Ask the Experts

The Ask the Experts (ATE) tool is a public resource that aims to serve as a clearinghouse of information for offshore renewable energy topics using the best available and latest science. We are conducting interviews with trusted university researchers to answer your questions and synthesize studies into user-friendly reading experiences.

URI’s Experts

The University of Rhode Island has a distinguished team of offshore renewable energy experts including top researchers in the areas related to renewable energy, oceanography, and environmental sciences.

Meet the Experts

Meet the Database Managers

Director, U.S. Coastal Programs, Director of Extension, RI Sea Grant


Marine Research Associate II and Coastal and Ocean Planner


Communications Specialist


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Found 46 results

What is Vibratory Pile Driving and How Does it Compare to Impact Pile Driving?

At the 17th Ronald C. Baird Sea Grant Science Symposium Session #3: Sediment and Sound, Jennifer Amaral (Ph.D. student, URI Ocean Engineering and Lead Scientist & Engineer, Marine Acoustics, Inc.) explains what vibratory pile driving is and how it varies from impact pile driving.

October 2, 2020

What Methods Are Available to Aid in Mitigating Construction Sounds at Offshore Wind Farms?

At the 17th Ronald C. Baird Sea Grant Science Symposium Session #3: Sediment and Sound, Jennifer Amaral (Ph.D. student, URI Ocean Engineering and Lead Scientist & Engineer, Marine Acoustics, Inc.) explained the various methods that are used to reduce the sounds of pile driving during the construction of offshore wind farms.

September 18, 2020

What Opportunities and Challenges are Presented by Offshore Renewable Energy?

At the 17th Ronald C. Baird Sea Grant Science Symposium on offshore renewable energy, Emma Sheehan (Associate Professor of Marine Ecology, University of Plymouth, UK) explained the various opportunities and challenges that are associated with offshore wind, tidal and wave energy technologies.

July 27, 2020

What Should Other Communities Know About Preparing for Offshore Wind off of Their Coasts?

The Ask the Experts database managers conducted an interview with Dr. David Bidwell (Assistant Professor of Marine Affairs) to summarize the findings of a URI study that analyzes the effects of the Block Island Wind Farm on Rhode Island recreation and tourism.

May 26, 2020

What Sounds Are Associated With the Construction and Operation of Offshore Wind Farms & How Far Do These Sounds Travel?

The Ask the Experts database managers conducted an interview with Dr. James Miller (Department of Ocean Engineering & Graduate School of Oceanography) to summarize the findings of multiple URI studies that have set out to monitor and minimize the effects that the construction of the Block Island Wind Farm has had on marine mammals.

July 13, 2020

Found 46 results