Note to Self: Challenge Yourself

As summer is progressing, I have found myself falling into a comfortable pattern instead of actively searching for new ways to embrace change. With no classes, schoolwork, or a demanding schedule, it is easy for me to fall into a routine in which I am simply going through the motions. Visiting the same coffee shops, seeing the same friends, and attending my summer job for the same shift, can provide a sense of comfort and stability. Yet, I find myself craving difference and excitement in my life. With a relaxed and comfortable schedule this summer, I am challenging myself to initiate change in various areas of my life.


I am a person of routine. I am stubborn in my schedule, preferring sameness and uniformity each day. Although I do appreciate familiarity, routines often become stagnant and can lead to a boring life. Attending URI forced me to change my ways of living in every aspect. My friends, place of living, classes, eating habits, and workout routines were all different from those at home. Although it was a difficult adjustment, it was vital. 

The First Steps

Getting out of my comfort zone was definitely a force, yet extremely beneficial. Without a motivation to change and grow, I would have found myself going through the motions each day, bored and unfulfilled by an uninteresting routine. At the beginning of my first semester, I fell into a dull cycle of attending class, eating at the same dining hall, and being surrounded by the same people. This repetitive schedule quickly became mundane and drained the excitement and sense of fulfillment from my first year of college. This is when I began to understand that it is essential to challenge ourselves and look for areas in our lives that we can alter. 

My freshman year prompted me to change on more than just a surface level. I began to challenge my own beliefs and familiarities by attending various clubs, participating in intramural sports that were new to me, and meeting a variety of people. I was encouraged to join an intramural sport by a mutual friend. While at first I was hesitant, not knowing anyone on the team, I immediately found that intramural sports were a great way to meet people with common interests and partake in some friendly competition. Joining intramural sports opened up an entire community for me. It introduced me to the multitude of opportunities within Campus Rec, such as jobs, well being events, and more intramural teams to join. With this, I gained new friendships, built connections, and learned things I would not have had I kept to my simple routine. 

Trying new things can surprise us. It was only when I decided to go to new study spots on campus that I discovered I very much prefer studying in the Memorial Union to the library. The Memorial Union is an active building on campus, filled with students getting lunch, members of clubs doing self promotions, and friends catching up or playing ping pong. I discovered that I prefer studying in areas with noise and activity, it actually helps me focus. As opposed to the library which can be still and quiet. Another time I benefited from initiating change in my life was when I strayed from lifting weights by myself and started taking group exercise classes. My friends often participated in these classes and invited me to join them for a body pump class. While these classes were new and a little intimidating to me, I found that group exercise is a fun way to get a workout in. At first, I only attended these classes with my friends, but I enjoyed them so much that I went on to attend several throughout the semesters by myself. From cycle classes to sunrise yoga, there is truly something for everyone! The wide variety of classes available to students is encouraging and accentuates the opportunities for students to try new things and get out of their comfort zones. 

Opportunities to Change

The URI campus allows us new opportunities and areas to change in each day. URI provides numerous on campus job opportunities to students, providing a way for us to learn new skills and venture into different areas of work. This year, I became an intramural basketball ref. This was a unique opportunity to meet new people and improve my communication skills. There are a multitude of jobs provided solely by Campus Recreation, such as refs, game managers and supervisors for intramural sports, marketing positions, gym attendants, club sports workers, and group exercise instructors. RhodyFest and RecFest will be held early on in the upcoming fall semester. Here, clubs and activities will be set up for students to learn about and join! Be sure to attend these events and find how you can create change in your life at URI. Whether it is attending a different dining hall, taking a new path to class, or joining a club, the opportunities to embrace change are plentiful.  Push yourself to explore change and discover the things that you truly enjoy.

At times, change is so large, it can be difficult to adjust to. We find ourselves searching for stability or sameness. Going to college was perhaps one of the greatest changes I have faced. With such large changes like these, it is important to seek out opportunities that you find enjoyment in. In order to prepare ourselves for an immense change such as going to college, it helps to alter smaller areas in your life, such as your workout routines or meals. With exposing ourselves to different variations of change, we are preparing ourselves for greater and more impactful changes. 

Change can be simple. For me, it is as plain as taking a new walking path or running a different route. It can even be as effortless as trying out a different coffee or attempting a new recipe. By making small changes within our routines, we are preparing ourselves to be resilient and become accustomed to larger and more momentous changes. Trying new things is essential to our well being as it can bring new relationships, connections, and create excitement in our lives. 

Change correlates with growth. In every aspect that our lives are changing, we are learning things about ourselves and further opening up our perspective of the world. This summer, I will strive to seek out areas of my life that could use change in order to better understand myself and become a more well rounded and knowledgeable person.


By Erin Mullaney