Portia Eastman, a Health Studies major, is coordinating a trip with with the Global Village Program to Retalhuleu, Guatemala this coming January as her honors project. Portia has identified 7 other URI students passionate about health and a team leader from University College to participate in implementing and distributing Healthy Home Kits.
Healthy Home Kits include tools to help bring basic necessities to people living in undeveloped areas. Each kit includes a Bio-sand filter, Eco Stove, Dry compost latrine, and a solar light kit. Each kit cost (US) $1000, and our church body donated over 200 kits!
The URI will install smokeless stoves to improve their health status while reducing fuel spending. The team also will work to provide families with water filters, build latrines, and provide educational trainings to families with the goal of improving water quality, sanitation, and hygiene conditions of low-income families Many of these relatively simple and inexpensive housing solutions will have a dramatic impact on the families’ health and well-being