Through clubs and organizations, URI pre-health students have built a supportive community of peers. Here is a sample of our student groups:

Pre-Physician Assistant Club
The URI Pre-PA club supports our fellow students who have a interest in the physician assistant profession. Our programming and activities touch on everything from healthcare experience to graduate school applications. We provide guidance for students who express interest in the healthcare field and create an environment where students are encouraged to ask questions and learn more about the physician assistant profession. All students are welcomed into the positive environment developed by our leadership board.
Contact Information:

Pre-Dental Club
The purpose of the club is to unite all pre-dental students and work collaboratively to
learn about the dental school admissions process. The club provides useful
information regarding the Dental Admission Test (DAT), volunteering and shadowing
opportunities, required courses, and more. The club also schedules guest lecturers with people in the field such as dentists and dental students. The Club’s goal is for all members to be fully prepared to apply, and ultimately be accepted, to dental schools.
Contact Information:

Doc-Opp: URI Pre-Med Club
The purpose of Doc Opp is to develop and foster a close-knit community of hard-working students who share the goal of reaching allopathic or osteopathic medical school. This organization familiarizes students with the medical school admissions process, as well as the skills and requirements necessary to compete in this process. Doc Opp offers early exposure to the MCAT, guest lectures, and skills workshops. Additionally, Doc Opp coordinates shadowing opportunities for its members, so that they may acquire field experience during their undergraduate years. Our greatest ambition is to send more and more Rams to medical school every year, and to put Rhody on the map in the medical profession.
Contact Information:

Seeds of Success
Seeds of Success is a student-run organization within the College of the Environment
and Life Sciences (CELS) focused on helping underrepresented students at URI to
succeed academically, socially, and professionally throughout their college careers.
They provide members with research opportunities, scholarship updates, guest
speakers, educational/career information, book exchanges, and social interaction with
fellow CELS students on campus.
Contact Information:

Delta Epsilon Mu- URI Pre-Health Fraternity
DEM is a Pre-Health Co-Ed Fraternity that strives to unite students of the various prehealth professions including Pre-Medicine, Pre-Dental, Pre-Physician’s Assistant, PreVeterinary, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Psychology, etc
Contact Information:

Pre-Physical Therapy Club
The Pre-PT Club allows students to explore Physical Therapy as a potential career! All students are welcome to club meetings. The Pre-PT Club meets 5 times a semester, which makes it a very low commitment club. Meetings are conversation based as members can ask the current Physical Therapy students questions regarding graduate school, general advice, and anything they are interested in. There are hands on activities (i.e. learning how to use modalities and different techniques) and a tour of the cadaver lab, which gives you first hand experience in the world of a future Physical Therapy student.
Contact Information: