- Research Assistant Professor
- Pastore Room 304A
- Phone: 401 874 4482
- Email: a_moshnikova@uri.edu
- Office Location: Pastore Hall Room 353
51 Lower College road
Kingston RI 02881
2011-present: Research Assistant Professor, Physics Department, University of Rhode Island.
2009-2010: Research Associate, Physics Department, University of Rhode Island.
2009-2010: Research Scientist, Department of Pathology, University of Virginia.
2004-2008: Research Associate, Department of Pathology, University of Virginia.
- Molecular mechanisms of tumor suppression
- Drug delivery into cancer cells
- Signal transduction
2001 Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
1989 B.S./M.S. in Chemical Engineering with honor, Moscow Institute of Chemical Fine Technology, Moscow, Russia
Adochite R.C., Moshnikova A., Carlin S.D., Guerrieri R.A., Andreev O.A., Lewis J.S., Reshetnyak Y.K. (2014). Targeting breast tumors with pH (low) insertion peptide. Mol. Pharm. 11(8), 2896-2905.
Karabadzhak A.G., an M., Yao L., Langenbacher R., Moshnikova A., Adochite R.C., Andreev O.A., Reshetnyak Y.K., Engelman D.M. (2014). ACS Chem. Biol., 9(11), 2545-2553.
Cruz-Monserrate Z., Roland C.L., Deng D., Arumugam T., Moshnikova A., Andreev O.A., Reshetnyak Y.K., Logston C.D. (2014). Targeting pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma acidic microenvironment. Sci. Rep., 4:4410.
Weerakkody D., Moshnikova A., Thakur M.S., Moshnikova V., Daniels J., Engelman D.M., Andreev O.A., Reshetnyak Y.K. (2013). Family of pH (low) insertion peptides for tumor targeting. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110(15), 5834-5839.
Moshnikova A., Moshnikova V., Andreev O.A., Reshetnyak Y.K. 2013. Antiproliferative effect of pHLIP-amanitin. Biochemistry, 52(7): 1171-1178.
Yao L., Danniels J., Moshnikova A., Kuznetsov S., Ahmed A., Engelman D.M., Reshetnyak Y.K., Andreev O.A.. 2013. The pHLIP peptide targets nanogold particles to tumors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110(2): 465-470.
Sosunov E.A., Anyukhovsky E.P., Sosunov A.A., Moshnikova A., Wijesinghe D., Engelman D.M., Reshetnyak Y.K., Andreev O.A. 2013. pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) targets ischemic myocardium. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110(1): 82-86.
Bee C., Moshnikova A., Mellor C.D., Molloy J.E., Koryakina Y., Stieglitz B., Khokhlatchev A., Herrmann C. 2010. Growth and tumor suppressor NORE1A is a regulatory node between Ras signaling and microtubule nucleation. J Biol. Chem. 285(21): 16258-16266.
Telegina E., Reshetnyak T., Moshnikova A., Proussakova O., Zhukova A., Kuznetsova A., Ivanov A., Paltsev M., Beletsky I. 2009. A possible role of Fas-ligand-mediated “reverse signaling” in pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Immunol. Lett. 122: 12-17.
Moshnikova A., Kuznetsov S., Khokhlatchev A.V. 2008. Interaction of the growth and tumour suppressor NORE1A with microtubules is not required for its growth-supressive function. BMC Res. Notes 1: 13-20.
Moshnikova A., Frye J., Shay J.W., Minna J.D., Khokhlatchev A.V. 2006. The growth and tumor suppressor NORE1A is a cytoskeletal protein that suppresses growth by inhibition of the ERK pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 281(12): 8143-8152.
Moshnikova A.B., Afanasyev V.N., Proussakova O.V., Chernyshev S., Gogvadze V., Beletsky I.P. 2006. Cytotoxic activity of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide is underlain by DNA interchain cross-linking. Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 63(2): 229-234.
Proussakova O.V., Rabaya N.A., Moshnikova A.B., Telegina E.S., Turanov A., Nanazashvili M.G., Beletsky I.P. 2003. Oligomerization of soluble Fas-antigen induces its cytotoxicity. J. Biol. Chem. 278(38):36236-36241.
Moshnikova A.B., Moshnikov S.A., Afanas’ev V.N., Krotova K.E., Sadovnikov V.B., Beletsky I.P. 2001. Cell death induced by chemical homobifunctional cross-linkers. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 33(12):1160-1171.