Course Descriptions

PSY 103

Towards Self-Understanding

(3 crs.) Individual and social problems of normal persons. Personality development, social behavior, and adjustment reactions with emphasis on increasing awareness of personal and interpersonal functioning. (Lec. 3/Online) (A2) (B1)

PSY 113

General Psychology

(3 crs.) Introductory survey course of the major facts and principles of human behavior. Prerequisite for students interested in professional work in psychology or academic fields in which an extended knowledge of psychology is basic. (Lec. 2, Rec. 1/Online) (A2)

PSY 113H

Honors Section of PSY 113: General Psychology

(3 crs.) Honors Section of PSY 113: General Psychology. (Lec. 2, Rec. 1) Pre: 3.40 overall GPA. (A2)

PSY 130G

The Problem of Hunger in the U.S.

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSY) NUT130G. Survey of the problem of hunger in the United States, the causes, effects on individuals and society, and the policies and programs intended to help hungry people. (Lec. 3) (A2) (C1) (GC)

PSY 200

Quantitative Methods in Psychology

(4 crs.) Basic concepts and techniques of quantification in psychology. Emphasis on application of certain descriptive and inferential statistical tools in the analysis of psychological measurement of behavior. Practical applications using computer programs may be undertaken and/or other lab exercises. (Lec. 3, Lab. 2) Pre: PSY 113, at least one college-level mathematics course, and sophomore standing.

PSY 200H

Honors Section of PSY200: Quantitative Methods in Psychology

(4 crs.) Honors Section of PSY 200: Quantitative Methods in Psychology. (Lec. 3, Lab. 2) Pre: PSY 113, at least one college-level mathematics course, sophomore standing, and 3.40 overall GPA.

PSY 205G

The Challenged Brain

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (BPS), PSY 205G. Equips students with knowledge about ways that central nervous system functioning can be challenged either by disease, injury, or alternate ways of functioning. (Lec. 3) (A1) (B4) (GC)

PSY 232

Developmental Psychology

(3 crs.) Comprehensive understanding of human development and growth from birth to senescence. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113. (A2)

PSY 235

Theories of Personality

(3 crs.) Critical survey of the major theories of personality. Emphasis will be placed on the 'normal' personality. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113.

PSY 254

Introduction to Psychopathology

(3 crs.) An overview of sociocultural and scientific theories of mental health conditions typically encountered in mental health settings. The major psychological, cognitive, and behavioral disorders and their classifications are examined (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113.

PSY 254H

Hnrs Sec PSY 254: Behavior Problems & Personality Disorders

(3 crs.) Honors Section of PSY 254: Behavior Problems and Personality Disorders. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113 and 3.40 or better overall GPA.

PSY 255

Health Psychology

(3 crs.) Investigates the relationship between behavior and health; emphasizes the theory and science of health behavior change; explores specific behaviors and behavior change strategies from an individual and public health perspective. (Lec. 3/Online)

PSY 260

Psyched About Culture: Intro to Cross-Cultural Psychology

(3 crs.). This course examines how culture shapes people’s psychological processes. It focuses on the ways cultural background influences perception, emotions, relationships, health, and behaviors. Using a cross-cultural approach, the emphasis is on looking at culture as a framework for understanding people's thoughts and behaviors across the globe. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 113; PSY BS major or permission of instructor.

PSY 276G

”High” Society: The Effects of Psychoactive Drugs

(3 crs.) This course will provide an overview of the research on substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs), including the epidemiology and physical/psychological consequences of use and addiction, prevention and treatment approaches, and substance use policy. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113. (A2) (B4) (GC)

PSY 301

Research Methods and Design in the Behavioral Sciences

(4 crs.) Examination of methodological principles and research design applied to the behavioral sciences. Students will review scientific literature on an approved topic, collect and analyze data, and interpret results to prepare research reports. (Lec.3, Lab. 2) Pre: PSY 200 or 200H and WRT 104 or 106. (D1) (B4)

PSY 305

Field Experience In Psychology

(3 crs.) Direct contact with settings and populations served by psychologists. Emphasis on understanding models and theories in relation to practical problems. Topical sections may include: a) pre-clinical, b) community, c) laboratory, and d) organizational applications. (Practicum) Pre: PSY 113 and permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

PSY 310

History and Systems of Psychology

(3 crs.) Origins of psychological inquiry and theories of psychology. Transformations of theories and methods of inquiry through the history of our culture including contemporary systems and models of psychological functioning. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 113.

