Evan Preisser
Principal Investigator
I am a community ecologist who wants to understand how food webs ‘work.’ I am interested in interspecific interactions and how these interactions affect community structure. I seek to design and conduct field experiments testing both basic and applied ecological questions, in collaboration with researchers from a range of fields. I use large-scale geographic surveys in combination with manipulative experiments to document general patterns of plant-animal interactions and answer questions generated by these patterns. My current research includes 1) several different projects related to the effect of predation risk on herbivory rates in the field and community dynamics; 2) collaborative work addressing plant-herbivore interactions (the impact of plant ontogeny on defense against herbivory); and 3) an international collaboration with Chinese researchers into the community ecology of the sweetpotato whitefly.
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Graduate Students
Brooke Pellegrini
M.S. student (2022 B.S. in Biological Sciences, George Washington University)
Pellegrini, B.A., Pintado, L.S., Souza, P.N., Bhavanam, S.P., Orians, C.M., Orrock, J.L., and E.L. Preisser. 2024. Herbivore kairomones affect germination speed, seedling growth, and herbivory. Oecologia https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-024-05621-z [PDF]
lab alumni
Zachary Lee
M.S. 2022
Currently: Research Technician, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Otis Lab, Buzzards Bay MA
URI-related publications
- Lee, Z.A., Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2021. Auditory predator cues affect monarch (Danaus plexippus; Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) development time and pupal weight. Acta Oecologica 111: 103740. [PDF]
- Lee, Z.A., Cohen, C.B., Baranowski, A.K., Berry, K.N., McGuire, M.R., Pelletier, T.S., Peck, B.P., Blundell, J.J., and E.L. Preisser. 2023. Auditory predator cues decrease herbivore survival and plant damage. Ecology 104(4): e4007 [PDF]
- Lee, Z.A., Baranowski, A.K., Cohen, C.B., Pelletier, T.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2024. Domestication reduces caterpillar response to auditory predator cues. Environmental Entomology 53(4) 587-593” [PDF]
Alex Baranowski
M.S. 2021 (2018 B.S. in Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island)
Currently: Ph.D. student, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins CO
URI-related publications
- Lee, Z.A., Baranowski, A.K., Cohen, C.B., Pelletier, T.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2024. Domestication reduces caterpillar response to auditory predator cues. Environmental Entomology 53(4) 587-593 [PDF]
- Lee, Z.A., Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2021. Auditory predator cues affect monarch (Danaus plexippus; Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) development time and pupal weight. Acta Oecologica 111: 103740. [PDF]
- Lee, Z.A., Cohen, C.B., Baranowski, A.K., Berry, K.N., McGuire, M.R., Pelletier, T.S., Peck, B.P., Blundell, J.J., and E.L. Preisser. 2023. Auditory predator cues decrease herbivore survival and plant damage. Ecology 104(4): e4007 [PDF]
- Baranowski, A.K., Alm, S.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Datana drexelii (Lepidoptera: Notododontidae) oviposition and larval survival on highbush blueberry cultivars. Journal of Economic Entomology 113(3): 568-571. [PDF]
- Kinahan, I.G., Baranowski, A.K., Whitney, E.R., Savage, S.K., Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E.E., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Facilitation between invasive herbivores: hemlock woolly adelgid increases gypsy moth preference for and performance on eastern hemlock. Ecological Entomology 45(3): 416-422. [PDF]
- †*Baranowski, A.K., Conroy, C., Boettner, G., Elkinton, J.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2019. Reduced Compsilura concinnata parasitism of New England saturniid larvae. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(3): 346-349. [PDF]
- *Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Predator cues increase silkmoth mortality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: 220. [PDF]
- *Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Can Darapsa myron (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) successfully use the invasive plant Ampelopsis brevipedunculata as a food resource? Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society 72(2): 152-154. [PDF]
