Pre-Health Advising

Pre-Health Advising supports students and recent alumni with planning and preparing to apply for admission to health profession training programs that require an advanced degree. We help you develop an individualized plan consisting of the courses required for admission, find hands-on experiences in your intended field, and build the competencies you’ll need to be a health care provider.

We’ll help connect you to the information and advising resources you’ll need, understand the requirements, and lay the foundation for becoming competitive applicant.

Guidance in Pre-Health:

Students interested in pursuing pre-health career pathways are encouraged to choose any major here at the University (yes, really!) that you are interested and passionate about.

In addition, we suggest working with your academic advisor to make room in your academic plan for the required prerequisites for the profession you are pursuing. These prerequisites can be thought of as an unofficial double-major.

General Timeline:

First year students: Identify the program that will best match your goals. Meet with our Pre-Health Peer Advisors. These are current URI students who are also pre-health and can provide advice from an experienced student’s perspective. We also suggest meeting with your academic advisor to incorporate required prerequisites into your academic plan.

Second year students: Consider gaining experiential learning experiences to build your future applications. Review the programs page for more details about each profession and suggestions.

Third year students: Plan on attending an information session during your Fall semester to learn more about applying for pre-professional programs. Information sessions are normally held through Zoom and will be posted to Handshake. Continue to gain experience and focus on your prerequisite coursework.

Fourth year students: Plan on attending our personal statement writing workshops held with URI’s Writing Center, studying and completing required tests for entry (MCAT, GRE) and participating in the HPAC Process.

Planning Process

How do I become a Pre-Health Student?

There is no formal application or sign-up process for pre-health students. Whomever wishes to follow a pre-health track can do so, regardless of major and regardless of what academic year they are in.

Our office asks that once a student arrives at URI and/or decides they want to follow a pre-health pathway, they subscribe to our newsletter and updates to become familiar with the resources and support we offer.

Pre-Health Peer Advisors

Our Pre-Health Peer Advisors are experienced peers aspiring to a variety of health careers.