Course Descriptions

MUS 101

Introduction to Music

(3 crs.) Fosters a better understanding and appreciation of the world's great music. Consideration of musical styles, techniques, and forms from the listener's standpoint. (Lec. 3/Online) (A4) (B1)

MUS 105

History of Rock and Roll

(3 crs.) The History of Rock and roll is a survey of British and American Rock music beginning with jazz and blues through the development of rock from its roots to the present day. (Lec. 3) (A4) (C3)

MUS 106

History of Jazz

(3 crs.) The nature and origin of jazz and its development as an American folk idiom: European and African heritages, blues, ragtime, dixieland, boogie-woogie, swing, bop, cool, funky, gospel, jazz-rock, free-form, and progressive. (Lec. 3/Online) (A4) (C3)

MUS 107

Basics in Acoustic and Classical Guitar

(1 cr.) Designed for beginners of the guitar or players who would like to fill in the gaps in their overall knowledge of acoustic finger-style and classical guitar. (Lab. 1)

MUS 108

Basics of Piano

(1 cr.) Instruction on development of basic keyboard skills and musicianship for non-music majors. Study, perform piano repertoire as well as playing scales and chords, simple improvisations, sight-reading, and fundamental music theory. (1 cr.)

MUS 109

Basics of Singing

(1 cr.) Basic singing technique, tone production, interpretation and introduction to song literature for those not enrolled in MUS 110 - 510 Applied Music. (Lab. 2) Pre: must not be registered for MUS 110, 210, 310, 410 or 510.

MUS 110A

Music in Practice - Voice

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110B

Music in Practice - Piano

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110C

Music in Practice - Keyboard

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110D

Music in Practice - Amplified Voice

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110E

Music in Practice - Violin

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110F

Music in Practice - Viola

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110G

Music in Practice - Violoncello

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110H

Music in Practice - Contra Bass

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110I

Music in Practice - Flute

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110J

Music in Practice - Oboe

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110K

Music in Practice - Clarinet

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110L

Music in Practice - Bassoon

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110M

Music in Practice - Saxophone

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110N

Music in Practice - Trumpet

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110O

Music in Practice - French Horn

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110P

Music in Practice - Trombone

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110Q

Music in Practice - Euphonium/Baritone

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110R

Music in Practice - Tuba

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110S

Music in Practice - Percussion

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110T

Music in Practice - Guitar

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110U

Music in Practice - Harp

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110V

Music in Practice - Composition

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 110W

Music in Practice - Jazz

(1-2 crs.) Individualized vocal/instrumental instruction for students with basic music skills enrolled in non-music programs or music majors/minors studying secondary instruments. Audition with instructor and Department Chair approval required. (Studio) S/U only, may be repeated 3 times.

MUS 111

Basic Musicianship

(3 crs.) Use of folk, classical, and popular music to learn essentials of music reading and music theory. (Lec. 3/Online) (A4)

MUS 115

Musicianship Lab I

(1 cr.) Development of basic musicianship through sight singing, moving and improvising for recognition and recall of rhythms, intervals, scales, melodies, and harmonies in pentatonic and diatonic scales. (Lab 1) Pre: MUS 119 or permission of instructor. For music majors and minors. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 116.

MUS 116

(120) Music Theory I

(3 crs.) Development of basic theoretical concepts in music including analysis of scales and modes, intervals, rhythms, melodies, triads, and basic seventh chords. (Lec. 3) Pre: For music majors and minors. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 115.

MUS 117

(122) Musicianship Lab II

(1 cr.) Continued development of basic musicianship through sight singing, moving and improvising for recognition and recall of rhythms, melodies, and harmonies in all diatonic keys. (Lab. 1) Pre: MUS 115 with grade of C or higher or permission of instructor. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 118.

MUS 118

(121) Music Theory II

(3 crs.) Continued development of theoretical concepts including analysis of rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic elements in all diatonic keys, and organizational patterns of music. Aural, verbal, and visual analysis and part writing. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 116 with grade of C or higher or permission of instructor. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 117.

MUS 119

Introduction to the Music Profession

(1 cr.) Overview of the music profession. Development of an individualized plan for music study including articulation of learning and career goals. Introduction to skill areas. (Lec. 1) For music majors. May be substituted for URI 101.

MUS 124

Jazz Improvisation I

(3 crs.) This is a guide to the basics of jazz improvisation covering such topics as nomenclature, chords and scales. (Lec. 1, Studio 2)

MUS 125

Jazz Improvisation II

(3 crs.) This is a guide to the basics of jazz improvisation covering such topics as nomenclature, chords and scales. (Lec. 1, Studio 2) Pre: MUS 124.

MUS 136

Music Therapy Overview

(2 crs.) Explores music foundations as applied to theories and processes of music therapy, including history of profession and populations served. Case studies and related literature are examined with some hands-on experiences. (Lec. 2) Pre: Music major or minor.

MUS 137

Music Therapy Pre-clinical Observation

(1 cr.) Insight into the field of music therapy through direct observation of music therapy sessions at a clinic. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 115, MUS 116, music therapy major.

MUS 169

Percussion Methods

(1 cr.) Basic principles in performance and pedagogy of percussion instruments. (Lab. 1) Pre: Open to music education majors or permission of instructor.

MUS 170

Guitar Methods

(1 cr.) Basic principles in performance and pedagogy of the guitar. (Lab. 1) Pre: Open to music education majors or permission of instructor.

MUS 171

Class Piano I

(1 cr.) Development of basic techniques and musicianship for effective use of the piano. This course will emphasize proficiency 1. (Lab) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in MUS 115 and MUS 116, or permission of instructor.

MUS 172

Class Piano II

(1 cr.) Further development of basic techniques and musicianship for effective use of the piano. Skills in transposition, sight-reading accompaniments, and melody harmonization with improvised accompaniment. This course will emphasize proficiencies 2 and 3. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 171 or permission of instructor.

MUS 173

Voice Methods

(1 cr.) Basic principles, physiology, and pedagogy of singing from childhood to adulthood. (Lab. 1) Pre: Open to all B.M. sub-plans or permission of instructor.

MUS 175

String Methods

(1 cr.) Basic principles in performance and pedagogy of string instruments. (Lab. 1) Pre: Open to music education majors or permission of instructor.

MUS 177

Woodwind Methods

(1 cr.) Basic principles in performance and pedagogy of woodwind instruments. (Lab. 1) Pre: Open to music education majors or permission of instructor.

MUS 179

Brass Methods

(1 cr.) Basic principles in performance and pedagogy of brass instruments. (Lab. 1) Pre: Open to music education majors or permission of instructor.

MUS 180

Guitar Methods II

(1 cr.) Continued development of guitar skills, with an emphasis on music therapy clinical setting use and practical methods. (Lab. 1) Pre: MUS 115, MUS 116, MUS 170, music therapy major.

MUS 183

Voice Methods II

(1 cr.) Development of vocal skills and techniques needed for success in music therapy practice. (Lab. 1) Pre: MUS 173, music therapy major

MUS 184

Lyric Diction I: Italian and English

(2 crs.) Study and application of pronunciation rules for English and Italian lyrics for applied studies in voice and future career performances. Includes concepts and semiology of the International Phonetic Alphabet. (Lec. 1, Lab. 1) Pre: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 210A and accepted as a music major in Music Department or permission of instructor.

MUS 208

History of Hip-Hop in Black American Culture

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MUS), AAF 208. Explores hip-hop culture, surveying its historical development, political significance, social influence, and technological innovations. (Lec. 3) (A4) (C1)

MUS 210A

Applied Music - Voice

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210B

Applied Music - Piano

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210C

Applied Music - Organ

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210D

Applied Music - Amplified Voice

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210E

Applied Music - Violin

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210F

Applied Music - Viola

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210G

Applied Music - Violoncello

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210H

Applied Music - Contra Bass

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210I

Applied Music - Flute

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210J

Applied Music - Oboe

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210K

Applied Music - Clarinet

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210L

Applied Music - Bassoon

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210M

Applied Music - Saxophone

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210N

Applied Music - Trumpet

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210O

Applied Music - French Horn

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210P

Applied Music - Trombone

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210Q

Applied Music - Euphonium/baritone

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210R

Applied Music - Tuba

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210S

Applied Music - Percussion

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210T

Applied Music - Guitar

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210U

Applied Music - Harp

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210V

Applied Music - Composition

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 210W

Applied Music - Jazz

(1-2 crs.) Private instruction in performance for music majors and minors. Juries required. One credit equals weekly half-hour lesson; two credits equal weekly hour lesson with music convocation performance. (Studio) Pre: audition and permission of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 215

(226) Musicianship Lab III

(1 crs.) Advanced musicianship and aural skills through sight singing, improvising, and transcribing rhythms, melodies and harmonies in Western modes and scales including modulations. (Lab 1) Pre: MUS 117 with grade of C or higher or permission of instructor. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 216.

MUS 216

(225) Music Theory III

(3 crs.) Advanced study and analysis of theoretical concepts in music including classical harmony, part-writing, chord progressions, dominant and supertonic seventh chords, and modulation to closely related keys. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 118 with grade of C or higher or permission of instructor. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 215.

MUS 217

Musicianship Lab IV

(1 cr.) Advanced musicianship and aural skills of music through sight singing, improvising, and transcribing rhythms, melodies, and harmonies including atonal and other music systems. (Lab. 1) Pre: MUS 215 with a grade of C or higher or permission of instructor. Recommended concurrent enrollment in MUS 218.

MUS 218

(227) Music Theory IV

(3 crs.) Advanced harmonic work extending to 20th and 21st century practice utilizing computational methods, score analysis of twelve-tone music, set theory, interval class vectors, combinatoriality, and composition. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 216 or equivalent (A4) (B3)

MUS 220

Music as Global Culture

(3 crs.) This course introduces the methods of ethnomusicology and the idea of music as a cultural practice through the deep study of cases from around the globe. (Lec. 3) (A3) (C2)

MUS 222

History of Classical Music, 900-1900

(3 crs.) Intensive study of the history of European classical music from the start of Western notation to the close of the nineteenth century. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 216 and MUS 220, or by permission of instructor.