Ian Kinahan
M.S. 2020 (2014 B.S. in Biology, University of Massachusetts Amherst MA)
Currently: Inland Ecologist, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Boston MA
URI-related publications
- Rigsby, C.M., Body, M.J.A., May, A., Oppong, A., Kostka, A., Houseman, N., Savage, S.K., Whitney, E.R., Kinahan, I.G., DeBoef, B., Orians, C.M., Schultz, J.C., Appel, H.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2021. Impact of chronic stylet-feeder infestation on folivore-induced signaling and defenses. Tree Physiology 41(3): 416-427. [PDF]
- †*Kinahan, I. G., Rigsby, C.M., Savage, S.K., Houseman, N.L., Marsella, A.S., Oppong-Quaicoe, A., DeBoef, B.L., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Seasonal changes in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) foliar chemistry. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50(6): 557-654.[PDF]
- Rigsby, C.M., Kinahan, I.G., May, A., Kostka, A., Houseman, N., Savage, S.K., Whitney, E.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) infestation on the jasmonic acid-elicited defenses of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Environmental Entomology 49(5): 1226-1231.[PDF]
- Kinahan, I.G., Baranowski, A.K., Whitney, E.R., Savage, S.K., Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E.E., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Facilitation between invasive herbivores: hemlock woolly adelgid increases gypsy moth preference for and performance on eastern hemlock. Ecological Entomology 45(3): 416-422. [PDF]
- Kinahan, I. G., Grandstaff, G., Russell, A., Rigsby, C.M., Casagrande, R.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. A four-year, seven-state reforestation trial with eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) resistant to hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae). Forests 11(3): 312. [PDF]
Elizabeth Whitney
M.S. 2018 (2015 B.S. in Biology with Botany minor, Unity College, NH)
Currently: Lead Field Technician for Two-lined Spittlebug project, University of Hawaii, Mānoa HI
URI-related publications
- Rigsby, C.M., Body, M.J.A., May, A., Oppong, A., Kostka, A., Houseman, N., Savage, S.K., Whitney, E.R., Kinahan, I.G., DeBoef, B., Orians, C.M., Schultz, J.C., Appel, H.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2021. Impact of chronic stylet-feeder infestation on folivore-induced signaling and defenses. Tree Physiology 41(3): 416-427.[PDF]
- Kinahan, I.G., Baranowski, A.K., Whitney, E.R., Savage, S.K., Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E.E., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Facilitation between invasive herbivores: hemlock woolly adelgid increases gypsy moth preference for and performance on eastern hemlock. Ecological Entomology 45(3): 416-422. [PDF]
- Rigsby, C.M., Kinahan, I.G., May, A., Kostka, A., Houseman, N., Savage, S.K., Whitney, E.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) infestation on the jasmonic acid-elicited defenses of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Environmental Entomology 49(5): 1226-1231.[PDF]
- Schaeffer, R.N., Wilson, C.M., Radville, L., Whitney, E.R., Barrett, M., Roitman, S., Miller, E.R., Wolfe, B.E., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Individual and non-additive effects of exotic sap-feeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host. Functional Ecology 31(11): 2024-2033. [PDF]
Mary Mallinger
M.S. 2017 (2012 B.S. in Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI)
Currently: Conservation Engagement Specialist, Minnesota Zoo, St. Paul MN
URI-related publications
†*Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E., Mallinger, M.M., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2019. Conifer responses to a stylet-feeding invasive herbivore and induction with methyl jasmonate: impact on the expression of induced defences and a native folivore. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(2): 227-234. [PDF]
Claire Wilson
M.S. 2016 (2014 B.A. in Biology, Carleton College, MN)
Currently: Communications Associate, College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN
URI-related publications
- †*Wilson, C.M., Schaeffer, R.N., Hickin, M., Rigsby, C.M., Sommi, A., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Chronic impacts of invasive herbivores on a foundational forest species: a whole-tree perspective. Ecology 99(8): 1783-1791. [PDF]
- †*Schaeffer, R.N., Wilson, C.M., Radville, L., Whitney, E.R., Barrett, M., Roitman, S., Miller, E.R., Wolfe, B.E., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Individual and non-additive effects of exotic sap-feeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host. Functional Ecology 31(11): 2024-2033. [PDF]
- Wilson, C.M., Vendettuoli, J.F., Orwig, D.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2016. Impact of an invasive insect and plant defense on a native forest defoliator. Insects 7: 45. [PDF]
Katharine Harrison
M.S. 2016 (2004 B.S. in Biological Sciences, Boston College)
Currently: Associate Professor, Community College of Rhode Island
URI-related publications
- Harrison, K.V., and E.L. Preisser. 2016. Dropping behavior in the pea aphid: how does environmental context affect anti-predator responses? Journal of Insect Science 16(1): 89. [PDF]
Mauri Hickin
M.S. 2015 (2012 B.S. in Zoology with Climatology minor, Kent State University, OH)
Currently: Research Entomologist, USDA APHIS, Buzzards Bay MA
URI-related publications
- †*Wilson, C.M., Schaeffer, R.N., Hickin, M., Rigsby, C.M., Sommi, A., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Chronic impacts of invasive herbivores on a foundational forest species: a whole-tree perspective. Ecology 99(8): 1783-1791. [PDF]
- †*Schaeffer, R.N., Wilson, C.M., Radville, L., Whitney, E.R., Barrett, M., Roitman, S., Miller, E.R., Wolfe, B.E., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Individual and non-additive effects of exotic sap-feeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host. Functional Ecology 31(11): 2024-2033. [PDF]
- Hickin, M., and E.L. Preisser. 2015. Effects of light and water availability on the performance of hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae). Environmental Entomology 44(1): 128-135 [PDF]
Jamie Rafter
Ph.D. 2015 (2010 B.S. in Biology & Environmental Science, King’s College, PA)
Currently: Assistant Professor, Muskingum University, New Concord OH
URI-related publications
- *†Rafter, J.L., Vendettuoli, J., Gonda-King, L., Niesen, D., Seeram, N.P., Rigsby, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Pretty picky for a generalist: impacts of toxicity and nutritional quality on mantid prey processing. Environmental Entomology 46(3): 626-632. [PDF]
- †Rafter, J.L., Gonda-King, L., Niesen, D., Seeram, N.P., Rigsby, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Impact of consuming ‘toxic’ monarch caterpillars on adult Chinese mantid mass gain and fecundity. Insects 8: 23. [PDF]
- Rafter, J.L., Agrawal, A.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2013. Chinese mantids gut toxic monarch caterpillars: avoidance of prey defense? Ecological Entomology 38(1): 76-82 [PDF] (Winner of Royal Entomological Society Award: Ecological Entomology Best Paper, 2012/2013)
Liahna Gonda-King
M.S. 2013 (2010 B.A. in Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, MD)
Currently: Amgen Fellow, Teach for America, Hartford CT
URI-related publications
- *†Rafter, J.L., Vendettuoli, J., Gonda-King, L., Niesen, D., Seeram, N.P., Rigsby, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Pretty picky for a generalist: impacts of toxicity and nutritional quality on mantid prey processing. Environmental Entomology 46(3): 626-632. [PDF]
- †Rafter, J.L., Gonda-King, L., Niesen, D., Seeram, N.P., Rigsby, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Impact of consuming ‘toxic’ monarch caterpillars on adult Chinese mantid mass gain and fecundity. Insects 8: 23. [PDF]
- Soltis, N., Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Preisser, E.L., and C.M. Orians. 2015. Contrasting effects of two exotic hemipterans on whole-plant resource allocation in a declining conifer. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 187(1): 86-97. [PDF]
- Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Orians, C.M., Orwig, D.A., Panko, R., Radville, L., Soltis, N., Thornber, C.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2015. Interactions between invasive herbivores and their long-term impact on New England hemlock forests. Biological Invasions 17(2): 661-673 [PDF]
