International Internships

Studying the impact of climate change impacts to coastal fisheries in Saint Kitts

Photograph courtesy of Hilary Lohmann, Marine Affairs MA ’15

Participating in an international internship is an incredible way to gain work experience in your academic field.

Internships combine elements that favor learning, valuable work skills, personal growth, and hands-on cross-cultural field training.

URI Global Internships

URI and WorldStrides are offering the unique opportunity to complete an international internship in 3 cities around the world. Students can take advantage of WordStrides’ connections in these locations to earn URI Internship credit, develop new personal and professional networks, and gain valuable experience during their summer internship abroad.  

These unpaid internships will take place in Dublin, Ho Chi Minh City, and Santiago. Students will not only gain future career experience, but also a greater cultural understanding through immersion in the cities’ workforce and participation in cultural excursions organized by WorldStrides. 

Students will work approximately 25 hours per week at an internship related to their field of interest.   

Contact Information

Office of International Education and National Student Exchange
Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm EST
37 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI, 02881

Advising Appointments
To schedule an appointment, log into Starfish, search for International Education and National Student Exchange and select the advisor based on your college.