MUS 229

History of Jazz for Majors I: Early Jazz 1900-1951

(3 crs.) This course will introduce the nature and origin of jazz and its development as an American folk idiom: with European and African heritages, blues, ragtime, Dixieland, boogie-woogie, swing and bop. (Lec. 3)

MUS 232

Music Therapy in Adult and Late Life

(2 crs.) Focus on enhancing wellness and quality of life in adults, as well as some of the issues and challenges of later life, including dementia and conditions requiring rehabilitation. (Lec. 2) Pre: MUS 115, MUS 116, music therapy major.

MUS 233

Assessment and Treatment Planning

(1 cr.) Overview of music therapy process from referral and first session to evaluation and termination, presenting a data-based model for treatment planning and implementation. (Lec. 1) Pre: MUS 115, MUS 116, music therapy major.

MUS 235

Introduction to Music Teaching

(3 crs.) Overview of music teaching in schools and studios. History, philosophy, curriculum, learning theory, and current topics in music teaching as they relate to the broader field of education. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 210 or MUS 119 or permission of instructor.

MUS 236

Music Therapy Practicum I

(1 cr.) Clinical application of skills learned in the classroom after observations of sessions with an assigned music therapist in a clinic. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 137, music therapy major.

MUS 237

Music Therapy Practicum II

(1 cr.) Clinical application of skills learned in the classroom after observations of sessions with an assigned music therapist in a clinic. Focus on clinical writing skills. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 236, music therapy major.

MUS 239

Music, Gesture and Sound

(1 cr.) Study of connection between music and physical movement. Focus on awareness, acquisition of body movements and gestures related to responding to music and eliciting music sounds from individuals and/or groups. (Seminar) Pre: Music major or minor.

MUS 243

Seminar in Therapeutic Relationships I

(1 cr.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 137, music therapy major.

MUS 244

Seminar in Therapeutic Relationships II

(1 cr.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. Focus on the role of music in building rapport. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 243, music therapy major.

MUS 252

Jazz Repertoire Building I

(1 cr.) Students will accumulate a body of compositions from the standard jazz repertoire to assist in their performance. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 124 and MUS 125, or by permission of instructor

MUS 253

Jazz Repertoire Building II

(1 cr.) Students will accumulate a body of compositions from the standard jazz repertoire to assist in their performance. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 252, or by permission of instructor

MUS 256

Somatic Education for Musicians

(2 crs.) Study of the human body as a musical instrument for healthy, efficient, and expressive performance through singing and playing instruments. Students acquire knowledge and skills in refining and correcting their body map and learn to apply techniques in music teaching and performing settings. Designed for students majoring or minoring in music. (Lec. 2) Acceptance into music department or instructor permission. Concurrent enrollment in Applied Music 210 or 410 or permission of instructor.

MUS 261

Introduction to Music Production

(3 crs.) An introduction to digital audio, the recording process, music production, and MIDI technology required for the Recording Technology option in Jazz, the Recording Technology option in Music Composition, as well as for the Music minor in Recording Technology. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 118, MUS 172 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

MUS 271

Class Piano III

(1 cr.) Further development of basic keyboard performance skills in sight-reading and harmonization. This course will emphasize proficiencies 4 and 5. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 172 or equivalent. Open to music majors only.

MUS 272

Class Piano IV

(1 cr.) Continuation of MUS 271. Further development of keyboard performance skills in sight-reading and harmonization. This course will emphasize proficiencies 6 and 7. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 271 or equivalent. Open to music majors only.

MUS 273

Basics of Jazz Piano

(1 cr.) This course covers the following topics: playing various scales and chords, simple improvisation, reading lead sheets, and comping. Learning fundamental jazz piano techniques and theory. (Lab. 1) Pre: Either MUS 108 or 171 or by audition. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits.

MUS 283

Lyric Diction II: German and French

(2 crs.) Study and application of pronunciation rules for German and French lyrics for voice studies and future career performances. Advanced study of concepts and semiology of the International Phonetic Alphabet. (Lec. 1, Lab. 1) Pre: MUS 184 and concurrent enrollment in MUS 210A and must be music major or permission of instructor.

MUS 290

University Pep Band

(0-1 cr.) Rehearsal and performance of a wide variety of rock, jazz, rhythm and blues, marches, popular and other contemporary music for home and away URI basketball games. (Rehearsal 2) may be repeated for credit. Pre: audition and permission of instructor.

MUS 291

University Marching Band

(0-2 crs.) Rehearsal and performance of music, drill, and shows for URI football games. (Rehearsal 8) May be repeated for credit. S/U only for 0 credit.

MUS 292

Concert Band

(0-1 cr.) Study and performance of concert band music. Open to all students. (Rehearsal 3) May be repeated for a total of 3 credits to count for general education. S/U only for 0 credit. (A4)

MUS 293

University Chorus

(0-1 crs.) Study and performance of choral music. (Studio 3) May be repeated for credit. May be repeated for a total of 3 credits for General Education. S/U only for 0 credit. (A4)

MUS 300

Music Convocation

(0-1 cr.) Study of repertory and techniques of concert presentation through attendance of student recitals and presentations by faculty and visiting artists. (Lab.) Attendance at 75 percent of events required. May be repeated.