PSY 324

Latina/o Psychology

(3 crs.) Examination of the Latina/o experience from a psychological and ecological perspective. The primary course goal is to increase student awareness and knowledge about Latinas/os through critical thinking and self-reflection. (Seminar/Online) Pre: PSY 103 or 113.

PSY 334

Introduction to Clinical Psychology

(3 crs.) Emphasis on scope of the field, functions of the clinical psychologist, methods used, and problems encountered, both scientific and professional. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 254.

PSY 335

The Psychology of Social Behavior

(3 crs.) Conceptual and empirical analyses of individual behavior in social contexts; attention to social motivation, attitude development and change, liking, conformity, aggression, altruism. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 113 and junior standing or permission of instructor.

PSY 340

Introduction to School Psychology

(3 crs.) Introduces students to the field of school psychology by covering the history of the field, current practices, ethical and legal considerations, and the process of becoming a school psychologist. (Seminar) Pre: PSY 200 and PSY 301 or permission of instructor.

PSY 361


(3 crs.) Learning process in humans and non-humans, focusing on principles and methods. This course features operant-learning and behavior-modification principles and examples from real life. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 301 or permission of instructor.

PSY 381

Physiological Psychology

(3 crs.) Physiological mechanisms operative in human behavior. Sensory, neural, endocrine, and response systems as related to sensation, perception, attention, emotions, motivations, and learning. (Lec. 3) Pre: junior standing.

PSY 384

Cognitive Psychology

(3 crs.) An examination of contemporary research and theories on mental activities. Topics will include perception, pattern recognition, attention, memory, problem solving, language, consciousness, and artificial intelligence. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY113 and PSY301 or equivalent.

PSY 385


(3 crs.) Sensory function, development of perception, perception of space, color, sound, and complex events. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113 and 200, or equivalent. In alternate years.

PSY 385H

Honors Section of PSY 385: Perception

(3 crs.) Sensory function, development of perception, perception of space, color, sound, and complex events. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113 and 200 or equivalent, and overall GPA of 3.40 or better. In alternate years.

PSY 399

Introduction to Multicultural Psychology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSY), AAF 399. Introduction to multiculturalism as major paradigm. Emphasizes meaning of multiculturalism, associated principles, concepts, and sociocultural factors. Explores historical and present structural/institutional, and interpersonal forces and issues affecting well-being and identity. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 113 or 103.

PSY 412

Health Promotion

(3 crs.) This course examines theory and methods to facilitate individual and group behavior change to promote health, reduce risks of premature disease and mortality, and manage chronic illness. The course emphasizes values and research evidence, contexts, and cultures as they relate to efforts to promote health. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 113

PSY 420

Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics

(3 crs.) Cross-listed with (ISE), PSY 420. A study of human capabilities and their interactions with the systems where they perform their jobs to help engineers and psychologists to optimize design, improve jobs, and enhance system performance. (Lec. 2, Lab. 1) Pre: ISE 311 (411) / MCE 411 or STA 412 or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 425

Peace Psychology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSY), NVP 425. Peace psychology combines aspects of cognitive, social, clinical and cross-cultural psychology that bear on the prevention of violence and the promotion of constructive nonviolent behavior. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: Prior coursework in psychology, or permission of instructor. Prior coursework in another social science is recommended.

PSY 430

Intimate Relationships

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (SOC), PSY 430. Examination of the effects of cultural, social, and psychological processes on the development, maintenance, and dissolution of intimate relationships. Emphasis on friendship patterns, dating and marital relationships, intimacy in nontraditional relationships. Emphasis on research. (Lec. 3) Pre: any 100- or 200-level course in sociology or PSY 113 or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 432

Advanced Developmental Psychology

(3 crs.) Major issues in developmental psychology. Emphasis on research in Piaget, Erikson, Bruner, Kagan, and Moss. Includes effects of infant care, sex typing, parental discipline, and developmental aspects of intellectual and perceptual growth. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 232.

PSY 434

Psychological Testing

(3 crs.) Measurement procedures employed in the measurement of intelligence, aptitudes, abilities, attitudes, interests, and personality. Focus on psychometric principles associated with the various tests. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 200 or equivalent.

PSY 435

Applied Methods in Psychological Research

(3 crs.) This course will provide a structured training experience addressing data management, statistical analysis, how to handle methodological problems, and interpretation of results for applied psychology research topics. (Lec. 3) Pre: Grades of C or higher in PSY301 and PSY434, and either STA308 or PSY200, or by permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 436

Psychotropic Drugs and Therapy

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (BPS), PSY 436. Interaction of drug and non-drug therapy and of physiological and psychological origins of psychopathology. Intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in clinical psychology. (Lec. 3) Pre: any one of the following--BIO 101, 104B, 113, 121, PSY 381, or permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 442

Disability in Childhood and Adolescence

(3 crs.) Introduction to disability in childhood and adolescence. Emphasizing history, models and theories, legal precedents, rights, identification, special education, family issues, quality of life issues, accessibility, advocacy, activism. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: junior or senior standing. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 460

Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Policy

(3 crs.) Introduction to substance use and disorders using an interdisciplinary science-based lens. Explores therapeutic and illicit drug use, prevention/intervention efforts, and the effects and implications of social and public policies. (Lec. 3) Not for graduate credit.

PSY 464

Humanistic Psychology

(3 crs.) Discussion of humanistic approaches to the understanding and direction of behavior. Emphasis on contemporary writers such as Rogers, Maslow, May, Moustakas. Discussions of phenomenology and existentialism. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 235 and junior standing. In alternate years.

PSY 465

Introduction to Crisis Intervention

(3 crs.) Interventions for various types of emergencies including substance abuse and functional or organic disorders. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 254 and permission of instructor.

PSY 466

Child Sexual Abuse

(3 crs.) Current theorizing regarding the causes of sexual abuse of children will be presented, as well as the short- and long-term effects of such abuse. Management of problems will be followed, from disclosure through current state-of-the-art practices in treatment. Issues in prevention, court cases, and investigation will be reviewed. (Lec. 3) Pre: senior status and permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 471

Applied Behavioral Analysis and Remediation

(3 crs.) Study and application of behavioral approaches used to analyze and remediate behavioral problems of children and adults in educational and human service settings and everyday life. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 361 or permission of instructor. Offered through the Alan Shawn Feinstein College of Continuing Education only.

PSY 473

Practicum In Behavioral Psychology

(3 crs.) Supervised, on-site field experience in applications of behavioral approaches in an educational or human service setting. (Practicum) Pre: PSY 471 or permission of instructor.

PSY 477

Preparation for Careers in Psychology

(1 cr.) Designed to assist students as they explore career options in the field of psychology. Students will prepare materials for job/graduate school applications, and practice interview skills. (Lec. 1) Pre: sophomore standing or above. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 479

Topics in Psychology

(1-3 crs.) Central issues in the field of psychology, allowing in-depth study of contemporary or historical topics. (Seminar/Online) Some topics may be offered online. Pre: PSY 113 or permission of instructor. May be repeated with a change in topic for a maximum of 12 credits.

PSY 479H

Honors Section of PSY 479: Topics in Psychology

(1-3 crs.) Honors Section of PSY 479: Topics in Psychology. (Seminar) Pre: PSY 113 or permission of instructor and 3.40 GPA. May be repeated with a change in topic for a maximum of 12 credits.

