Every year, Dr. Joseph Rossi, compiles a list of publications by both students and faculty. Even though the list does not include posters or presentations at conferences, we are continually amazed by the work and productivity of those within the department.
Here’s the latest list. Authors include current and former graduate students: Steve Babbin, Leslie Brick, Heather Bullock, Suzanne Colby, Don Corriveau, Kerry Evers, Simay Gökbayrak, Gyda Gudmundsdottir, Magdalena Harrington, Bettina Hoeppner, Hisanori Kobayashi, Karli Kondo, Rebecca Lebeau, Marisa Marraccini, Rose Martin, Peter Monti, Danielle Oster, Rick Palumbo, Elizabeth Reichert, Shayna Soenksen, Jayson Spas, Hui-Qing Yin, Miryam Yusufov, Brynheld Martinez Zavras; neuroscience doctoral student: Bailey Munro; postdoctoral fellow: Xiaowu Sun; and undergraduate student: Ben Kuhar.
- Abar, C.C., Jackson, K.M., & Wood, M.D. (2014). Reciprocal relations between parental monitoring and adolescent substance use and delinquency: The moderating role of parent-teen relationship quality. Developmental Psychology, 50, 2176–2187. PMID:25046124
- Babbin, S.F., Velicer, W.F., Aloia, M.S., & Kushida, C.A. (2015). Identifying longitudinal patterns for individuals and subgroups: An example with adherence to treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50, 91–108.
- Babbin, S.F., Velicer, W.F., Paiva, A.L., Brick, L.A., & Redding, C.A. (2015). Replicating cluster subtypes for the prevention of adolescent smoking and alcohol use. Addictive Behaviors, 40, 57–65.
- Barnett, N. P., Clerkin, E., Wood, M., Monti, P. M., Tevyaw, T. O., Corriveau, D., Fingeret, A., & Kahler, C. W. (2014). Description and predictors of positive and negative alcohol-related consequences in the first year of college. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, 103–114.
- Bennett, K., Manassis, K., Walter, S. D., Cheung, A., Wilansky-Traynor, P., Diaz-Granados, N., Duda, S., Rice, M., Baer, S., Barrett, P., Bodden, D., Cobham, V.E., Dadds, M.R., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Ginsburg, G., Heyne, D., Hudson, J.L., Kendall, P.C., Liber, J., Masia Warner, C., Mendlowitz, S., Nauta, M.H., Rapee, R., Silverman, W., Siqueland, L., Spence, S., Utens, E., & Wood, J. (2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: An individual patient data meta-analysis. Depression and Anxiety,30, 829–841.
- Brick, L.A.D., Knopik, V.S., Velicer, W.F., & Palmer, R. (2015). Genome wide complex trait analysis of shared genetic effects between brain electrophysiology measures and alcohol dependence (Abstract).Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50, 129–130.
- Bullock, H.E., & Lott, B. (2014). Discrimination. In T. Teo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology (pp. 451–457).New York, NY: Springer.
- DuPaul, G.J., & Stoner, G. (2014). ADHD in the schools: Assessment and intervention strategies (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
- Gökbayrak, N.S, Paiva, A.L., Blissmer, B.J., & Prochaska, J.O. (2015). Predictors of relapse among smokers: Transtheoretical effort variables. Addictive Behaviors, 42, 176–179.
- Gökbayrak, N.S, Piryatinsky, I., Gavett, R.A., & Ahmed, O.J. (2014). Mixed effects of deep brain stimulation on depressive symptomatology in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A review of randomized clinical trials. Frontiers in Neurology, 5(154). DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2014.00154
- Harrington, M., & Velicer, W.F. (2015) Comparing visual and statistical analysis in single-case studies using published studies. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50, 162–183.
- Harlow, L.L. (2014). The essence of multivariate thinking: Basic themes and methods (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Lantini, R., McGrath, A.C., Stein, L.A.R., Barnett, N.P., Monti, P.M., & Colby, S.M. (2015).Misreporting in a randomized clinical trial for smoking cessation in adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 45, 57–62.
- Lott, B. (2013). Social class myopia: The case of psychology and labor unions. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/asap.12029/full
- Lott, B. (2014). Perceptions of Barak Obama at home and abroad. Review of D. Sharma & U.P. Gielen (Eds.), The global Obama: Crossroads of leadership in the 21st century. PsychCritiques, 59(33). DOI: 10.1037/a0037000
- Lott, B. (2014). The golden rule of a socialist, secularist, atheist. In M.C. Vocino & A.G. Killilea (Eds.), Befriending death: Over 100 Essayists on living and dying. Bloomington, IN: Universe.