MUS 301

Music as a Form of Social Protest

(3 crs.) This course surveys the music of those musicians who have been influential in focusing public attention on particular social causes. Students experience music through literature (books, journals, etc.), recordings and video. (Lec. 3) (A4) (C1)

MUS 301H

Honors Section of MUS 301: Music as a Form of Social Protest

(3 crs.) This course surveys the music of those musicians who have been influential in focusing public attention on particular social causes. Students experience music through literature (books, journals, etc.), recordings and video. (Lec. 3) Pre: overall gpa of 3.4 or higher. (A4) (C1)

MUS 311

Choral Conducting Laboratory

(2 cr.) A laboratory in conducting and rehearsing techniques in the choral setting. Repertoire, score study, and basic diction included, as well as voice as a secondary instrument practice. (Lab. 3, Online 1) Pre: MUS 239; MUS 173 or concurrent enrollment; MUS 117 and 118; or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 312

Instrumental Conducting Laboratory

(2 cr.) A laboratory in conducting and rehearsal techniques in instrumental ensemble settings. Repertoire, score study, and baton techniques included, as well as practice for secondary instruments. (Lab. 3, Online 1) Pre: MUS 239, 117, 118, and 169 or 175 or 177 or 179; or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 318G

Technologies and Music

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (MUS) COM318G, PHY318G. Introduction to music; rhythmic and chord concepts; instruments; mathematics and physics of musical acoustics; physiology of auditory system; audio engineering; microphones; software for synthesis; ethics in music cultures. (Lec. 3) (A1) (GC) Pre: Junior standing or permission of instructor.

MUS 322

Genre and Identity in 20th and 21st Century Music

(3 crs.) Continuation of MUS 222: classical and popular music of the 20th and 21st century. Focus on construction of genre and identity. (Lec.3) Pre: MUS 118 (121) or equivalent competency and 220 or consent of instructor. (A3) (C3)

MUS 324

Advanced Jazz Improvisation

(2 crs.) This performance-based course is an advanced guide to jazz improvisation. Topics include modes of melodic minor, Coltrane matrices, fourths and free improvisation. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 124 and MUS 125 with a grade of B or better.

MUS 329

History of Jazz for Major II: Modern Jazz 1952-Now

(3 crs.) This course will focus on jazz in the modern era (post-be bop) Specifically cool, hard-bop, soul jazz, Avant-garde, fusion and Neo-Bop. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 229 with grade C or better.

MUS 331

Music Therapy for Children and Adolescents

(2 crs.) Issues in education of children and adolescents: legal aspects; models of musical development; assessment protocols; teaching and management strategies; research findings; needs of children with educational, behavioral, and physical challenges. (Lec. 2) Pre: MUS 115, MUS 116, music therapy major.

MUS 332

Psychiatric Music Therapy

(2 crs.) This course engages students in group therapy experience, applying music to psychotherapeutic process with a variety of approaches to psychotherapy; developing individual philosophies of music therapy in adult psychiatric settings. (Lec. 2) Pre: PSY 254, music therapy major.

MUS 334

World Percussion Traditions

(2 crs.) Focus on non-Art Music traditions prominently featuring the use of percussion with the goal of exposing students to practical methods of music organization and performance for application in clinical settings. (Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 111 or demonstrated ability to read music.

MUS 335

Music Therapy Foundations

(2 crs.) This course covers fundamental information and clinical foundations relative to the profession of music therapy. It also addresses contemporary issues in the field, including ethics, cultural diversity, and assessment/research. (Lec. 2) Pre: MUS 227, MUS 228, music therapy major.

MUS 336

Music Therapy Practicum III

(1 cr.) Clinical application of skills learned in the classroom after observations of sessions with an assigned music therapist in a clinic. Students will plan and implement interventions under supervision. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 237, music therapy major.

MUS 337

Music Therapy Practicum IV

(1 cr.) Clinical application of skills learned in the classroom after observations of sessions with an assigned music therapist in a clinic. Focus on building rapport and addressing social and emotional goals. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 336, PSY 254, music therapy major.

MUS 338

(238) General Music Methods and Materials

(3 crs.) Teaching methods, instructional materials, and evaluation procedures for general music, grades K-12. Learner characteristics and development of children and adolescents. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 235 with C or higher and EDC 250. Open to students accepted into the School of Education or permission of Director of Music Education.

MUS 340

Ensemble Methods and Materials

(3 crs.) Organization and administration of ensemble music programs in secondary and elementary schools, focusing on materials, procedures, policies, and teaching methods. (Lec. 3) Pre: EDC 250 and MUS 338 (238); or permission of instructor.

MUS 343

Seminar in Therapeutic Relationships III

(1 cr.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. Focus on the role of music in development. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 244, music therapy major.

MUS 344

Seminar in Therapeutic Relationships IV

(1 cr.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. Focus on clinical musicianship and the role of music and emotion. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 343, music therapy major.

MUS 350

Junior Recital

(0-1cr.) Performance of a public program 30 minutes in duration after faculty examination. (Studio) Pre: Concurrent enrollment in second semester of MUS 410 for students in performance subplans or sixth semester of MUS 210 for students in the BA Music, Jazz subplan.

