- Professor
- Pastore Room 304B
- Phone: 401.874.4482
- Fax: 401.874.4482
- Email: reshetnyak@uri.edu
- Office Location: Pastore Hall, 3 rd floor, Room 304C
Lab Location: Pastore Hall, 3 rd floor, Rooms 351-354
Mailing Address:
East Hall,
2 Lippitt Rd
Kingston, RI 02881
2013-present: Professor, Physics Department, University of Rhode Island.
2009-2013: Associate Professor, Physics Department, University of Rhode Island.
2004–2009: Assistant Professor (NSF Faculty Fellow), Physics Department, University of Rhode Island.
Biological physics: membrane biophysics and membrane-associated folding.
Imaging and drug delivery: pHLIP and pHLIC technology in drug delivery, fluorescence-guided surgery, therapy, cancer, inflammation .
More information about research projects could be be found at the Biological and Medical Physics website.
2003 – 2004:Postdoctoral Research Associate; Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University.
2000 – 2003:Postdoctoral Research Associate; Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research, University of North Texas Health Science Centre.
2000: Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics (Biological Physics), Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics.
1993: M.S. in Molecular Physics, Diploma with distinction, Physics Department, St.- Petersburg University.
A list of publications can be found at the Biological and Medical Physics website
2022: URI Intellectual Property Award
2019: URI Intellectual Property Award
2018: URI Outstanding Inventor
2017: URI Outstanding Inventor
2016: Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Research Award
2015: URI Excellence Award
2014: URI Outstanding Inventor
2013: URI Research Excellence Award
2013: URI Outstanding Inventor
2012: Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Research Award
2012: URI Outstanding Inventor
2011: Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Research Award
2010: URI Outstanding Inventor
2006: URI Outstanding Inventor
2004: NSF Advance Faculty Fellow
2002: Laureate of the Gregorio Weber International Competition
1998: Stefan Batory Foundation grant
1997: Wood/Whelan Fellowship from the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
60 Patents and patent applications: