Year Stress

Senior year…what once felt like a never-ending trek through late-night study sessions, Friday classes, and endless homework; now has an end date, and it’s right around the corner. 

In your climb towards graduation, you’ve probably been through the gauntlet of academic challenges: frustrating group projects, long labs, and demanding exams. For many, this final stretch feels like the hardest. Whatever your post-grad plans are, something feels different about these last few semesters. You’re probably experiencing some of the greatest stressors you’ve had in your academic career. Weighing on your shoulders are some of the most challenging classes in your major, the hardest exams, and the knowledge that you are about to step out into unknown territory. 

Most of us have been in school our entire lives, and this new chapter invites feelings of excitement and apprehension. Who knows what the future will bring? The opportunities are endless, but the path is uncharted. As the stress builds, here are some ways I manage. 

Organization is Your Best Friend

There’s nothing worse than finishing a long study session just to realize there’s one more thing you need to hand in. I recommend you use a planner, put due dates in your Google calendar, and plan the week early on Monday. I promise it will save you stress and last-minute panic. I also suggest that you break down daunting assignments into smaller steps. For me, this makes overwhelming assignments seem achievable. Consider treating yourself once you finish a big step, spend ten minutes on Tiktok, or grab something sweet – you’ve earned it. 

Use Your Support System

With the end in sight and graduation in front of you, lean on your friends, classmates, family, or mentors for support. Senior year sends me through cycles of stress and anxiety constantly, but on days where I feel like crumbling, it’s their support that keeps me upright. My friends are my biggest cheerleaders. When I’m overwhelmed, they keep me grounded. When I’m stressed, they make me laugh, and when I doubt myself,  they remind me of how far I’ve come. Beyond emotional support, your network can help you practically. Don’t be afraid to utilize what others offer; join a study group, talk through a project with a mentor, or ask someone to proofread your paper. Little things make a big difference.

You’re a human, not a robot. 

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the stress of senior year, I feel like I’m just going through the motions. At those times, it’s important to step back and take care of your needs. In my experience, taking care of your body and mind by getting enough sleep, keeping active, and eating well makes things less intense. I try to remind myself that self-care is crucial. I try to spend time with my feelings, but not linger on them obsessively. Meditation and mindfulness are great tools to remind myself that no matter how stressed I am, this moment will pass. Take breaks and take care of yourself.  

At the end of the day, you will walk across that stage and know that you’ve accomplished something huge. Keep that vision in sight on hard days, but don’t dwell on it. Sometimes, I feel like if I blink I’ll miss these last moments, which is why I try to stay present. Despite the stress, there are a lot of things I’ll miss when I graduate so I choose to cherish them now. When I hang out with friends, I try to put my phone away and be in the moment. Choose to actively participate in your life and engage fully in any extracurriculars. Make the decision to spend time expressing gratitude and celebrate how far you’ve come! It’s hard to stop thinking about the next thing I have to do, but I’m trying to sit back and enjoy the ride while I can.


By Milo Heard