MUS 367

Integrative Career Studies for Musicians

(3 crs.) Integrative exploration and further development of skills needed for effective self-promotion and career building as a musician, including self-reflection based on realism and mastery. (Lec. 3) Pre: Open to students with junior standing in a BA or BM program in music. (D1)

MUS 369G

Technologies and Music

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ELE), MUS, COM 369G. Introduction to 12-tone music; orchestra instruments; mathematics and physics of musical acoustics; physiology of auditory system; audio engineering; microphones, amplifiers and speakers; software for synthesis; ethics in music industry. (Lec. 3) Pre: Junior standing or permission of instructor. (A1) (GC)

MUS 371

Piano Accompanying

(1 cr.) Development of sight-reading skills. Preparation and performance of accompaniments. (Lec. 1) Pre: permission of piano faculty. May be repeated.

MUS 376

Field Experiences in Music Education

(1 cr.) Supervised field experience for music teaching and learning in PK-12 music settings, applying music teaching methodologies, acquiring management techniques, developing authentic assessments, and teaching diverse learners. (Practicum 2, Seminar 1) Pre: MUS 338 or concurrent enrollment, or MUS 340 or concurrent enrollment. Open to students accepted into the Department of Music or permission of Director of Music Education.

MUS 391

Jazz Studio Laboratory

(1 cr.) Studies in jazz performance practices, pedagogy, and literature. Historical perspectives, stylistic concepts and repertoire from 1917 to the present developed in the ensemble setting. (Lab. 3) Pre: concurrent enrollment in MUS 310 or 410.

MUS 394

Wind Ensemble

(0-1 crs.) The Wind Ensemble is an auditioned ensemble that performs a diverse repertoire chosen from a variety of genres, historical eras and cultural backgrounds. (Rehearsal 3) Pre: audition and permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. S/U only for 0 credit.

MUS 395

Concert Choir

(0-1 cr.) Study and performance of advanced choral music. (Rehearsal 3) Pre: audition and permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. S/U only for 0 credit.

MUS 396

Jazz Studio Ensemble

(0-1 cr.) Performance and study of jazz and studio music as related to professional experience. (Rehearsal 3) Pre: audition and permission of instructor. S/U only for 0 credit.

MUS 397

University Symphony Orchestra

(0-1 cr.) Study and performance of standard and modern repertoire for the orchestra. (Rehearsal 3) Pre: audition and permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. S/U only for 0 credit.

MUS 398B

Chamber Music Ensembles-Brass

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398G

Chamber Music Ensembles-Guitar

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398J

Chamber Music Ensembles-Jazz

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398K

Chamber Music Ensembles-Keyboard

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398M

Chamber Music Ensembles-Mixed Instrumentation

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398O

Chamber Music Ensembles

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398P

Chamber Music Ensembles-Percussion

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398S

Chamber Music Ensembles-Strings

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398V

Chamber Music Ensembles

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398W

Chamber Music Ensembles-Woodwinds

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. May be repeated for credit. (Rehearsal 2) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 398Z

Chamber Music Ensembles

(0-1 cr.) Chamber music ensembles are small performance ensembles normally restricted to one performer per part. Study and perform repertoire in the following areas, or combinations of these areas: keyboard, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, vocal, guitar, jazz, etc. (Studio) Pre: audition and/or permission of chamber music coach.

MUS 407

The Symphony

(3 crs.) Study of the development of orchestration and of formal procedures such as the sonata, rondo, and variations. Includes works by composers such as Haydn, Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 222.

MUS 408

The Opera

(3 crs.) History of opera from its beginnings in Italy in the 17th century to the present, including works by composers such as Monteverdi, Purcell, Mozart, Wagner, Verdi, and Puccini. Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in MUS 222 or the ability to read music.

MUS 410A

Applied Music - Voice

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410B

Applied Music - Piano

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410C

Applied Music - Organ

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410D

Applied Music - Amplified Voice

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410E

Applied Music - Violin

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410F

Applied Music - Viola

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410G

Applied Music - Violoncello

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410H

Applied Music - Contra Bass

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410I

Applied Music - Flute

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410J

Applied Music - Oboe

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410K

Applied Music - Clarinet

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410L

Applied Music - Bassoon

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410M

Applied Music - Saxophone

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410N

Applied Music - Trumpet

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410O

Applied Music - French Horn

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410P

Applied Music - Trombone

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410Q

Applied Music - Euphonium/baritone

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410R

Applied Music - Tuba

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410S

Applied Music - Percussion

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410T

Applied Music - Guitar

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410U

Applied Music - Harp

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410V

Applied Music - Composition

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 410W

Applied Music - Jazz

(2 crs.) Upper-level private instruction in performance for music majors. One-hour weekly studio lessons require additional preparation and tasks as well as higher levels of performance including music convocation and/or recital. Juries required. (Studio) Pre: MUS 210 (8 credits) and successful passage of Advancement Jury. May be repeated for credit. Not for graduate credit, except MUS 410V (Composition).

MUS 411

Advanced Performance Studies

(1 cr.) The study of advanced competencies and skills in applied area over multiple semesters. Topics include historical performance practices, additional repertoire, unique pedagogical issues, and advanced performance techniques. (Studio) Pre: Enrollment in MUS410 for performance subplans. By permission of instructor for BOM Music Education students. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 416

Form and Analysis

(3 crs.) Critical study of the structure of tonal music. Works of various composers are analyzed with reference to motive and phrase as generative elements in design. (Lec. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in MUS 218 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.

