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  • Caring for Chronic Pain: How to Approach Treatment of Chronic Lower Back Pain in the Primary Care Setting - The goal of this educational activity is to discuss the appropriate assessment and management of patients with chronic lower back pain based on available data and guidelines. Reviewing appropriate therapies will hopefully reduce the use of ineffective and/or potentially harmful treatments and help to promote positive patient outcomes.
    The contents of this program are available to access free of charge but may not be copied without the written permission of the author.
    If you wish to claim CE credit for participation there is a $7.00 administrative fee which is paid when you register for the course.
  • Concepts of Contraception: A Review of Pharmacotherapy and RI Legislation #PharmacyCECredit - This program will review available hormonal contraceptives, how to properly assess patients for therapy, and how to choose treatment based on patient-specific factors. It will also review currently pending legislation which would allow RI pharmacists to independently prescribe and dispense all short-term, FDA-approved hormonal contraceptives, thus increasing access and improving patient outcomes.
    The contents of this program are available to access free of charge.
    If you wish to claim CE credit for participation there is a $7.00 administrative fee which is paid when you register for the course.
  • A Focused Review of Medications for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder #PharmacyCECredit - While stimulants are first-line treatment for ADHD, many patients may benefit from alternative treatment options given age, comorbidities, and personal preference. Pharmacists have the opportunity to educate patients and providers on these alternative treatments.
    The contents of this program are available to access free of charge.
    If you wish to claim CE credit for participation there is a $7.00 administrative fee which is paid when you register for the course.
  • Respond to Prevent #PharmacyCECredit - Advancements in opioid safety have been made in recent years. Educational tools can help bridge knowledge gaps and increase skills in addressing opioid safety. The RESPOND TO PREVENT online courses includes: Evidence-based best practice recommendations, Simulated pharmacist-patient videos, Downloadable support tools, Pharmacists earn 1.75 contact hours for course completion
  • Expert Debate: State Legalization of Marijuana #PharmacyCECredit - Expert Debate: State Legalization of Marijuana
    Recorded November 2021

Rhode Island Pharmacists Association (RIPA)