PSY 480

Psychology of Women

(3 crs.) Discussion of psychological research and theories on the psychology of girls and women from a multicultural perspective. Topics include personality theories, gender similarities and differences, biological aspects of sex and gender, cultural images of women, sexuality, relationships, motherhood, work and achievement, physical and mental health. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: PSY 113 and at least one 200-level psychology course.

PSY 487

Seminar for Psychology Teaching Assistants

(1 cr.) Students will learn pedagogies and engage in activities designed to enhance teaching skills. (Seminar) Pre: junior or senior standing. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 488

Undergraduate Teaching Experience in Psychology

(1-3 crs.) Students gain teaching experience assisting faculty in an on-going class, and/or preparing background materials for use in teaching. (Practicum) Pre: permission of instructor. May be repeated for 6 credits total. Not for graduate credit.

PSY 496

Research Experience in Psychology

(3 crs.) Students gain research experience either by assisting a graduate student or faculty member on an ongoing research project, or by conducting a supervised individual project. Required for BS Psychology majors. (Independent Study) Pre: Permission of instructor. May be repeated once.

PSY 499

Psychology Practicum

(1-6 crs.) Individual and group projects applying psychology in clinical or laboratory settings. (Practicum) Pre: permission of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. No more than 6 credits may be take in one semester. Not for major credit in psychology. S/U only.

PSY 500

Theory and Research on Nonviolence and Peace

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (NVP), PSY 500. Surveys selected issues in the interdisciplinary field of Nonviolence and Peace Studies. It focuses on human problem solving in potentially violent situations, and the creation of conditions for peace. (Online)

PSY 505

Community Psychology

(3 crs.) Introduction to community psychology; study and change of individual's interaction with community systems; theoretical and empirical models, intervention strategies, and research methods relevant to community psychology. (Lec. 3)

PSY 507

Lifestyle and Career Development

(3 crs.) Introduces career development theories and interventions to help clients navigate decision-making. Examines practical application in culturally responsive career interventions tailored to clients’ unique life/work circumstances. (Seminar) Pre: Enrollment in the master's program in Mental and Behavioral Health Counseling program or by permission of instructor.

PSY 520

Human Factors & Ergonomics

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ISE), PSY 520. A study of human capabilities, mental and physical, and their interactions within the systems where they perform their jobs to help optimize design, improve jobs, and enhance system performance. (Lec. 2, Lab. 1) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. This course is not open for the students who have prior credit in the 400-level version (ISE/PSY 420).

PSY 521

Human Systems Engineering

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (ISE), PSY 521. A study of human capabilities via mental processing and decision making models where students will learn to develop, use, and validate models of human cognitive performance for individuals and teams. (Lec. 3) Pre: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.

PSY 532

Experimental Design

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (STA), PSY, AFS 532. Application of statistical methods to biological and psychological research and experimentation. Experimental situations for which various ANOVA and ANCOVA designs are most suitable. (Lec. 3) Pre: STA 409 or equivalent.

PSY 533

Advanced Quantitative Methods In Psychology

(3 crs.) Advanced quantitative methods applied to psychology. Survey of methods such as multiple regression, multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, canonical correlation, principal component analysis, and factor analysis. Applications involve practice with computer programs. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: PSY 532.

PSY 544

Reading Acquisition & Disability: Research & Impl for Pract

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSY), EDC544. Examination of research on the language, cognitive, and reading characteristics of children who successfully learn to read and of those who encounter difficulty. Additional focus on the implications and use of the research for assessment and instruction. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

PSY 581

Psychological Aspects of a Healthy Lifestyle

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (KIN), PSY 581. Considers the psychological processes and behaviors related to exercise participation and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Analysis of models and theories used in exercise psychology, associated research, and the implications for practitioners. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing, PSY 113 and 232, or permission of instructor.

PSY 599

Master's Thesis Research

(1-6 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.

PSY 600

Multicultural Issues in Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice

(3 crs.) Focus is on general issues and concepts relevant to a psychology that is concerned with multicultural populations as sources of enrichment for theory, research, and practice. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing.