- Manuvinakurike, R., Velicer, W.F., & Bickmore, T.W. (2014). Automated indexing of Internet stories for health behavior change: Weight loss attitude pilot study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16:e285.
- Redding, C.A., Prochaska, J.O., Armstrong, K., Rossi, J.S., Hoeppner, B.B., Sun, X.,Kobayashi, H., Yin, H.-Q., Coviello, D., Evers, K., & Velicer, W.F. (2015). Randomized trial outcomes of a TTM-tailored condom use and smoking intervention in urban adolescent females. Health Education Research, 30, 162–178.
- Reichert, E., & Flannery-Schroeder, E. (2014). Posttraumatic cognitions as mediators between childhood maltreatment and poorer mental health among young adults. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 7, 153–162.
- Schwartz, S.J., Zamboanga, B.L., Tomaso, C.C., Kondo, K.K., Unger, J.B., Weisskirch, R.S., … Ravert, R.D. (2014). Domains of acculturation and their relevance to drinking games involvement and alcohol-related behaviors among Hispanic college students. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 40, 359–366.
- Seligman, L., Swedish, E., & Flannery-Schroeder, E. (2014). Anxiety assessment and treatment in typically developing children. In T.E. Davis III, S.W. White, & T.H. Ollendick (Eds.). Handbook of Autism and Anxiety.
- Soenksen, S., Stein, L.A.R., Brown, J.D., Stengel, J.R., Rossi, J.S., & Lebeau, R. (2015). Cannabis withdrawal among detained adolescents: Exploring the impact of nicotine and race. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 24, 119–124. DOI: 10.1080/1067828X.2013.770379
- Spas, J.J., Malloy, T.E., Rossi, J.S., & Paiva, A.L. (2014). Dynamic baseline variables predict treatment outcomes for addiction generally, and smoking in particular. Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 5(4), 125–126. DOI: 10.4172/2155-6105.1000e125
- Stein, L.A.R., Clair, M., Martin, R.A., Soenksen, S., Lebeau, R., Rohsenow, D.J., Kahler, C.W., Hurlbut, W, & Monti, P.M. (2014). Measuring behaviors of individual adolescents during group-based substance abuse intervention. Substance Abuse, 35, 408–417.
- Velicer, W.F., Palumbo, R., & Babbin, S.F. (2015).Time series analysis. In R.L. Cautin & S.O. Lilienfeld (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology (pp. xxx–xxx). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Weiss, S.M., Zulu, R., Jones, D.L., Redding, C.A., Cook, R., & Chitalu, N. (2015). The Spear and Shield intervention to increase the availability and acceptability of voluntary medical male circumcision in Zambia: A cluster randomised controlled trial. Lancet HIV. DOI: 10.1016/S2352-3018(15)00042-9
- Weyandt, L.L. & Gudmundsdottir, B.G. (2014). Developmental and neuropsychological deficits in children associated with ADHD. In R.A. Barkley (Ed.), Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment (4th ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
- Weyandt, L.L., Oster, D.R., Marraccini, M.E., Gudmundsdottir, B.G., Munro, B.A., Zavras, B.M., & Kuhar, B. (2014). Pharmacological interventions for adolescents and adults with ADHD: Stimulant and nonstimulant medications and misuse of prescription stimulants. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 7, 223–249.
- Yin, H.-Q., Rossi, J.S., & Redding, C.A. (2014). Abstract: Longitudinal examinations of situational temptations for smoking in adult smokers, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49, 302-303.
- Yin, H.-Q., Rossi, J.S., & Redding, C.A., Paiva, A.L., Babbin, S.F., & Velicer, W.F. (2014). Validity and stability of the Decisional Balance for Sun Protection Inventory. Journal of Skin Cancer Research. DOI: 10.1155/2014/190541
- Zamboanga, B.L., Tomaso, C.C., Kondo, K.K., Schwartz, S.J. (2014). Surveying the literature on acculturation and alcohol use among Hispanic college students: We’re not all on the same page. Substance Use and Misuse, 49, 1074–1078.
- Zedeck, S., Harlow, L.L., Blozis, S. A., & Panter, A. T. (Eds.). (2014). APA Dictionary of statistics and research methods. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.