MUS 417


(3 crs.) Range, timbre, transpositions and other characteristics of instruments, singly and in combination. Exercises with attention to part writing, harmony and form. Setting of a small piece of music for orchestra or band required. (Lec. 3) Pre: credit or concurrent enrollment in MUS 216 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.

MUS 418

Jazz Composition and Arranging I

(3 crs.) Jazz Composition and Arranging I will provide students with the skills required to produce and arrange music for jazz and commercial ensembles. (Lec. 1, Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 124 and 125 with a grade of B or better. MUS 273 with a grade of C or better. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 419

Jazz Composition and Arranging II

(3 crs.) Jazz Composition and Arranging II will provide students with the skills required to produce and arrange music for large jazz and commercial ensembles. (Lec. 1, Lab. 2) Pre: MUS 124 and 125 with a grade of B or better. MUS 273 and 418 with a grade of C or better.

MUS 420

Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint

(3 crs.) Tonal polyphony in the style of J.S. Bach. Includes creative exercises in writing counterpoint in Baroque style and the study of representative compositions such as the inventions and fugues of Bach. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: MUS 216 or permission of instructor. In alternate years.

MUS 422

Music and Word in the Western Art Music Tradition

(3 crs.) Intensive study of historical debates surrounding the combination of music and word in song, with close analysis of selected works and perspectives from musicology, semiotics, music theory, and poetry analysis. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 222 or permission of instructor.

MUS 423

Jazz Research

(3 crs.) A survey of the academic study of jazz, drawing on musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, gender studies, and critical race studies; explores themes including historiography, genre, gender, race, and commerce. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 106 or equivalent knowledge or permission of instructor. (A3) (C3)

MUS 424

Jazz Theory and Improvisation

(3 crs.) An intensive study and practice of the formal elements of jazz improvisation. (Lec. 1, Lab. 4) Pre: MUS 391.

MUS 426

Period Studies in Music History

(3 crs.) Deep study of a single style period of Western art music. Includes an examination of historical and cultural developments as well as features of the musical styles and central genres. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 222, or permission of instructor.

MUS 427

Critical Studies in Musicology

(3 crs.) An intensive study of a topic of current importance in the field of musicology. Topics emphasize critical and interdisciplinary areas of the field. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 220 and one or both: MUS 222, MUS 322, or permission of instructor.

MUS 430

The Renaissance Era

(3 crs.) Music at European courts and cathedrals (1400-1600), including vocal masses, motets, madrigals, and chansons, and instrumental canzonas, ricercars, toccatas, and variations of Dufay, Josquin, Palestrina, Gabrieli, et al. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 222.

MUS 431

The Baroque Era

(3 crs.) Music of 1600-1750, from the rise in Italy of opera, oratorio, idiomatic instrumental music, the sonata, and the concerto, through the works of German masters Bach and Handel. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 222 or the ability to read music.

MUS 432

The Classic Era

(3 crs.) Music of 1750-1825, beginning with the founders of the Classical style, including D. Scarlatti, Gluck, and the sons of Bach, and culminating in the works of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 222.

MUS 433

The Romantic Era

(3 crs.) Music of 1825-1900, with emphasis on topics central to the era, including program music, nationalism, piano virtuosity, opera, lieder, the cyclic symphony, and turn-of-the century Viennese post-Romanticism. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 222 or the ability to read music.

MUS 434

The Modern Era

(3 crs.) Music of the modern era, with emphasis on changing aesthetics as revealed through the analysis of selected compositions. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 217 and 218 or permission of instructor.

MUS 435

Clinical Musicianship

(2 crs.) This experiential class requires students to demonstrate American Music Therapy Association Professional Competencies in Music. (Lec. 2) Pre: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 436, and music therapy. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 436

Music Therapy Practicum V

(1 cr.) Application of skills learned in the classroom at an outside medical facility or agency. Clinical experience in designing and implementing treatment plans in the medical setting. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 337, music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 437

Music Therapy Practicum VI

(1 cr.) Application of skills learned in the classroom at an outside facility or agency. Focus on use of literature review to design and implement a therapy treatment plan. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 436, music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 438

Music, Mind and Body

(3 crs.) This course explores intersections of neurobiology and music, delving into the neuroscience of music stimuli and impact for health outcomes, research, and community. (Lec. 3) Pre: Music Therapy Major, Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Major Clinical Track, or by permission of instructor.

MUS 439

Medical Music Therapy

(2 crs.) This course offers a sampling of medical conditions in infants, children and adolescents, and adults, providing guidelines for music therapy practice in various medical settings. (Lec. 2) Pre: music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 441

Diverse Learners in Music

(3 crs.) Equips music educators with skills in inclusive and adaptive music instruction. Addresses resource creation, management, and assessment for diverse learners across the lifespan in schools and communities. (Lec. 2; Project 1) Pre: MUS 235 or by permission of instructor. (C1) (A4) Not for graduate credit.

MUS 442

Directed Study in Applied Music Pedagogy

(2 crs.) Research in materials and approaches for studio teaching. Pre: 4 credits in MUS 210. In alternate years.

