Metcalf Institute gratefully acknowledges the donors whose generous contributions established Metcalf Institute’s Annual Robert Leeson, Jr., Lecture.
The Leeson Lecture was created in recognition of Rob’s outstanding service as a long-serving member of Metcalf Institute’s Advisory Board and his dedicated support of many environmental causes. Rob believes deeply in Metcalf’s mission to advance informed conversations about science and the environment. He demonstrated that deep commitment again and again during his 14 years of service by working tirelessly to increase Metcalf’s donor base and raise the Institute’s profile, and by acting as one of the Institute’s greatest advocates.
View Past Leeson Lectures
The following individuals contributed to The Leeson Lecture:
Leeson Lecture Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Abrams
Mr. Theodore Ashford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Aukerman
Ms. Karen A. Bordeleau*
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bowers
Mr. David A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Burns*
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cabot
Ms. Liz Chace
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Cimilluca
Conservation Law Foundation
Mr. Peter S. Damon
Ms. Louise Durfee
Mrs. Eleanor F. Owens Earle
Mrs. Mary S. Eddy
Mrs. Barbara T. Fahey
Mrs. and Mrs. James Farrell
Mr. Lloyd J. Feinberg and Ms. Elizabeth S. Marcotte
Mr. Robert Fetzer and Ms. Rosanne Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Fischer*
Dr. Jennifer and Mr. Peter Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge T. Gerry, Jr.
Ms. Gail A. Ginnetty*
Ms. Caroline H. Goddard*
Dr. Ives Goddard
Ms. Izzy Goff
Ms. Lumina Greenway
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Hahn
Dr. Susan L. Hammen-Winn
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Harsch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hickox
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hough
Mr. John I. Howell, Jr.
Ms. Janet W. Innis
Dr. Lloyd Irland
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kilguss*
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser A. Lang*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leeson
Mr. Raymond B. Langton, III and Ms. Jane A. Nash
Ms. Katharine W. Larsen
Mrs. Camilla W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leeson III
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Leeson
Ms. Hope Leeson*
Ms. Margaret H. Leeson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lisle
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Luke
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Maine
Ms. Susan Marcus
Ms. Louise S. Mauran
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. McCleary
Dr. Sunshine Menezes
Mrs. Charlotte S. Metcalf*
Mrs. Vera M. Metcalf
The Prospect Hill Foundation
Mrs. Deirdre C. Millones
Ms. Amy Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Nadler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Parker, Jr.
Mr. Timothy S. Philbrick
Mrs. Betty Sue Reed
Ms. Alexandra C. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Richardson
Ms. Anne B. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Robinson
Mr. John R. Robinson
Dr. Rebecca Robinson & Mr. Dennis Graham
The Rt. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hays H. Rockwell
Ruth & Hal Launders Charitable Trust
Ms. Anne Mimi Sammis
Mr. Ricardo Sandoval-Palos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schurman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe, III
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood T. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith
Mrs. Judith G. Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Prentice K. Stout
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Taft, IV*
Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Trafton
Mr. Lucas Wegmann
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Wepman
Widgeon Point Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Wilson
Mr. Skip Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Woodcock
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Yoder
*Leeson Lecture Committee Member
Annual Public Lecture Series