- Radville, L., Gonda-King, L., Gómez, S., Kaplan, I., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Are exotic herbivores better competitors? A meta-analysis. Ecology 95(1): 30-36 [PDF]
- Gonda-King, L., Gómez, S., Martin, J., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Tree responses to an invasive sap-feeding insect. Plant Ecology 215(3): 297-304 [PDF]
- Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Competitor avoidance drives within-host feeding site selection in a passively-dispersed herbivore. Ecological Entomology 39(1): 10-16 [PDF]
- Gonda-King, L., Radville, L., and E.L. Preisser. 2012. False ring formation in eastern hemlock branches: impacts of hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale. Environmental Entomology 41(3): 523-531 [PDF]
Laura Radville
M.S. 2012 (2009 B.A. in Biology and Art, College of the Holy Cross, MA); 2015 Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Currently: Research Program Associate, George Washington University, Washington DC
URI-related publications
- †*Schaeffer, R.N., Wilson, C.M., Radville, L., Whitney, E.R., Barrett, M., Roitman, S., Miller, E.R., Wolfe, B.E., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Individual and non-additive effects of exotic sap-feeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host. Functional Ecology 31(11): 2024-2033. [PDF]
- Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Orians, C.M., Orwig, D.A., Panko, R., Radville, L., Soltis, N., Thornber, C.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2015. Interactions between invasive herbivores and their long-term impact on New England hemlock forests. Biological Invasions 17(2): 661-673 [PDF]
- Radville, L., Gonda-King, L., Gómez, S., Kaplan, I., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Are exotic herbivores better competitors? A meta-analysis. Ecology 95(1): 30-36 [PDF]
- Gonda-King, L., Radville, L., and E.L. Preisser. 2012. False ring formation in eastern hemlock branches: impacts of hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale. Environmental Entomology 41(3): 523-531 [PDF]
- Radville, L., Chaves, A., and E.L. Preisser. 2011. Variation in plant defense against herbivores: evidence for a hypersensitive response in eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis). Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(6): 592-597 [PDF]
Mailea Miller-Pierce
M.S. 2010 (2009 B.A. in Biology and Art, College of the Holy Cross, MA); 2016 Ph.D., Washington State University
Currently: Celtic Spirit Healer, Vancouver WA
URI-related publications
- Ingwell, L.L., Miller-Pierce, M.R., Trotter, R.T. III, and E.L. Preisser. 2012. Vegetation and invertebrate community response to eastern hemlock decline in southern New England. Northeastern Naturalist 19(4): 541-558 [PDF]
- Miller-Pierce, M.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2012. Asymmetric priority effects influence the success of invasive forest insects. Ecological Entomology 37: 350-358 [PDF]
- Preisser, E.L., Miller-Pierce, M.R, Vansant, J.L., and D.A. Orwig. 2011. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) regeneration in the presence of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) and elongate hemlock scale (Fiorinia externa). Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41(12): 2433-2439 [PDF]
- Miller-Pierce, M.R., Orwig, D.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2010. Effects of hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale on eastern hemlock growth and foliar chemistry. Environmental Entomology 39(2): 513-519. [PDF]
Laura Ingwell
M.S. 2009 (2007 B.S. in Biological Sciences with Chemistry minor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI); 2013 Ph.D., University of Idaho
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Purdue University, Purdue IN
URI-related publications
- Ingwell, L.L., Miller-Pierce, M.R., Trotter, R.T. III, and E.L. Preisser. 2012. Vegetation and invertebrate community response to eastern hemlock decline in southern New England. Northeastern Naturalist 19(4): 541-558 [PDF]
- Ingwell, L.L., and E.L. Preisser. 2011. Using citizen science programs to identify host resistance in pest-invaded forests. Conservation Biology 25(1): 182-188. [PDF]
- Ingwell, L.L., Brady, J., Fitzpatrick, M.C., Maynard, B., Casagrande, R., and E.L. Preisser. 2009. Intraspecific variation in Tsuga canadensis foliar chemistry. Northeastern Naturalist 16(4): 585-594. [PDF]