9-11 a.m.
Online Training

Do you have the skills to sum up your research in a two-minute talk?
Metcalf Institute is offering a workshop to help participants learn techniques for creating a compelling–and brief!–presentation. Participants will get the chance to practice their talks and get feedback at the workshop facilitated by Dr. Sunshine Menezes, clinical associate professor of environmental communication in URI’s Department of Natural Resources Science and Metcalf Institute executive director.
All Rhode Island Consortium for Coastal Ecology Assessment Innovation & Modeling (RI C-AIM) participants are welcome to attend the workshop. However, priority will be given to those giving Soundbite talks at the RI C-AIM Symposium on April 28, 2021.
In preparation for the workshop, Participants should develop three important points they wish to convey about their research.
Note: The Soundbite training qualifies as an elective for a Career Development Program Certificate.
Space is limited. Register by noon on Thursday, March 25.
REGISTER HERERe..https://web.uri.edu/metcalf/careerdevelopment/
Return to Career Development Program page.
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement #OIA-1655221. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.