PSY 601

Physiological Psychology

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSY), NEU 601. An advanced consideration of research pertaining to the physiological bases of psychological disorders and neurodegenerative disease as well as foundational neuroanatomy, neurotransmission, psychopharmacology, neuroplasticity, neuroimaging, and brain stimulation techniques. (Lec. 3) Pre: Counts as a course for graduate study in Psychology and includes an historical perspective with an emphasis on clinical neuroscience. Graduate standing in the PSY or INP programs or permission of the instructor. It is highly recommended that students have taken a graduate level course in methodology/statistics and psychopathology.

PSY 603


(3 crs.) Theoretical, methodological, and applied issues in life span development, including cognitive, perceptual, psychomotor, affective, and social development. Topically organized. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Lec. 3)

PSY 604

Cognitive Psychology

(3 crs.) A survey of the theoretical and methodological issues in human cognition. Topics include pattern recognition, attention, memory, language, problem solving. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Lec. 3)

PSY 605


(3 crs.) Reading of primary source materials from major personality theorists relevant to a particular topical emphasis. Application and comparative evaluation of the theories studied. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Lec. 3)

PSY 606

Social Psychology

(3 crs.) Intensive exploration of the methods, theory, and database of contemporary social psychology focusing on salient issues that clarify significant topics in this area. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Lec. 3)

PSY 607

Advanced Psychopathology

(3 crs.) A review of the multicultural, theoretical, clinical, and empirical literature related to the development, classification, and diagnosis of psychopathology. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Lec. 3)

PSY 608

Theories and Systems

(3 crs.) An in-depth analysis of the origin and logical structure of major systematic approaches to psychology. Emphasis on significant recurrent controversies. Counts as a 'core course' for graduate study in psychology and includes an historical perspective. (Lec. 3) Pre: graduate standing.

PSY 611

Methods of Psychological Research and Experimental Design

(3 crs.) Provides the student of psychology with a knowledge of research methodology and the techniques of experimental designs. It prepares for the development of thesis problems of graduate students in psychology and related disciplines. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 532 and 533.

PSY 612

Structural Modeling

(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PSY), STA 612. Theory and methodology of path analysis with latent variables. Discussion of 'causation' and correlation, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Measurement and Structural Equation models. Practical applications using current computer programs (e.g. EQS). (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 533 or 610.

PSY 613

Qualitative Research and Analysis in Psychology

(3 crs.) Introduction to qualitative methods and analyses with a focus on interviews, focus groups and visual data methods. Counts as a core methodology course for graduate study in psychology and includes historical and contemporary perspectives in psychology. (Lec. 2, Lab 2) In alternate years. Pre: graduate standing

PSY 614

Evaluation Research Seminar

(3 crs.) Introduction to application of research and consultation methods to program and policy evaluation; emphasizes quantitative methods and utilization focus. Assumes background in social science research methods. (Seminar) Pre: graduate standing.

PSY 615

Collaborative Research In Psychology

(1-3 crs.) Collaborative approaches to methods of psychological inquiry. Special emphasis on topics that can involve students at varying levels of research skill. Format includes weekly seminars and colloquia. (Seminar) May be repeated for a maximum of 24 credits. S/U credit.

PSY 635

Transtheoretical Model Applied to Health Psychology

(3 crs.) The transtheoretical model is an influential comprehensive model of behavior change that has been extensively employed in health psychology. Applications include smoking cessation, exercise, diet, dress, and medication adherence. (Seminar 3) Pre: Graduate standing

PSY 642

Psychotherapy Skills

(3 crs.) Focuses on transdiagnostic and principle-based psychotherapy skills, understanding client dynamics, cultural and ethical considerations, and integrating theory with practice for effective mental health intervention. (Seminar) Pre: Enrollment in the Mental and Behavioral Health Counseling Master's Program or the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, or by permission of instructor.

PSY 643

Multicultural Mental Health

(3 crs.) This course aims to familiarize students with interdisciplinary perspectives on multicultural psychology and mental health in order to facilitate the development of cultural competence in clinical practice. Pre: PSY 672.

PSY 644

Theory and Practice in Group Counseling

(3 crs.) Provides in-depth study of group therapy principles and practices in mental and behavioral health counseling. Emphases on experiential learning and application of group therapy techniques in counseling settings. (Seminar) Pre: Enrollment in the Mental and Behavioral Health Counseling Master's Program, or enrollment in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, or by permission of instructor.

PSY 647

Child Therapy

(3 crs.) Seminar discusses issues, techniques, and research related to behavior changes in children and their families. Aspects of therapy, the role of behavioral approaches, and the participation of parents will be explored. Direct, supervised experience is included in this course. (Lec. 3) Pre: participation in the Psychological Consultation Center.

PSY 660

Clinical Assessment and Decision Making

(3 crs.) Covers basic principles and methods for decreasing error and increasing accuracy in applied clinical work, such as clinical versus actuarial judgment and use of base rates. (Lec. 3) Pre: course in psychological testing.

PSY 661

Psychological Services I: Administration and Interpretation of Cognitive Tests

(3 crs.) Instruction and practice in administration and interpretation of contemporary cognitive tests; individual intelligence tests of both general and specific abilities. Rationale, research evidence, clinical applications. (Lec. 3) Pre: PSY 660.

PSY 662

Psychological Services II: Administration and Interpretation of Personality Tests

(3 crs.) Instruction and practice in the administration and interpretation of instruments used in the assessment of personality. Emphasis on tests such as the MMPI, Rorschach, TAT. Rationale, research evidence, and clinical application. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: PSY 661.

PSY 666

Seminar: Ethical and Legal Issues in Psychology

(3 crs.) Ethical, legal, and professional issues as they relate to the provision of psychological services and psychological research. Emphasis is on the study of ethical issues and the examination of the development of professional standards as they relate to the areas of clinical psychology practice, school psychology practice, and applied research practice. (Seminar)

PSY 670

Field Experience In Psychological Services

(1-12 crs.) Practicum placements and internships are available in a variety of agencies clinical and school settings under supervision. (Practicum) S/U credit.

PSY 672

Individual Clinical Practicum

(3-9 crs.) Introductory experience in dealing with clinical problems in a variety of clinical settings under supervision. (Practicum) Pre: PSY 661, 662. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits. S/U credit.

PSY 690

Seminar: Contemporary Issues In Psychology

(3-12 crs.) Recent developments and current issues. Rigorous exploration of experimental, applied, and theoretical literature. (Seminar) May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.

PSY 692

Directed Readings and Research Problems

(3-12 crs.) Directed readings and advanced research work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the students. (Independent Study)

PSY 693

Directed Readings and Research Problems

(3-12 crs.) Directed readings and advanced research work under the supervision of a faculty member arranged to suit the individual requirements of the students. (Independent Study)

PSY 695

Seminar: Teaching Psychology

(3 crs.) Primarily a seminar in the teaching of psychology at the undergraduate level. Includes a consideration of general issues in college teaching, preparation of a course proposal, and sample presentation. (Seminar)

PSY 696

Practicum: Teaching Psychology

(1-3 crs.) Practicum for students teaching a college-level psychology course. Supervision of course preparation, presentation, and evaluation. (Practicum) S/U credit. Pre: PSY 695 or permission of the Department. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits with permission of the Department.

PSY 697

Research Mentoring and Consultation Practicum

(3-12 crs.) Practicum for students providing mentorship of undergraduate students in research experiences and/or consultation services to the URI community in areas of research methodology, course development, and inclusion practices, among others. (Practicum) S/U only.

PSY 698

Internship in Professional Psychology

(1 cr.) Internship in professional psychology for graduate students matriculating in either Clinical or School Psychology. A required, full-time, off campus, culminating pre-professional practice experience, designed to prepare interns for licensure/certification. (Practicum) Pre: PSY 670 and permission of the Program Director. S/U only

PSY 699

Doctoral Dissertation Research

(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study) S/U credit.