Track Progress Toward Your Degree

Within e-Campus, students can track progress toward a degree including previewing a “what if” scenario for a change of major. Advisors also have access to this report.

View the Report

  1. Log into e-Campus and click the Academic Progress tile
  2. On the next screen, click Academic Progress on the left-side menu
  3. Get details for any line by clicking on the far-right arrow

Alternate Report View

  1. Log into e-Campus and click the e-Campus tile
  2. In the Self-Service Student Center, under Academics, click Academic Requirements in the drop down box
  3. Click the “Go” circle with the double right arrows
  4. The default view of the report collapses all satisfied requirements and expands all unsatisfied requirements

View a “What if” Report for Change of Major

The default view of the report collapses all satisfied requirements and expands all unsatisfied requirements. Minors are not tracked in this report. Plan to discuss this report with your advisor, who also has access.

Prior to utilizing this tool, Joint Admissions Agreement (JAA) students (these are transfer students from CCRI) should refer to their requirement term, and the catalog associated with such term.

  1. Log in to e-Campus
  2. Click Self Service
  3. Click Degree Progress/Graduation
  4. Click View What-if report
  5. Click Create New Report
  6. Choose your Catalog Year, the set of requirements you will be held to. Normally the catalog year is the term you entered the University. Consult with an advisor if you have questions
  7. Choose your desired new major and concentration if applicable
  8. Click Submit Request