MUS 443

Seminar in Therapeutic Relationships V

(1 cr.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. Focus on creating original songs and clinical improvisation. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 344, music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 444

Seminar in Therapeutic Relationships VI

(1 cr.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. Focus on using literature to adapt and create evidence-based interventions. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 443, music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 445

Vocal Pedagogy

(2 crs.) In-depth study of how singing tone is produced, accompanied by practical applications in supervised studio teaching experiences. Additional topics to include voice issues in the 21st century singing community. (Lec. 2) Pre: MUS 173, 235, 442 and concurrent enrollment in MUS 410 and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 446

Piano Pedagogy

(3 crs.) Basic study of concepts necessary for successful private and class piano teaching at the elementary and intermediate levels. (Lec. 3) Pre: Two semesters of MUS 210B, successful completion of the piano proficiency exams, or permission of the instructor. Required for BM in piano performance majors.

MUS 447

Piano Literature

(3 crs.) A survey of the history and literature of music written for the piano including some harpsichord literature of the Baroque period. The time period covered is from 1700 to present. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 116 or 222

MUS 450

Senior Recital

(0-1 cr.) Performance of a public program 30 minutes in duration for music education and music therapy majors, 40 minutes for composition majors, and 50 minutes for performance majors after faculty examination. (Studio) Pre: Concurrent enrollment in the final semester of MUS 410. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 470

Special Topics in Music

(3 crs.) Selected advanced studies in music topics not emphasized in other courses. (Lec. 3) May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits with permission of the director and change of topic.

MUS 476

Practical Music Teaching Residency I

(4 cr.) Engage in an intensive teaching residency in two music teaching settings--elementary and secondary--that provides deep instructional practice and experiences related to school-based professional requirements. (Practicum 12, Seminar 1) Pre: EDC 250, MUS 235, 338, 376, & 340. Open only to students accepted into the College of Education or permission of Director of Music Education. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 477

Music Internship

(1-3 crs.) Supervised professional experience with approved music agency, business or organization. Activities and expectations determined in consultation with faculty supervisor and off-campus liaison, approved by the chairperson.(Practicum) May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credits. Pre: For undergraduate music students in the B.A., B.M., or Music minor programs. Junior standing and permission of Chairperson. First priority given to Music majors. S/U only.

MUS 480

Graduation Portfolio

(0-2 crs.)Seminar covering topics and the development of a graduation portfolio appropriate to the student's degree program. The portfolio shows accomplishments from throughout the degree program and achievement of competencies indicating potential success as a graduate. (Portfolio) Pre: MUS 280 or permission of chairperson and senior standing in music. For music education majors, concurrent enrollment in EDC 484 required. To be taken during the last semester of coursework in the major. May be repeated. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 485

Opera Workshop

(0-1 cr.) Coordination of music and drama. Singing, performing, and acting techniques on stage. Possible experience in conducting, coaching, directing, and stage management. Development of professional standards and attitudes. Preparation and presentation of scenes from various operas. Primarily for students in voice. (Rehearsal 2) Pre: audition and/or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 486

Music Therapy Research

(3 crs.) Overview of research methods that inform clinicians about the effectiveness of interventions and the influence of music on the people they serve. Instruction on the most common research designs. (Lec. 3) Pre: music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 490

Independent Study

(1-3 crs.) Preparation of a project under the guidance of a member of the appropriate faculty. (Independent Study) Pre: acceptance by faculty member who will be the project advisor and approval of chairperson. May be repeated for credit.

MUS 491

Clinical Internship

(3 crs.) Together with MUS 493, this course will fulfill the internship requirements of AMTA and CBMT. Enrollment dependent on completion of course work and approval of placement. Must be repeated once. (Practicum) Pre: MUS 437, music therapy major. Not for graduate credit.

MUS 493

Internship Seminar

(3 crs.) Development and application of musical repertoire/techniques within a small group setting with structured feedback. Focus on using literature to adapt and create evidence-based interventions. (Online) Pre: MUS 444, concurrent enrollment in MUS 491. Not for graduate credit. (D1) (B2)

MUS 505

Teaching Music in Higher Education

(3 crs.) Designed to prepare and support graduate students teaching music at the college level. Includes advanced studies in educational theories, methods, classroom management, and assessment as applied to music teaching and learning. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing.

MUS 506

Music Administration and Supervision

(3 crs.) Instruction for music administrators and supervisors in schools and other music programs. Content includes facilities management, budgets, scheduling, curriculum design, music teacher evaluation, program review, community relations, and community evolution. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing,

MUS 509

Graduate Enrichment Seminar

(1-2 crs.) To offer graduate students enrichment in a secondary instrument (including composition and conducting) to count as elective. Minimum competencies equivalent to a 410 level in this secondary field are required. (Seminar) Pre: Graduate level.

MUS 510A

Applied Music - Voice

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510B

Applied Music - Piano

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510C

Applied Music - Organ

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510D

Applied Music - Harpsichord

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510E

Applied Music - Violin

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510F

Applied Music - Viola

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510G

Applied Music - Violoncello

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510H

Applied Music - Contra Bass

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510I

Applied Music - Flute

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510J

Applied Music - Oboe

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510K

Applied Music - Clarinet

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510L

Applied Music - Bassoon

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510M

Applied Music - Saxophone

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510N

Applied Music - Trumpet

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510O

Applied Music - French Horn

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510P

Applied Music - Trombone

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510Q

Applied Music - Euphonium/baritone

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510R

Applied Music - Tuba

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510S

Applied Music - Percussion

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510T

Applied Music - Guitar

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510U

Applied Music - Harp

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510V

Applied Music - Composition

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510W

Applied Music - Jazz

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. May be repeated.

