Department Chair, Dr. Boatright, has a “top 20” paper!

Dr. Su Boatright was recently identified as first in a list of the top 20 papers in its field published since 2010. Check out her influential paper!

Boatright, S.L. (2010). Compression-caused peroneal neuropathy: Commentary from a biopsychologist. Southern Medical Journal, 103, 66–71. PMID: 19996836


Compression is the most common cause of damage to the fibular head, the site of most peroneal nerve injuries which cause foot drop. Compression injuries can be caused by prolonged immobility and habitual leg-crossing. A review of the literature does not reveal the existence of a nationwide study that investigates the prevalence of compression-caused foot drop, nor does the literature contain encouragement to arrange medical practices to prevent its occurrence (e.g., soft substrates for sitting, frequent reminders for the patient to uncross the legs). Treatments for foot drop do not appear to be strongly scientifically based and they do not incorporate the use of sensory integration, specifically use of the visual sense, during rehabilitation. Finally, compression-caused foot drop may be preventable, a conclusion that could ultimately have important implications in the context of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement.