

Other Interprofessional Education Resources


URI IPE Opportunities

URI’s faculty, students, and community partners engage in Interprofessional Education and Practice across the spectrum of competencies, depth of the content, and the type of experience. Highlighted below are IPE opportunities for URI students across various activity levels and activity types. This figure was inspired from University of Toronto’s Framework for Interprofessional Values and Core Competencies. Key: Click on each link to learn more about these URI IPE Opportunities: MBA537 – NFS/NUR Skills Lab –HDF540 –MBA533– Interdisc Teamwork GeriatricsIPE Workshops @ Brown Med –Public Health Fieldwork Dept of Corrections Health Fair – Reduce Cancer Burden – RIGEC – Complex Cases –  Senior Day – LOUD for Life – Gateway Cafe – House of Hope –Advance Pharm Practice Exp


University of Toronto’s Framework for Interprofessional Values and Core Competencies