MUS 510Y

Applied Music - Choral Conducting

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. There is no fee for choral or instrumental conducting. May be repeated.

MUS 510Z

Applied Music - Instrumental Conducting

(2, 3, 4, or 6 crs.) Private instruction. One 60-minute lesson each week. Levels, master classes, and recital performance as prescribed in the applied music syllabi. (Studio 60 minutes) Pre: audition demonstrating proficiency appropriate to the selected M.M. degree. There is no fee for choral or instrumental conducting. May be repeated.

MUS 516

Seminar in Advanced Music Theory

(3 crs.) Exploration of advanced topics in Music Theory ranging from music analysis, study of scores and/or improvisational techniques, advanced instrumental techniques, study of styles from any period, area, or style (Pre-Renaissance to the Twenty-First century), non-Western Music analysis, or the study of specific pieces, forms, genres, techniques, or composers. (Seminar) Pre: MUS 416, or permission of instructor.

MUS 517

Advanced Orchestration Techniques

(3 crs.) Advanced Orchestration Techniques, involving scoring assignments and projects, the study of contemporary instrumental techniques, and the analysis of modern and contemporary orchestral repertoire. (Lec. 3) Pre: MUS 417 and graduate standing or permission of instructor

MUS 520

Advanced Musicology Seminar

(3 crs.) Offers deep inquiry into areas of musicology, developing skills in historical and cultural research and deepening knowledge of musical practices. Focuses on current practices in musicology. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

MUS 540

Foundations of Music Education

(3 crs.) Examination of the broad influences upon music education. Historical, philosophical, sociological, psychological, and curricular foundations. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing in music. Offered every third semester.

MUS 541

Exceptional Learners in Music

(3 crs.) Prepares music teachers to understand inclusion in education, provide adaptive music teaching strategies, lesson planning, and management techniques, and identify and create materials, instruction and assessment accommodations for diverse learners in music. (Lab. 3) Pre: graduate standing

MUS 545

Musical Learning, Evaluation, and Assessment

(3 crs.) A study of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning in music. The ways in which musical learning may be evaluated and assessed. The needs of special populations will be included. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing in music. Offered every third semester.

MUS 547

Literature Review in Music

(2 crs.) Knowledge of purpose, strategies, tools and techniques for reviewing literature in music. Results in a complex literature review for publication or for arguing and defining a music problem requiring further original research. (Lec. 2) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

MUS 548

Research in Music

(3 crs.) Study of research techniques as applied to the art of music. Major project procedures and data collection and examination in the following research categories: historical, philosophical, and empirical. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing in music. Offered every third semester.

MUS 550

Graduate Performance Recital

(0-1 cr.) Performance of advanced repertoire of various styles in a public program at least 55 minutes in duration for the M.M. in performance and 45 minutes in duration for the M.M. in music education after faculty acceptance. (Studio) Pre: concurrent enrollment in MUS 510 and 6 or more credits in MUS 510 for the M.M. in performance or 4 or more credits in 510 for the M.M. in music education.

MUS 552

Graduate Composition Recital

(0-1 cr.) A juried recital of at least 40 minutes of original compositions prepared by the composer. (Studio) Pre: concurrent enrollment in MUS 510V and 3 or more credits in MUS 510V.

MUS 567

Seminar in Performance and Pedagogy

(2 crs.) Study of performance literature, practice, and pedagogy. Research projects and supervised teaching experience appropriate to the major performance area. (Lec. 2) Pre: concurrent enrollment in MUS 550. In alternate years.

MUS 570

Graduate Project

(1-6 crs.) Major paper in musicology, music theory, significant composition, arrangement/orchestration, or for music education an in-depth investigation resulting in a major paper or curriculum project. Non Thesis option only. (Independent Study) Pre: MUS 547 or 548 and permission of chairperson. S/U ony.

MUS 571

Special Topics in Music

(1-3 crs.) Exploration of advanced topics not covered by the standard graduate curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester. Possible topics include performance, music history, music theory, composition, and music education. (Lec. 1-3) May be repeated for credit with a different topic.

MUS 576

Graduate Music Education Practicum

(1 cr.) Graduate practicum in elementary, middle, or secondary music education programs designed to enhance teaching skills of in-service educators. May be used for up to 90 residency hours for teacher certification. (Practicum) Pre: TCP and graduate music education students only.

MUS 579

Experiential Learning in Music

(2 crs.) Developing competence through an individual and/or collaborative experiential activity involving music research, performance, service, and/or teaching in university and community settings. May include professional music studio or computer lab work. Student will work with his or her major professor or with the director of graduate studies. (Practicum) Pre: graduate standing and previous or concurrent enrollment in MUS 580.

MUS 580

Master Of Music Portfolio I

(0 crs.) Planning individual activities and experiences demonstrating competence in music at the graduate level. Should be taken in the first semester of matriculation. Student will work with his or her major professor or with the director of graduate studies. (3 common Seminars) Pre: graduate standing in music. Not required for students whose bachelor's degree is from URI. S/U only.